Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1266 Asking Too Much

Chapter 1266 Asking Too Much
Yu Changqing didn't say anything about Qin Zixuan, and bowed his head and drooped his ears and retreated to his shift, thinking about where to squeeze out the food and grass for the past ten years. The previous copying of a few companies did make the national treasury enough, but it can't be spent like that.

To run out of food and grass, Qin Zixuan needs armaments. Armaments are not much, they are all rationed, but more bullets are given. In Qin Zixuan's words, if our 100 million soldiers want to destroy the Suzaku Empire, it will be one enemy against a thousand, so the bullets must be enough. , you have to prepare ten times as much as Anqian.

Minister of the Ministry of Industry stepped forward to argue with Qin Zixuan, that is, he didn't have so many bullets, besides, could these soldiers shoot so many bullets?If it is snatched by the enemy, wouldn't it be an enemy.

As soon as the words came out, Li Han gave him a beating. Not being able to speak is a big problem. What does it mean to be an enemy?

Minister of the Ministry of Industry was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face and returned to his shift. He didn't dare to speak too much. If he said too much, he would be in tears. The emperor sat on the dragon chair and ended the fight himself. This time Li Han was too embarrassed to do anything.

The emperor finally came to an end, which moved everyone very much. King Cheng and the general were too scary, they started fighting at the slightest disagreement, but the emperor couldn't talk about Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan had a good reason.

He settled such a deal with the emperor, you asked me to destroy the Suzaku Empire, I agreed, and I am ready to send troops, but do you know the current strength of the Suzaku Empire?

The emperor nodded, of course he knew that the current military strength of the Suzaku Empire is conservatively estimated at 5000 million, because the Suzaku Empire has been expanding outwards, and they have never stopped conscription.

After counting the military strength, Qin Zixuan and the population of the Suzaku Empire, the military strength is really small compared to the population. The current population of the Suzaku Empire is around 6 million.

How many soldiers are there in the 6 million, even if it is one out of ten, there are still 6 million soldiers, so ten times the bullet safety is not too much.

If you don't want me to take down the Suzaku Empire, then you should have said earlier, let's go to the Suzaku Empire and come back. You can prepare as many bullets as you like, but if you want to destroy the Suzaku Empire, you have to prepare as I said.

Qin Zixuan spoke with great confidence, the emperor called him poor, and at the same time pointed out that one-time preparation is so impossible, they can be sent to the Suzaku Empire in batches in the future, Qin Zixuan pouted after saying this, bluntly saying that I don't trust you all.

Qin Zixuan circled his fingers, including the emperor and all the ministers. Everyone turned their backs angrily, and said that King Cheng Erer hardly knows how to be a human being. See if this rumor is not false at all. One word offends one vote people.

Someone stood up and asked Qin Zixuan who do you trust?Why do you not trust the emperor?When Qin Zixuan said something, I believed in myself, why not, you believe in the emperor, then you lead the troops to the Suzaku Empire, and I will pass the imperial decree to you now.

So the minister who jumped out quickly returned to his position. He really didn't dare to accept this. He knew that it was a dead end, and he would accept the imperial edict because of his brainlessness. Everyone could see that Qin Zixuan was resisting the edict in a different way.

Not only the ministers thought so, even the emperor thought so. The subsequent development also confirmed everyone's assumptions. Qin Zixuan wanted a lot of things.

They didn't know that Qin Zixuan wanted it for Dahai and the Yangtze River. Qin Zixuan was worried that Dahai and his army would rush to the Suzaku Empire and they would not be able to keep up with the food and grass, and they had to support the Yangtze River. Of course, they had to ask the emperor for more.

Anyway, Qin Zixuan left his words here. If he doesn’t meet the requirements, he won’t send troops. We’re just wasting our time. Someone proposed to let Prince Cheng’s mansion provide some support. Qin Zixuan pointed at his clothes. I’m so poor, how dare you ask me to pay ?
Now everyone understood why Qin Zixuan was waiting for them here in plain clothes and worn-out shoes. His Majesty Cheng sent troops this time to send him to death, and he didn't plan to pay to send him on the road.

The most terrible thing is that Qin Zixuan pointed at the hapless guy and said, "I remember you, you are Wu Kaihua, the servant of the Ministry of Rites. Huh, wait a minute, we have enmity, and our enmity must be resolved before we send troops." Make it clear, just wait!"

Wu Kaihua's face turned green on the spot, and he wanted to slap himself a few times. King Cheng is not dead yet, why did he jump up and step on it?
Li Han stood there straight when Qin Zixuan was asking for money and food. Anyone who had an opinion would just shoot him with a look. battle.

Among the six departments, the happiest one was the Ministry of Rites, because Qin Zixuan searched around but couldn't find the Ministry of Rites, but Wu Kaihua jumped out on his own, trying to smack him to death.

Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at the emperor whose face was all over his head, cleared his throat, and said, "Our Great Qin governs the country with filial piety and treats people with courtesy. Since I want to send troops, I naturally have to be courteous first and then soldiers. The Ministry of Rites, please send me another hundred." ten.

The face of the minister of the Ministry of Rites also stepped down. Lin Yucheng watched Qin Zixuan standing in the hall with his tongue half-opened to judge the officials, and withdrew pieces of fat from the treasury. Now he will focus on the Ministry of Rites again.

The emperor thought that as long as you go to conquer the Suzaku Empire, let alone send a hundred officials from the Ministry of Rituals, I will give you a thousand. The emperor was about to answer, when Qin Zixuan said that it is fine to be below the fifth grade. It is terrible to be uneducated. I want high energy.

The emperor wants to spray Qin Zixuan to death with a mouthful of old blood. Are there 100 officials of the Ministry of Rites above the fifth rank?where?The Minister of Rites glared at Wu Kaihua, and interjected that Wu Kaihua would definitely join the team, and you can accept him below the fifth rank.

Wu Kaihua suddenly felt hopeless in life, and wished he could sew up this troublesome mouth, didn't he mean to wait for the meeting?Shouldn't it be a long time to wait? How can it be settled in a blink of an eye.

In the main hall, the emperor was forced by Qin Zixuan to have no choice but to agree to Qin Zixuan's conditions, but to see how Qin Zixuan transported them away. I just realized that Qin Zixuan has added conditions. This time the trip is on official business, so the boats needed must be prepared by Daqin , he is not ready to drop.

After saying this, without looking at how ugly the emperor's face was, he took Li Han's hand and walked away. After finishing the mission, he went home to rest. Li Han followed Qin Zixuan with a smile, very proud, this is her Little Xianggong, great skill!

The emperor went to Qingning Palace after the court, saw Empress Lu, and told what happened in the hall, Empress Lu let out a sigh of relief, and said that Qin Zixuan would not be so obedient, seeing the fox's tail exposed, he thought Will this stop the army from setting off?
Empress Lu and the emperor discussed countermeasures, which was to use public opinion to force Qin Zixuan to send troops. As for Qin Zixuan's request, he should not accept a single one. How could there be so many things for him? Empress Lu's suggestion was approved by the emperor. As a royal family, it is natural to serve the country Relieve your worries.

(End of this chapter)

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