Chapter 1265
Li Han's utterance relieved the emperor's siege, and he saw Qin Zixuan sitting down in the middle of the hall, took out a beggar chicken from his sleeve and ate it on the spot, the fragrance was overflowing and evoked the sound of swallowing saliva.

The emperor sitting on the dragon chair was so angry that his face turned blue. Xiaodouzi stood next to the emperor, his face twitching, but he didn't have the courage to drink a sip. Xiaodouzi knew that the emperor would not offend Prince Cheng for a slave.

And Li Han wouldn't make his strikes lighter just because the emperor was present, not only not light but even heavy, Xiaodouzi knew it in his heart, so he opened his mouth a few times without yelling.

"Bold, who in the hall dares to be presumptuous!" Xiaodouzi dare not Xiao Anzi dare, Xiao Anzi is Wei Dehai's godson, after Wei Dehai left, Xiao Anzi has become a child who has no father's love, and will seize the opportunity to show his life.

Xiao Anzi knew that after shouting, he would definitely be unlucky, but Xiao Anzi knew better that after bad luck came good luck, the emperor would definitely look up to him because of this, and he might climb to the position of godfather.

There was a sound of thunder on the flat ground, and Qin Zixuan shivered for a moment. This bastard's timidity hadn't been cured completely, and he was quite frightened by Xiao Anzi's shout. He reacted with a burst of annoyance, and rushed towards Xiao Anzi angrily.

Li Han's heart aches when she sees her husband, damn it, she couldn't bear to yell, why should an eggless eunuch yell, so Li Han got so angry that she picked up a chicken bone and threw it at Xiao Anzi.

You want to please the emperor, get promoted and get rich, so let's make your spring and autumn dream come true. Do you think the emperor is the former emperor?Do you think he will remember what you did?impossible!

Li Han threw it very skillfully, four chicken bones got into Xiao Anzi's limbs, and fell down in the hall with a plop, two pairs of limbs were crippled, Xiaodouzi wiped cold sweat from watching, so let's say that these two people are not easy to mess with.

Xiao Anzi screamed in pain, and when he thought about it, he realized that his limbs could not use his strength. He knew that the general had done something cruel, and he was crippled by the general!
Li Han didn't speak after the beating, and stared at the emperor with his hands behind his back, waiting for the emperor to get angry, but he didn't expect the emperor to be patient, he was so angry that he would not get angry.

The emperor understood in his heart, these two came to find trouble when they looked up, the majestic prince didn't wear royal clothes, but ran to the hall to eat chicken in a commoner clothes, didn't he just want to provoke him?He was not fooled.

Not only was he not fooled, the emperor also said that Xiao Anzi roared at the hall, the crime is to beheaded, and asked the guards to bring Xiao Anzi to the Meridian Gate to behead him, don't do bad things here, and asked Qin Zixuan with a smile when he was done.

I am satisfied with your sister!Qin Zixuan said that he had never seen such a thick-skinned person who could pretend to be a grandson even with his face beaten up like this. Qin Zihe's grandson is really not an ordinary person, no wonder he was able to pretend for most of his life not to be discovered by others.

Qin Zixuan didn't say anything, and Li Han didn't say anything. Apart from ordering away a few generals, he just stood in the hall and watched Qin Zixuan eat chicken.

This early in the morning, they eat some snacks in the morning, and they are hungry now. The grandson is sitting there eating chicken, who is he greedy for?
A chicken entered, Qin Zixuan wiped his hands, Li Han handed over a water bag, Qin Zixuan took a few sips of it, wiped his mouth and patted his stomach, he was satisfied, it could be regarded as having fed his internal organs.

After eating and drinking enough, it's time to get down to business, Qin Zixuan took out a list from his arms and shouted: "Give me food and grass, and I won't send troops if I miss a grain."

After speaking, Qin Zixuan rushed up and rolled his eyes, the emperor was immediately annoyed, feeling that he did all this to anger him, well, it was just food, I don't believe that he can use up all of Daqin's food.

The emperor took the list presented by the eunuch, the number on it shocked the emperor, this food and grass is enough to feed millions of troops for ten years, what is Qin Zixuan trying to do?
"Qin Zixuan, what do you mean?" The emperor slapped the list on the table, and asked loudly, the emperor couldn't help it now, isn't it embarrassing.

"Literally, it will take five months to march from Daqin to the Suzaku Empire. The weather is good and there will be no storms, dragons, and whirlwinds. If you encounter such ghostly weather, it will not only affect the speed of progress, but even destroy the ship. .

The food and grass for ten years is not much, and the consumption and accidental loss on the way of this expedition, the food and grass will only be enough for the army for two years at most, as for why the emperor should understand in his heart. "

Qin Zixuan shook his clothes, rolled his eyes, and the emperor said that I really don't understand why ten years of food and grass can only be enough for two years, and the army can eat for half a year on the road, but in the Suzaku Empire, there will be no food and grass for a year and a half at most?The emperor didn't believe it.

Yu Changqing, the new minister of the household department, stepped forward and asked Qin Zixuan how the account was settled?Yu Changqing will now understand why King Cheng pointed at him, feelings are waiting here, he is in charge of the Ministry of Accounts, he can't do it.

Qin Zixuan leaned towards Yu Changqing and said that it is terrible to be uneducated, so he asked Yu Changqing if he knew the accident rate at sea?Yu Changqing really doesn't know about this, but of course he still knows about the accident at sea.

The most sensational one was Qin Ziming, who went out as a fat man and came back as a skinny monkey. He sought many doctors to recuperate him but it didn't work. He is still a monkey now.

Next, Qin Zixuan used data to slap Yu Changqing in the face. In this era, the accident rate of going to sea is not generally high. Going to sea means fighting for fate. Qin Zixuan doesn't use others as an example, but uses the spy sent by the emperor as an example.

The emperor sent a large number of spies to explore the West Sea, and no one has returned so far. Tang Shiqiang has also been away for several months. Except for the initial news, there is no bird shadow.

This metaphor is too good to use, it hurts the emperor's liver, can this be the same?They don't know anything about the situation in the West Sea. It's a little bit of exploration, and losses are inevitable, but the South China Sea is different.

The spies of Daqin in the South China Sea have traveled back and forth many times, and of course the loss rate is not low. Most of the spies died in the vast sea. The news sent back every year is quite precious, and it is quite difficult for the emperor to eat and sleep.

Every news is telling the emperor that the Suzaku Empire is really strong, they have strong soldiers, strong horses and sufficient food and grass, and they are preparing to attack Daqin massively, preparing to wash Daqin with blood, and avenge the fallen soldiers.

Whenever the emperor's heart is raised like this, he is really afraid that one day when he wakes up, the invaders of the Suzaku Empire have already landed, and they only have a million soldiers. The Great Qin will be defeated steadily. Soldier, can Daqin still hold on?

This is the reason why the emperor loves and hates Qin Zixuan. He is afraid of losing Qin Zixuan and losing the world, and also afraid that Qin Zixuan will gain power and rob him of the world.

Qin Zixuan used his perfect eloquence to refute Yu Changbiao, who was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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