Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1261 A Wise Woman

Chapter 1261 A Wise Woman

Qin Zixuan saw that Yang Shulin was suffering too much. This kid is not a master who can suffer. He immediately shouted: "Kill him, kill that monk Hua!"

Hearing this order, Yang Shulin was overjoyed. He is a soldier carrying out military orders. The prince said that if he killed him, he would kill him. According to his understanding of Qin Zixuan, this monk Hua is not a good person, otherwise the prince would not have issued such an order.

So Yang Shulin knew how to strike, and he didn't have to worry about hurting people's lives by mistake. The scene was reversed. After three moves, Monk Hua was killed on the spot. Yang Shulin stopped his move and turned his eyes to the people standing behind Zhuang Jiahua.

Some of these guys flinched on the spot, they are here to make money, not to die, even if they can't beat Monk Hua, it's useless to play, so let's retreat to the side to watch the excitement.

Li Han's eyes also fell on those people, and said in a low voice: "The ones who came this time are not experts, they are just living in Yujing, Zhuang Ya's calculation is really wrong, and those who are capable Wouldn't do such a thing."

"That's not necessarily true. If you spend tens of millions of dollars, you can still hit the master." Qin Zixuan raised his head proudly. It's true that the master is proud, but it doesn't mean that money can't move their hearts.

Li Han raised her eyebrows, what Xianggong said was right, so she wouldn't stand up to him. It would be unwise to do that. A wise woman would follow Xianggong's words, and stand behind him at critical times.

"Zhuang Jiahua shot himself in the foot this time. He must have never expected King Cheng's reaction to be so strong. It seems that Zhuang Jiahua's good luck will end after today."

"That's right, who told him to piss off the big boss, and didn't even look at the weight of the Lin family and Cheng Wang's family. Can he, a newly promoted general, step on it? His bones are not strong but he is brave. He deserves to be unlucky."

"You can't say that, why do I feel that King Cheng is a bit bullying this time, don't you think?"

Um!As soon as the strange voice came out, the eyes of the surroundings were focused, and the person who spoke up for the banker immediately shrank his neck. He should disappear, or else he would be beaten to death.

Qin Zixuan watched the battle in the arena leisurely. The few people Zhuang Ya invited were also not Yang Shulin's opponents. This disappointed Zhuang Ya. Arrived at Zhuang Jiahua.

The dignified general can't even beat his own soldiers, how embarrassing it is to spread the news, Zhuang Jiahua really doesn't want to play, looking at Qin Zixuan, wondering if begging for mercy will have any effect?

Cheng Tao mixed in the crowd, looked at the poplar grove on the stage, and then at Prince Cheng not far away, with a look of envy in his eyes, he was very familiar with the poplar grove, he had tried it before, but now he was not qualified.

"Cousin, what are you thinking?" Qin Zihui asked aloud, and Fan Shijie also looked at Cheng Tao, knowing that his cousin was unhappy. Comfortable.

"It's nothing, Yang Shulin's martial arts is really good." Cheng Tao smiled, and didn't want to tell his cousin the troubles in his heart, saying it was useless, what else could he do except make his cousin sad.

Ask the cousin to talk to the emperor, forget it, that person doesn't want to see the cousin, he will be embarrassing himself if he goes, who would have thought that once he became powerful, he would turn his face and deny others, Cheng Tao would only think that he was blind at the beginning, and he swallowed the bitter fruit .

"Cousin, why don't I discuss it with my cousin, you can learn a few tricks from the general, even though the emperor is not waiting for us now, we should learn more martial arts, do you think it will work?"

Qin Zihui is a smart person, she knows that her cousin is sad, and she also knows that her cousin is doing it for her own good, so she may not get any response to begging the emperor, but begging Qin Zixuan is different.

Don't look at Qin Zixuan's unreasonable bastard, Qin Zihui knows very well that Qin Zixuan is the most loyal, and everyone will abandon her, but Qin Zixuan will not.

Usually, when I am proud, I may not see Qin Zixuan, but when I am frustrated, I just reach out and the person who holds her must be Qin Zixuan. Qin Zihui believes in her sixth sense.

Cheng Tao didn't respond, his eyes fell on Yang Shulin, and he said after a while: "You don't need to beg them, I will go by myself, how can I hide behind a woman as a man."

Fan Shijie took a deep look at Cheng Tao. This cousin is a real man. Compared with those in the Tian family, the people from the Cheng family are more humane.

Qin Zixuan met Zhuang Jiahua's gaze, stood up with his hips crossed, and took a deep breath of his dantian Qi. Li Han smiled and got up and stood side by side with Mr. Xianggong, even if it was embarrassing, the two of them should be together.

Pointing at Zhuang Jiahua with his right hand, Qin Zixuan yelled and burst into anger, he wants to let Zhuang Jiahua understand why he blocked the door, do you really think you are someone?

"Zhuang Jiahua, you shameless bastard, stealing the military merits of your subordinates, envious of good generals and forcing young and promising soldiers to death, killing good men and pretending to be meritorious, you black-hearted fellow, where do you have the face to stand in the court? "

As soon as Qin Zixuan opened his mouth, it was big news. The surrounding people were in an uproar, and they looked at Zhuang Jiahua with unkind eyes. Most of them are ordinary people here, and their promotion path is military merit and imperial examination.

Reading is not for everyone, but being a soldier is something every family has to face, especially those with many sons. The children of ordinary families start as soldiers.

Zhuang Jiahua stole the military merits of his subordinates, and their relatives might have a share. It really aroused the resentment of hundreds of people. They pointed at Zhuang Jiahua and said everything, and some people scolded at the top of their voices.

Qin Zixuan cursed and they cursed, the scene was so beautiful, Zhuang Jiahua who scolded directly turned green, he didn't expect Qin Zixuan to have his black history in his hands, few people knew about those things.

Turning around to look at his own soldiers, could it be that they betrayed him?If you think about it, you can't. The family members of these people are tied to the dealer. If they betray themselves, don't they worry that their family members will be retaliated against?
"Zhuang Jiahua, you shameless bastard, what qualifications do you have to criticize the Lin family? How many characters have you learned, how many beautiful articles have you written, what poems and songs have you written? You are an old man who doesn't understand anything. , why do you accuse the saint's mansion?"

Qin Zixuan changed his style of speaking and began to speak out for the Lin family. Today he will tell everyone why Qin Zixuan came here. It is not acceptable to attack Prince Cheng's residence, nor to attack his relatives and friends.

Zhuang Jiahua's face was red when he was told, Qin Zixuan not only blocked the door and used force to tell Zhuang Jiahua that you are a waste, but also attacked from the heart, hacking Zhuang Jiahua from the inside out, and only then was he satisfied.

He came back to Yujing to find fault, but he didn't expect that everyone would be smart enough not to fight him head-on, Qin Zixuan was lonely and bored, he had to find someone unlucky to step on.

(End of this chapter)

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