Chapter 1272
On the sea, the warship covered the sky, colorful flags fluttered, gongs and drums vibrated, and shouts abounded. Qin Zixuan stood at the bow of the ship, and following an order, the warship sailed towards the South China Sea.

The spies guarding the shore paid their attention one after another. Somewhere on the warship, a bird left the ship. It was unknown where the bird flew to. Qin Zixuan stared at the distant sea with a smile on his lips.

In the South China Sea, Fang Xiang and all the soldiers are already waiting on the boat. This trip is life and death. He is a soldier who obeys orders and obeys the command. The emperor asked him to attack the Suzaku Empire. Shouting I am not reconciled.

Fang Yang sat in the opposite direction, raised his glass and swallowed, his face was full of bitterness, what could he say, as if he had nothing to say, but he still had a lot to say in his heart.

At dusk, Qin Zixuan's big boat appeared in sight. On the bow, Qin Zixuan and Li Han were sitting together playing four-player mahjong. There were also a few people watching the excitement and some following the trend to bet.

Qi Lin stood on the deck with his hands clasped, looking at the bustling people from a distance, his face was full of anger, he actually took the lead in playing mahjong while the army was marching, King Cheng was too unreliable.

The few standing beside Qi Lin were the generals that Li Han called for. Zhang Henshui shook his head slowly, with a wry smile on his face. They all said that King Cheng used his soldiers like a god. Zhang Henshui really didn't realize that King Cheng was making trouble.

"I didn't expect that the general would make trouble with King Cheng. Before they started fighting with the Suzaku Empire, they fought first." Wang Tong sighed and shook his head for a while, only to feel that there was darkness in front of him.

Alas, Qi Lin let out a long sigh, the anger on his face seemed to be on fire, he really wanted to go over and overturn the table, this is not how a prince or a general behaves, this is a gangster on the street.

"No, I want to speak to the general. If I continue to play like this, the morale of the army will be ruined." Zhang Henshui slapped his thigh and shouted bitterly. He made a full posture to run to Qin Zixuan's side, but he waited for a while and found that no one pulled him. he.

This is embarrassing, Zhang Henshui touched his nose and put away his posture, Qi Lin turned his face away from Zhang Henshui, who is he doing it for, just like Li Han, who dares to provoke, if he doesn't provoke, he will be beaten.

Qin Zixuan held his cards and looked back at the generals, laughing like fools, and found that the old general was quite funny, why didn't they talk about cross talk.

"Ignore them, let's continue playing." Li Han yelled without turning his head, and then played a two-ball, Liu Yi yelled to eat, Bai Jing stared at the cards and continued to count cards, not caring about those old guys .

When the warship arrived at Poshan Island, Lin Xi reminded Qin Zixuan and the others that after a while, they would arrive at Green Island, which was guarded by soldiers from the Suzaku Empire, so they had to be ready for battle.

After hearing this, Qin Zixuan pushed the cards away. He should look at Poshan Island. The last time he passed by here, the girl Hua Lezhi was arrested and locked up until now. Now he revisited the old place. Qin Zixuan looked at Poshan Island and cried nice.

Li Han followed suit and praised Poshan Island for its beauty. If he could move a few back home, he would be able to sell them at a good price. It was easy to make a fortune on the sea, and he would have travel expenses if he brought some back.

Their voices were loud, and Qi Lin and the others naturally heard them, and shook their heads. What are they talking about? They are here to fight, not to do business.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan still knew how to measure. He didn't let the army stop the boat for him to go to the island to play. He led the army to Green Island. As the vanguard, Fang Yang led the troops to Green Island. Their strategy was the same as that of the Suzaku Empire, which was to sweep all the way.

Not only sweeping all the way, the strong and strong men encountered on the road will become the vanguard of the army, and they will be recruited into the army for training. Of course, the more soldiers the better, when Fang Yang led the troops to the green island, Qi Lin found something was wrong The place.

That is, their warships seem to be much less. What's going on?Even after several storms, no ships were damaged. Why are there so many warships suddenly missing?
Qi Lin dragged Zhang Henshui and the others to count the number with binoculars on the deck. The more they counted, the more frightened they became. There were really more than 30 warships missing. Where did those ships go?
Zhang Henshui didn't suppress his anger this time, and rushed all the way to Qin Zixuan, asking Qin Zixuan where the boat went?Qin Zixuan clicked his nose, does this matter need to be explained?He is the general leading the army, and these pretenders only have the right to obey orders.

So the few people didn't ask the answer, but they were hurt by Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan said that I don't believe you, so I won't tell you how to use soldiers. If you want to come out to see the scenery, you can see it. If you don't, you can go back to your room and sleep. I feel that you are not expected to fight anyway.

The words are too blunt, and the few people who are angry are panting heavily. Why do you bring them out if you don't expect them to fight?Isn't this just looking for trouble?Of course Qin Zixuan would not explain the reason to them.

On the contrary, the quarrel between several people caused Li Han to be dissatisfied, so he ordered a personal soldier to teach the other party to teach these blind old guys a lesson, and he didn't care who he was talking to.

The soldiers entered the arena, their faces shining brightly, they had seized the opportunity to express themselves, imitating Qin Zixuan's usual provocative manner, hooking their fingers together with Qi Lin and the others.

Qin Zixuan raised a glass of beer and yelled toast, first to celebrate our soldiers, the angry Qi Lin and the others rushed to fight with the soldiers.

The result can be imagined, a few people tied together and never beat a soldier. Only at this time did they realize that the strength of the general's subordinates was far beyond their imagination. One soldier could overwhelm several of their generals. How powerful is Yang Shulin? how high?

These are just personal soldiers. How strong are Liu Yi, Bai Jing and others who are by Li Han's side?As a general, I occupy a high position, and it seems that I really occupy the hut and don't shit.

"Look, it's not that I look down on you, you really can't do it, you can't fight, you can't lead soldiers, I let you come here just to make the emperor feel at ease, I can't go too far with you here, it's good to play with mud honestly, hello I am fine too."

Qin Zixuan didn't know how to speak nice words, so he stabbed Qi Lin and the others heartbroken. As King Cheng said, it's not good to fight or lead troops. If they do this, they will be the chief generals.

"Where's the supervisor? I want to see the supervisor." Zhang Henshui said suddenly. The knife was too hard, which caused Zhang Henshui to explode. Since he couldn't do it himself, he asked the supervisor to allow them to leave. Isn't it okay not to travel with the army?
If you want to monitor King Cheng, please rest assured that there is a supervising army. They really don’t need a few generals. It’s just that this request was successfully met with ridicule. Is the supervising army worthy of the prince’s boat?

Liu Yi pointed to a boat kindly and said, "The supervisor is on that ship. If your voice is loud enough, maybe the supervisor can hear you."

Bai Jing quietly answered next to him, "Even if you hear it, it's useless, the supervising army can't protect itself."

(End of this chapter)

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