Chapter 1258
After Qin Zixuan listened to Li Han's words, he picked his nose. The eldest daughter-in-law is getting better and better, and she can even guess what she is thinking. She is a genius.

Seeing the rich expression changes of the young man, Li Han smiled slightly. She has lived with him for a long time, and she can guess that the young man is not a peaceful person.

On the stage, Yang Shulin had already put on a fighting stance, waiting for Zhuang Jiahua to come on stage. Zhuang Jiahua was so angry that he couldn't flatter him this time, not only lost his official position, but also lost his face. The soldiers blocked the door and started fighting, this face was too hard.

The bankers felt that the general was bullying people. They all said that if they were beaten, they would not be punished.
They all shouted to go up and overthrow them. Of course, the first one to play was not Zhuang Jiahua, but Zhuang Jiahua's eldest son Zhuang Qing. Zhuang Qing had some kung fu in his hands. The people trained by the holy masters are definitely not enough to watch.

Zhuang Qing was young and energetic. He came to the stage with one hand clasped fist, his eyes spewing fire, he said please, followed by a black tiger heart out. There was a suspicion of a robbery here, so the audience booed.

The audience was lively today, not only the common people surrounded the inner layer and the outer layer, but one of the military generals was dispatched one by one, the whole family, old and young, they didn't come here for the banker, they came here to steal the teacher and learn the art.

Even though Yang Shulin is just Li Han's personal captain, he is also a well-known presence among military generals. There are no weak people around the general. Some people even think that sending Yang Shulin out is a bully, and they should send a small personal soldier to the stage.

In fact, Li Han also thinks so, but the candidate is determined by the minister, Li Han will not refute Qin Zixuan's Jinkou on this kind of matter, if the young minister openly lets Yang Shulin take the stage, then Yang Shulin will have to take the stage, this is not negotiable.

There were boos from the audience, and the stage was unambiguous. Yang Shulin watched Zhuang Qing attack with cold eyes, and stepped forward slowly, saying that if I slap you twice, it will be bullying you!

It is true that Yang Shulin did not slap Zhuang Qing twice, but slapped Zhuang Qing on the face with one slap. Fortunately, he controlled the direction well and did not fall to the ground. .

Zhuang Jiahua only felt a burning pain in his old face, this slap was not on his son, but on him, Zhuang Jiahua, it was obvious to slap him in the face!

It is said that the general protects the weak, and now Zhuang Jiahua really understands that he was just a memorial, did not lose any benefits, and was demoted by three ranks, the general, you still come to slap him in the face, it is too much!
Qin Zixuan saw Zhuang Qing smashing it out, clicked his tongue twice and said that it is overkill, cannons are big mosquitoes.

Pfft, the few people around Qin Zixuan burst out laughing. Only the prince of affection and sincerity knew about the big cannon and the mosquito, and killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, the prince of sincerity would just waste it.

After Zhuang Qing fell, Zhuang Jiahua's youngest daughter, Zhuang Li, was not convinced. Many of the daughters of military generals knew a few tricks, and Zhuang Li also learned a few tricks from her father. She heard Liu Yi shouting before, and she didn't believe a bandit leader. Where can it be strong.

This Zhuang Li is also unclear, how can I not believe it, Liu Yi is a living example, that good kung fu, besides the general, ask Liu Yi who else is convinced?

Zhuang Li, who didn't believe in evil, stepped on the stairs and came to the ring. Lan Duo saw a woman, the little lady was good-looking, and she was a good cabbage.

It was Lan Duo's task for the girl to go on stage, so Lan Duo didn't say anything polite to Yang Shulin, she got off her chair and stood in the middle of the ring, looking up and down Zhuang Li with a pair of beautiful eyes, wondering where my slap is appropriate .

Before Lan Duo could think about it, Qin Ziming in the audience was not afraid of death and started shouting, pumping her breasts, pumping her breasts crookedly, it's the biggest there!
Zhuang Li, who was looking at Lan Duo, fell back angrily when she heard the words, and turned her head to stare fiercely at Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan, the underdog, was stared at inexplicably. He really didn't teach this, but Qin Ziming thought of it himself.

Li Han, the short-term general, saw that someone was staring at his dear little husband-in-law, and he also raised his voice and yelled, slapping her breasts, the biggest one on the left!

Well, the general's eyes are really good, he can even tell which one is big and which one is small, Lan Duo on the stage can't laugh or cry, it's okay for King Qin to mess around, why even the general followed suit.

So the audience watching the fun can be regarded as having fun. At first, there were only two people shouting, but later it developed into everyone shouting together. The voice was so loud that even the emperor standing on the roof of the palace heard it. His heart was like a cat's paw. I really want to see it now. .

Zhuang Li's pretty face was flushed, today she had learned the shamelessness of the great general, the idol in her heart disappeared in an instant, and if she worshiped Li Han again, her surname would not be Zhuang!Zhuang Li felt ruthless in her heart and launched an attack first again.

Now Lan Duo is serving the bowl of Prince Cheng's Mansion, and serving the bowl is under the control of others, and the general has spoken, does she dare not to slap Zhuang Li's left breast?The answer is definitely not dare, her family's prosperity and wealth are all in Cheng Wang's mansion, so how dare she go against her master.

So the latter came first, and a slap landed on Zhuang Li's left chest. Zhuang Li screamed and flew towards the dealer's maid. Here, Lan Duo still showed kindness and did not let Zhuang Li fly into the men's group.

Just this is enough for Zhuang Li to choke, think about the strength, and think about that mask, ouch, Qin Zixuan thought for Zhuang Li, it hurts him so much, he said it was too hard.

Qin Ziming sat next to him and smirked, he just saw that the dealer was not pleasing to the eye, who made them have trouble with Prince Cheng's mansion, he had to be ruthless to the enemy, and he was afraid of them once.

Li Han didn't care, he was being polite if he didn't goug her eyes, he stretched his arms around Qin Zixuan's neck, and continued to watch the play happily.

Many people in the audience groaned, it was because of Zhuang Li's pain. Of course, there were also many women who blushed and cursed vixen secretly. If they read correctly, they were looking at their dream lover, Prince Cheng.

Zhuang Li was kicked out of the ring and had no face to stay here anymore. She clutched her chest and ran back to the mansion. In a short time, she was considered ashamed to see others, but this time the embarrassment was too great.

After the beating, Lan Duo went back to the chair and sat down, waiting for the dealer to continue to send people to the field. Today, the task of the husband and wife is to slap the face. Whoever makes Cheng Wangfu unhappy will make him even more unhappy.

Zhuang Jiahua stood there with an angry old face, clenched his hands into fists, and swallowed a mouthful of old blood. The second son standing next to Zhuang Jiahua saw that he quit, and rushed to the ring without waiting for Zhuang Jiahua to speak.

It's not that Zhuang Yang doesn't want to show that he's handsome, it's because the people in Cheng Wang's Mansion are too hurt, the ring they set up is too high, Zhuang Yang thinks he can't jump up.

(End of this chapter)

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