Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1257 Challenge

Chapter 1257 Challenge
Zhuang Jiahua's team is a general, and Li Han is in the same system, but Li Han is now a famous general, and Li Han's shadow is usually not seen. With the downfall of the Cheng family, the Zhuang family began to look up.

Stepping on Lin Yucheng this time was because Zhuang Jiahua wanted to speculate, knowing that the emperor didn't want to see Lin Yucheng, so Zhuang Jiahua took the initiative to show up, but he forgot the relationship between Lin's mansion and Chengwang's mansion.

Moreover, you don't need Cheng Wang's house to get Zhuang Jiahua. The Lin family is a scholarly family, a family of sages and sages, and countless talents have been educated by the Lin family.

In addition to being officials in the court, there are also those who don't like officialdom to go to the academy. It can be said that the world is full of peaches and plums. If you don't have full confidence in declaring war on such a family, very few people will do it.

At this time, Lin Yucheng watched Zhuang Jiahua's performance quietly, letting Zhuang Jiahua's spittle fly all over the sky, Lin Yucheng still didn't care, just watched so quietly, Zhuang Jiahua's confidence was leaking, the more he said, the less confidence he had.

After Zhuang Jiahua finished speaking, Lin Yucheng cupped his hands and said to the emperor: "Everything that General Zhuang said is reasonable. I also think that I have little knowledge, have no merits and demerits, and are not worthy of standing in the court. I would like to ask the emperor to grant the old minister to return to his hometown." .”

Lin Yucheng is right if you don't argue or argue, you are the most reasonable person in the world, I won't argue with you, can I quit!Taking retreat as advance does not care about with a big boss, it depends on the emperor's choice.

The emperor became anxious when he saw this attitude. How about the relationship between the court and the Lin family, almost half of the hall was taught by the Lin family, and the saint apprentices, as well as himself.

Alas, if Lin Yucheng were to be allowed to leave the court, that would be a big joke. I would lose all my face. Is the monarch whom even saints are unwilling to protect is Mingjun?The emperor quickly got up to persuade Zhuang Jiahua to stay, and scolded Zhuang Jiahua by the way.

However, Lin Yucheng played a game of arrogance, that is, I feel that I am not knowledgeable enough, and I plan to go home to study behind closed doors, so let's stop here for the fate of our monarch and minister.

It's okay not to say, but when he said that the emperor was even more anxious, he not only scolded Zhuang Jiahua, but also demoted Zhuang Jiahua's official position to three ranks. Zhuang Jiahua looked dumbfounded and pretended to make a wrong move.

Some people in the hall lowered their heads and snickered, and some people provoked the generals. That means to see the good things you gangsters have done, isn't it embarrassing?Just ask if you are ashamed!

Since ancient times, there has been a conflict between civil and military, and there have been constant struggles. The civil servants are happy to see the generals being beaten up, but the generals are sighing. They also think that Zhuang Jiahua is too much. Don’t you need to discuss it before doing this?
Furthermore, the Lin Mansion is the ancestral home of King Cheng and the Great General. If you do this, you will cause infighting among the generals. Every general also has opinions on Zhuang Jiahua. Many people in the general system admire Li Han very much. Unwilling to conflict with Li Han.

This will see that Zhuang Jiahua has been pushed down three levels, but no one came forward to intercede, and even the usual friendship with Zhuang Jiahua kept their mouths shut. They don't want to be missed by the general.

The general's thinking about them is naturally according to the general's style, that is, fight until he is convinced, think about the general's force value, and then think about his own force value, let's forget it, fighting with the general is to find abuse it.

After repeated attempts by the emperor to stay and the persuasion of the ministers, Lin Yucheng returned to the throne, and he was quite beautiful in his heart. The old man would still let you be demoted to three ranks without saying a word. If it wasn't for Zhuang Jiahua's countless achievements, I really wanted to cheat a big one.

When Lin Yucheng returned to the throne, the emperor's heart was put back in its original place. He did not dare to let the Lin family withdraw from the court. The cold reception is one thing, but the withdrawal is another. The cold reception is only a little rebound. Get out, and the fun will be big.

The emperor secretly wiped off a cold sweat. He didn't expect that Lin Yucheng, like Qin Zixuan, would show signs of being unable to hold back once he rebounded. It seems that it is better not to irritate this master.

Qin Zixuan sat on the roof and looked in the direction of the dealer. Who is he bullying? He happened to be free in Yujing, so he followed the rules of a general. Let's challenge the dealer and see what talents he has.

Bah, what a bad name, Zhuang Jiahua, Zhuangjia, removing the Chinese character is home, it's really lazy and easy, Qin Zixuan was making complaints while thinking about how to challenge, if he went by himself, he would be bullying.

After thinking for a long time, he said leisurely: "It's just a little guy, where we need to take action, just let Yang Shulin take Lan Duo with him. The man will be handed over to Yang Shulin, and the woman will be handed over to Lan Duo. It will save trouble."

"Hey, the young man is still smart, so he made a happy decision. Someone came here to drive me. The general wants to go to the theater with the prince." Li Han followed Qin Zixuan's example and added Xiao Changyin.

So the subordinates didn't say anything about preparing things, they also wanted to go to the theater, so Zhuang Jiahua, who went home to drink, received a challenge post. .

Yang Shulin is so confident, he even pointed out in the post that his husband and wife are going to challenge the dealer, regardless of gender, as long as they can breathe, come on baby, let's start the fight.

The news spread quickly. When Zhuang Jiahua received the invitation, everyone in Yujing knew that the captain of the general Li Han was going to challenge the Zhuang family with his wife.

This caused many good people to run out to watch the show without eating. They saw someone building a high stage in front of the dealer's gate, and the ring was blocked in front of the dealer's gate.

In the palace, the emperor also received the news, and he couldn't laugh or cry. Fortunately, Lin Yucheng didn't leave the court, otherwise he didn't know what Qin Zixuan was doing. That guy was crazy and no one could guess how he would play.

Soon after the arena was set up, Qin Zixuan and Li Han also came, wandering around in sedan chairs, and Qin Ziming followed beside them. This guy was also a spectator, so he ran to find Qin Zixuan when he heard the news.

Just happened to come to watch the play together, when Qin Zixuan arrived, Yang Shulin and Lan Duo jumped onto the ring, and Liu Yi shouted at the top of the stage: "Duo, you have been the owner of the village, don't embarrass the bandits, don't embarrass the old lady!" Play like a bandit."

Lan Duo blushed when she heard this voice, she regarded the experience of being a bandit as a glorious history, so this is the only one who talks about the word "bandit" all day long, and whoever wants to be a bandit is so angry that she is not qualified, so she has learned a lot. Those unscrupulous bandits.

Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at Liu Yi who was riding on a tall horse, and then at Wang Rui who was next to him. He found that the guy had a proud face, and he really didn't feel ashamed to have a bandit wife.

Li Han lay on his back, and said lazily: "People in the Jianghu don't talk so much, they just need to see the right person and pay attention to it, so they don't care what the other person's background is, Mr. Gong, you think too much."

(End of this chapter)

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