Chapter 1259 Kill
Zhuang Yang pointed at Yang Shulin and yelled at Yang Shulin on stage, cursing Yang Shulin for being too bullying!This guy doesn't dare to scold Qin Zixuan, he only picks soft persimmons for fear of Yang Shulin.Yang Shulin put his hands behind his back with a look of disdain.

He is a captain of the personal army who pinches their dignified general and big family. Do you think he is stupid?Of course, if Prince Cheng and the Great General were behind him, Yang Shulin expressed that he would be happy to squeeze both.

Before this, no one dared to pinch Yang Shulin. He was born in a poor family, and his family was so poor that he couldn't get rid of it. That's why he was sent to be a soldier. Since he was a general, he lived a wonderful life.

Now not only is he doing well, but he has also brought his family into Yujing, bought fields and land, and set up a family business. All this is thanks to the General and Prince Cheng. Usually, Yang Shulin is very low-key, and only Qin Zixuan makes him high-profile. , is a practical and capable good subordinate.

Zhuang Yang's scolding caused a lot of ridicule, especially the generals, the rule of their generals is to fight until they are convinced, and those like Zhuang Yang who can't beat the words are really not welcome.

Besides, it's obvious that your old banker wants to step on him, so you are not allowed to retaliate. This is a bit domineering, and you will not be respected anywhere.

Zhuang Jiahua's eyes scanned the surroundings, and when he saw these generals curling their lips, he knew in his heart that he was outraged by the public. He wanted to flatter the emperor, and then move around to get a luscious position, but he didn't expect the benefits to be lost Show off.

What surprised Zhuang Jiahua was that he didn't see anyone from Lin Fu in the crowd. When did Lin Fu become so noble and not watch such lively things?

Not only Zhuang Jiahua found out, but Qin Zixuan also found out, but Qin Zixuan saw the servants of the Lin family, and knew that the old matriarch Fu was playing with integrity, Qin Zixuan didn't comment on it, and he was free to play as he wanted.

After Zhuang Yang had played, he was too embarrassed to continue cursing, so Yang Shulin said disdainfully, "Tackling like a woman, hit him if you hit him, and get out if you don't hit him!"

Pfft, there was another burst of laughter below, Yang Shulin was a sullen guy, he deliberately used his internal energy to spread his voice far away, and the people watching the excitement could hear it clearly, and Zhuang Yang's ears hurt even more, because Yang Shulin To play tricks, most of the voices were directed at Zhuang Yang.

Zhuang Yang rubbed his ears, his face became very ugly, he could see that it was useless for him to be on the stage, that is, trying to be cheap, cursing a few words to refresh himself, no matter if he couldn't beat Yang Shulin, he rolled his eyes and tried to trick him.

Yang Shulin looked coldly at Zhuang Yang who was rolling his eyes, knowing that this guy was not holding back anything good, cupped his fists and said please, Yang Shulin took the initiative to attack, so he didn't delay Zhuang Yang's time.

Zhuang Yang raised his arm to frame the picture, when he heard a click, his arm was broken by the poplar forest, and it rushed to his face without losing strength. Zhuang Yang only felt his body lighten, and he had already flown into the air.

By the time he landed safely, several people had been smashed under his body. These were servants of the dealer who were in charge of picking up Zhuang Yang. They didn't dare to watch the second young master fall to the ground, it would kill them.

One trick, another trick!Everyone looked at Yang Shulin on the stage and exclaimed. They didn't expect the soldiers under the general's command to be so strong. Are they still human?Looking at Yang Shulin and thinking about Li Han, everyone felt invincible.

The general is an invincible existence, his strength is really nothing to say, it's amazing!A captain with such strength, no wonder he always wins battles, there is a reason for winning.

Yang Shulin beat Zhuang Yang down and stared coldly at Zhuang Jiahua with his hands behind his back. Today he was going to slap Zhuang Jiahua in the face. Anyone who didn't have eyes wanted to step on him, and he didn't even look at who was behind Lin Fu.

Zhuang Jia Huaqi's face was livid, and he clenched his fists to go on stage, but was held back by his third son, Zhuang Ya. This Zhuang Ya was different from the previous two elder brothers, not only did he not look the same, but even his temperament was different.

Both Zhuang Qing and Zhuang Yang are rough men, while Zhuang Ya is white and clean, refined and gentle, with a scholarly air in every gesture, and usually considers herself a scholar.

Seeing that the two elder brothers were defeated at this time, if the father played, the Zhuang family would lose face, Zhuang Yafu whispered a few words in Zhuang Jiahua's ear, Zhuang Jiahua nodded frequently after hearing this, thinking that San'er's idea was too good .

So Zhuang Jiahua didn't play, but stared at Yang Shulin coldly, he didn't believe that Yang Shulin was better than a real martial arts master, and when his third son entered the mansion and persuaded Qing'er's master to come out, hmph, it doesn't matter who loses face Woolen cloth.

When Zhuang Ya returned to the mansion, she soon found Zhuang Qing's master Kuaidao Hongwu. Hong Wu had heard about the outside affairs a long time ago. In fact, he had been watching in the mansion all the time.

One advantage of the ring being set up high is that people from a distance can see it. Hong Wu stood here to see the benefits. He didn't see anything else, but he saw that Yang Shulin and his wife made one move.

They didn't even light up their weapons, so whoever came would be slapped. It was obvious that this couple was here to slap Zhuang Qing in the face. He asked himself that he couldn't slap Zhuang Qing away, but Zhuang Ya's proposal made him feel helpless. way to refuse.

Being an official for thousands of miles is only for money, and his teaching apprentices for thousands of miles is also for money. Zhuang Ya promised that as long as he wins Yang Shulin, he will give him 10 taels of silver. This amount moved Hong Wu's heart.

After hesitating for a while, Hong Wu decided to accept Zhuang Ya's suggestion, for nothing else but money. If he had [-] grains of silver, why would he be a martial artist in a banker? He could go to many places to learn from famous teachers and improve his skills. strength.

After talking about Hong Wu, Zhuang Ya didn't go to see the ring, but slipped out through the back door of the dealer. He knew that Yujing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon had many masters, and Hong Wu alone was not enough to beat Yang Shulin.

The reason why Hong Wu was called to appear on the stage was to delay time. Zhuang Ya wanted to find a master, and it took time.

Seeing Hong Wu coming out, Zhuang Jiahua clasped his hands and said thank you, Master Hong. Hong Wu returned the salute, and then strode up the arena. When he came to the arena, Hong Wu declared himself his family, holding a shiny big knife and posing.

It's just that this appearance made Li Han see the way, and he heard Li Han shouting from below: "The remnants of the Crazy Saber Sect, kill!"

When Hong Wu heard Li Han's voice, a layer of cold sweat broke out from his back. He was only the one who showed up. How did Li Han see that he was from the Crazy Sword Sect?
How did he know that the master is not only his own strength, but also his eyesight is different from ordinary people. Li Han can tell Hong Wu's origin from Hong Wu's posture and force point. This kind of subtle movements cannot be concealed by Hong Wu.

When Yang Shulin heard that it was a remnant of the Crazy Saber Sect, he took the initiative to attack without saying a word. This time, Yang Shulin unleashed a weapon, and a long spear flew towards Hong Wu's throat with a beautiful spear.

(End of this chapter)

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