Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1262 Under the imperial decree

Chapter 1262 Under the imperial decree

In the palace, the emperor finished watching the real-time broadcast, and walked back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation with his back on his back. He didn't know what was going on in his heart. When he came to the map, he looked at the map of the Suzaku Empire, and his heart began to feel ruthless.

Since Qin Zixuan and Li Han are so capable, let them fight the Suzaku Empire. Hmph, if Qin Zixuan really wins the world, then Qin Zixuan must help him fight this world.

The emperor's gloomy eyes shot out a sharp blade-like cold light, and his hands were tightly clenched into fists. Since they couldn't avoid it, let them take over the military power and fight the Suzaku Empire to the death.

Just when the emperor got angry, Qin Zixuan had already returned from a big victory, and brought a large team to the hot pot restaurant to celebrate. Qin Ziming followed beside him, dancing happily, looking at the poplar forest from time to time, envious. I really want to get this kind of bodyguard. .

Qin Zihui, Fan Shijie and others were also in the celebration team. Qin Zihui is a smart leader. Since the emperor doesn't want to see her and suppresses her and the Cheng family everywhere, then stop flattering the emperor and hang out with Cheng Wangfu.

Anyway, King Cheng has a lot of good things, and he is not snobbish, and he will not step forward because he loses power. On the contrary, he still protects himself very much, even more than when his father was around.

Everyone sat down, Qin Zixuan looked at Qin Zihui's face, he was no longer as sad as before, he seemed to understand a lot, Fan Shijie pulled Qin Zixuan to discuss poetry and poetry, Qin Zixuan was frightened and didn't want it.

My brother-in-law is good at everything, but he likes poetry and songs. Qin Zixuan said that I don't like it. I only like eating, drinking and having fun. Cheng Tao looked at Li Han from time to time while eating, with an expression of something to say.

After the meal, the expression didn't end, it became more and more intense. Qin Zixuan, a bad boy, just sat there and watched the joke.

Qin Ziming shook the cup in his hand, and couldn't stand Cheng Tao's expression, so he couldn't help but said: "Young General Cheng, you are constipated, and if you have something to say, you can say it like you don't want to say it, who is it for. "

Talking too directly, Cheng Tao's thick skin couldn't stand it, and he blushed all of a sudden, Qin Zihui slapped Qin Ziming on the head angrily, whether he can speak, or if he can't speak, don't speak.

Cheng Tao took a few deep breaths, finally made up his mind, cupped his hands and said to Li Han, "General, I want to be your personal soldier, please accept me."

What?The people at the table were all stunned. They wanted to be the general's personal soldier, which meant that Cheng Tao had to surrender his allegiance. He was the grandson of old general Cheng and the soul of the Cheng family's generation.

"No." Li Han replied simply, and Cheng Tao's face was instantly filled with disappointment. He really wanted to become stronger. Only when he became stronger could he do whatever he wanted and live like a human being.

But the Cheng family's martial arts secret books are just that. Although they copied a part of it when Shangguan's family copied it, the secret book has no mental method, and the progress of cultivation is very slow. If you want to achieve success in cultivation, you can only rely on famous teachers.

There are many famous teachers in Daqin, but none of the Cheng family can vote for them. The high ones are out of reach, and the low ones are despised. This is the current problem of the Cheng family. He wants to join the four major families, but the problem is that they don't like him.

Qin Zixuan looked at Cheng Tao and shook his head and said, "You are too old and you have already missed the best time for cultivation. If you really want to do something for the Cheng family, then you can be a military commander by the general's side in the future."

Alas, Cheng Tao is still very disappointed, but it's good to be with the general. It's good to be a general if you can't be a soldier, but you don't know when there will be battles. There are not many opportunities for a general to lead troops. Your Majesty Do not trust them.

While chatting, everyone's butler came in to look for Qin Zixuan, saying that the emperor's imperial decree had arrived at Cheng Wang's mansion, and the two of them were invited to go back to receive the decree. If this happened, the meal would be unbearable, and everyone had to disperse.

In Prince Cheng's mansion, it was Xiaodouzi, the chief eunuch, who came to issue orders. Xiaodouzi's current status is different from that of the past. In the past, he only had to stand when he entered Prince Cheng's mansion, but now he sits high in the hall.

Standing next to Xiaodouzi was a servant girl who would add some tea to Xiaodouzi's cup from time to time. Sitting on top of Xiaodouzi was Princess Cheng. Qin Zixuan was not there and Princess Cheng had to come out to meet her.

Concubine Cheng asked Xiaodouzi about the purpose of this trip, Xiaodouzi did not reveal a word, only said that it would be clear after receiving the imperial edict, Taifei Cheng felt unhappy when she heard Xiaodouzi's haughty tone, a little The eunuch dared to flirt with her, this matter is quite weird.

The unhappy Concubine Cheng put away the smile on her face, put on a businesslike look, and didn't say a word with Xiaodouzi, if she really wanted to show her identity, Xiaodouzi was a fart, Taifei Cheng's aloofness was high Yes, Xiaodouzi was frightened, worried that King Cheng would come back to settle accounts with him.

This tea was not good, the colder Taifei Cheng's face became, the deeper Xiaodouzi's heart sank, the previous arrogance disappeared, and she started to accompany Xiaoxin to find something to talk about, but Taifei Cheng didn't want to stop talking now .

There is a saying that Xiaodouzi said is very correct, that is, everything will be clear after receiving the imperial edict, so why ask him an eunuch, it is unnecessary.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han came back into the hall, feeling the atmosphere was right, Qin Zixuan turned cold and stared at Xiaodouzi, scared Xiaodouzi knelt down as soon as the cup was put down, Xiaodouzi was really afraid of Qin Zixuan now, afraid of being beaten.

"Prepare to receive the order." Concubine Cheng didn't even look at Xiaodouzi, she snorted coldly, Qin Zixuan had to retract her raised foot, and ran to Concubine Cheng's side to help her go out.

Xiaodouzi swallowed his saliva, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, he was almost about to be beaten just now, Prince Cheng seems to be addicted to beating him, he beats him when he encounters unpleasant things, it's like beating the emperor!
When they came to the courtyard, the incense burner and other things were ready, and Xiaodouzi went to the case to announce the decree. Qin Zixuan's family of three stood there and waited quietly, wanting to see if the emperor would reward or punish him this time.

Unexpectedly, this time there will be neither reward nor punishment, but Qin Zixuan is ordered to send troops with a hundred powerful troops to conquer the Suzaku Empire.

This is not going to conquer the Suzaku Empire, this is going to die. The Suzaku Empire expedition to the Great Qin, the Great Qin fought by millions of troops retreated step by step, losing a large piece of land, and the occupied places are still crying.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han looked at each other, the corners of their lips were raised, they were thinking of how to find an excuse to leave Daqin, when the emperor sent an imperial decree and a million troops, it's really good, sleepy sent a long pillow, too Cool.

Qin Zixuan tilted his head and motioned for Li Han to take the order. He still had to comfort his mother, and see how his mother would be angry.

Li Han received the imperial decree, and his eyes fell on Xiaodouzi, who looked at Xiaodouzi's body, and the general's eyes were too sharp, Xiaodouzi didn't dare to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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