Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1260 Bald Head

Chapter 1260 Bald Head
My god, Hong Wu yelled secretly, knowing that something bad happened today, and if something bad happened, he would fold it here today. He didn't expect that it would be so difficult to get a hundred thousand grains of silver. Not only did he not make any money, but he also exposed his identity.

Holding a sharp knife to fight, how could he be Yang Shulin's opponent? After only three moves, Yang Shulin shot his dead body and smashed it in front of Zhuang Jiahua. Yang Shulin stared at Zhuang Jiahua coldly, as if he was asking Zhuang Jiahua What do you mean, why do you want to collect the remnants of Mad Saber Sect.

Zhuang Jiahua only felt that his mouth was full of bitterness and there was nowhere to explain it. He didn't know Hong Wu's identity, and he invited him into the mansion to teach his son because of his high martial arts skills. Unexpectedly, alas!
Even Zhuang Ya, who was going to rescue the soldiers, didn't expect that he had done something bad with good intentions, and pushed her family to the forefront. Zhuang Ya went out the back door to fight horses and came to Xijiekou. There are a lot of good and bad people here, Zhuang Ya thought. Start with these people.

Seeing the arrival of your son, this group of people gathered around to introduce their abilities, and wanted to find a job to make money. If such a big thing happened in Yujing, this group of people didn't know it was impossible, but they were forced by life. Although the excitement is good, the premise is that the stomach is full.

In order not to starve themselves, this group of people had no choice but to hold back their curiosity and wait for business here. When they saw a master-employer coming, no one would miss the opportunity, wishing to praise themselves as flowers.

Zhuang Ya also knew that the situation was urgent, so she scanned her eyes for a week and shouted: "Who can defeat Yang Shulin, the captain of the general's personal army? The reward is [-]. If you are confident, follow me now!"

A huge stone fell into the calm lake, splashing a thousand layers of waves, and there were many discussions. Some people lamented, some were disappointed and some were excited. Zhuang Ya was anxious, and shouted several times into the street, attracting many good players to come out Watch Zhuang Ya.

Someone asked in a low voice who this little boy is?Yang Shulin challenged the dealer, what does this little boy have to do with the dealer? They say that the boy has no good intentions, look, this is not bad at all, but the little boy in front of him has no good intentions, and this is to make them enmity with Cheng Wangfu.

However, there were also people who were blindfolded by Yinzi, so they didn't care whether they had grudges with Prince Cheng's mansion or not. Seeing Yinzi's eyes glowing, they wished they could leave with Zhuang Ya right now. Leave with a few heartbeats.

Since the heart is moved, it must be capable, and people without strength dare not take such a difficult business. This is what Zhuang Ya thought in her heart, and she led this group of people like flying horses and went straight to the back door of the dealer.

At the dealer's front door, Qin Zixuan and Li Han were having fun watching. The guards stepped forward to report the latest situation. Only then did Qin Zixuan know that Zhuang Ya had done such a good thing. He couldn't help admiring that kid's quick thinking.

This kind of idea can be thought of, he is a smart person, but unfortunately he didn't use it on the ground, dare to attack himself, no matter who he is, don't even think about it, do you really think that you can hire a master with a little money?

Hehe, Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at the eldest daughter-in-law beside him. This is the real master. Qin Zixuan was not worried about being slapped in the face, so he waved his hand to let the guards back down and continue watching the show.

In the arena, Yang Shulin had already defeated 129 servants. Looking at the servants queuing up, Yang Shulin's eyes flashed with anger, and he repositioned Zhuang Jiahua's character. He was either on the battlefield or a hot-blooded man.

Zhuang Jiahua in front of him really didn't know what kind of shit luck he had to get him to his current position. If he was from the same army as him, he would have been kicked away a long time ago. What kind of man dare not fight.

While Yang Shulin was cursing inwardly, Zhuang Ya led several masters into the dealer's house through the back door, and then rode all the way to the front door, then dismounted and walked out the front door.

Although Yang Shulin had been beating the servant angrily, his eyes were not idle. Naturally, he saw the arrival of the righteous lord, so he was going to rescue the soldiers. I don't know how skillful the rescuers are, but it is worth Zhuang Jiahua's shameless way of fighting.

As Zhuang Ya brought people over, Zhuang Jiahua felt the pressure was greatly reduced. He was really anxious to death just now, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't withstand so many stares. Anyway, his old face was completely humiliated today.

Zhuang Ya raised her hand to the arena, and shouted in a low voice: "Everyone, if you want to make money, please go to the arena. Whoever wins will get a lot of money."

The first one to rush to the ring was a bald man, and when he came to the ring, the two sides had a fight, without saying a word, and Qin Zixuan looked lazily at the bald man on the stage, and asked Li Han what was the origin of that bald head.

Li Han's knowledge in this area can be described as a knowledge base. When Qin Zixuan asked, Li Han answered like a robot, attracting several people around.

The origin of that bald head is very simple. A fugitive from Northern Shaolin, it is said that he was born in eighteen arhats. He escaped from Shaolin because he couldn't bear the temptation of sex. He has been hunted down by Shaolin all these years. I didn't expect him to hide in Yujing.

This bald head is not only a Shaolin fugitive, but also a famous flower picker. There are eighty girls who have misfortune, and there are rewards for those who have silver, but unfortunately they didn't catch the bald head.

This kind of identity dares to appear in the arena, it can only be said that money is touching, the bald head is tempted by a hundred thousand silver, and he has forgotten his origin, maybe he thinks that no one will know him.

In short, the origin of the bald head was explained one by one by Li Han. Qin Zixuan opened his mouth, thinking of Shaolin, he thought of Shaolin in his previous life, and wanted to know if it was a different one. .

In this way, Qin Zixuan's throbbing news about Bei Shaolin has not yet developed to that extent. Considering that even a fugitive can't be wiped out, this strength is really not enough.

Qin Zixuan murmured, and lay down lazily to watch the show. Li Han looked bored, and reached out to feed Qin Zixuan a pot of peanuts, and brought a pot of wine by the way. It is also going further and further away.

Qin Zixuan ate and drank while watching, the small life was very enjoyable, but he hooked out the wine worms of the spectators next to him, the wine that King Cheng brought out was Dukang, which was not available in the market, everyone was greedy after smelling it, and tried hard one by one Sniff.

Qin Zixuan looked at the people around him, rubbed his chin and shook his head, thinking that beer had occupied the Chinese market at an incredible speed back then, but he didn't expect that the beer he produced could not reach this speed, and the sales volume is still sluggish now.

Looking at the reactions around him, Qin Zixuan understood the reason, because this group of people love liquor too much, look at the way they sniff, ouch, just like old poisonous insects.

The bald head and Yang Shulin fought wonderfully on the stage, Yang Shulin was a bit conservative in the fight, because he was here to slap the face, not to kill, but to be merciful, but the bald head had no scruples. The one who escaped for his life had no mercy on Yang Shulin.

(End of this chapter)

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