Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1273 Rebellion

Chapter 1273 Rebellion
"You want to rebel?" Qi Lin and the others shouted out their doubts in unison, and then received Qin Zixuan's contempt. Is there anyone who rebels like this?Leave the rebellion to others, maybe someone in Yujing will rebel by now.

Li Han grabbed the sword and beat Qi Lin and the others. Is there such an obedient rebel?Have you ever seen a rebel who is so rebellious, whether he can speak or not, shut up if he can't speak.

The poor old generals lost their temper after being beaten by Li Han. They were really no match for the general. When they were joking around, Fang Yang had already led people to take down the green island.

Yujing City is really lively. King Jiayi was the first one to jump out because he couldn't bear the loneliness, but he jumped too fast, and Qin Zixuan emptied the accumulated food and military equipment. The soldiers and equipment that will be brought out are so beautiful , of all kinds.

Those who knew it were King Jiayi's soldiers, but those who didn't know thought it was the theater troupe from somewhere, the singers were all better dressed than them, King Jiayi rushed to the front of the palace with his soldiers, and a bloody battle broke out at the gate of the palace.

In the palace, the emperor's angry eyes almost protruded. He thought that the virtuous king had a rebellious heart, so he used King Jiayi again. Unexpectedly, the virtuous king sat in the mansion honestly, but it was King Jiayi who attacked the palace first.

As soon as King Jiayi moved, everyone got the news. The virtuous king sat in the mansion and shook his head vigorously. He was really speechless to the emperor's eyes. look now.

It seems that the sky is going to destroy the lineage of the former emperor. It is not terrible to be incompetent. What is terrible is that you have no vision, your brain is still unclear, and your buttocks will be sideways when the wind blows from the pillow. Now it is all right, continue to be sideways.

Concubine Xian sat across from King Xian, and she was a little worried about Concubine Cheng, she was her good sister, and there was no man in the family, so this kind of turmoil was scary, she wanted to ask King Xian to send someone to Prince Cheng's mansion, but she was worried The people sent out never returned, and the streets were too chaotic.

The little servant girl came in from the outside and bowed to King Xian and Princess Xian. The expression on her face was very strange. Princess Xian was full of doubts. Didn't she ask him to call Ziming?Why do you look weird.

"Princess, the prince of the county, he is lying on the roof watching a play, and he can't get down." The little girl felt helpless when she thought of Qin Ziming. I can't even cry, so I have to lie on it and watch the show.

Hearing the little maid's report, King Xian snorted and got up and left, without asking, he knew that the kid knew more than himself, maybe this scene was already planned by King Cheng.

Otherwise, I can't explain why he took Qi Lin and the old guys away. This is to transfer the emperor's loyal generals to open the way for others. The world is gone.

In Prince Cheng’s mansion, Concubine Cheng was sitting in the gazebo drinking tea, Mrs. Song was sitting beside her, Uncle Zhong was looking in the direction of the palace with his face calm. behind.

No matter how they danced, Prince Cheng's Mansion would not make a move. There were plenty of people to save them, and it was not bad for Prince Cheng's mansion. Let others have the opportunity to perform.

Empress Lu sat in front of the table and made tea calmly. No matter how anxious the emperor was, Empress Lu was never in a hurry. Although it was beyond Empress Lu's expectation that King Jiayi would rebel, Empress Lu was happy to see it happen.

It would be good for King Jiayi to consume the troops in the emperor's hands first, but to see how many people are truly loyal to the emperor. As for those who are not so loyal, they are exactly the ones she wants to win over.

"Isn't Prince Cheng's mansion rescued yet?" the emperor shouted with his arms akimbo, Xiaodouzi hurried forward to reply, Prince Cheng's mansion did not show up, Empress Lu lowered her head, all the soldiers and horses of Prince Cheng's mansion went out, who will rescue?

Let that woman, Concubine Cheng, come to rescue her?With her tiny feet, it was difficult for her to walk, not to mention it was difficult for her to walk to the palace alive.After shouting, the emperor also realized that he was wrong, King Cheng is not in Yujing.

King Cheng, who was missed by the emperor, was sitting on the bow of the boat listening to the music. Qi Lin and the veterans are very honest now. They seldom appear on the deck and spend most of their time in their rooms. They want to communicate with the supervising army, but unfortunately Fail to contact.

They didn't even have a close personal soldier. At that time Qin Zixuan only let them board the boat alone. He thought it was a few words of training, but he didn't know that they were under house arrest on the boat.

Also enjoying the same treatment as them is Lu Xin, the military supervisor. Lu Xin is the younger uncle of Empress Lu and the younger brother of Lu Qiang.

Lu Xin pushed away the book in front of him, stood up and came to the door, just as he opened the door and took a step, he saw a long sword resting on Lu Xin's neck. Lu Xin's face froze, he didn't believe this The gang really dared to kill himself, so he forced his way out.

Then there was a pain in the neck and he started to spurt blood. Lu Xin believed that if he charged forward again, his head would definitely fall to the ground. This group of people really did not retreat half a step, let alone beheaded him.

"Hey, Lord Lu, where are you going?" Dai Chun, who was in charge of guarding Lu Xin, smiled wickedly, watching the show with his arms folded, to see if Lu Xin dared to bet his own life.

"General Dai, you are the emperor's most important general, can you do this with a conscience?" Lu Xin gritted his teeth and stepped back, and the attendants around him hurriedly covered his wound.

Hmph, Dai Chun sneered, of course he can feel at ease, he is not Cheng Qiu, he doesn't have that dead-headed mind, why should the emperor be from the lineage of the former emperor?Why can't Prince Cheng do it?

"Lu Xin, I heard that Cheng Qiu was sent to the extreme north, and your Lu family was helping the flames. Is this true?" Dai Chun asked with squinted eyes. Lu Xin changed his face when he asked, worried that Dai Chun After the Spring and Autumn Period, this place is not Yujing.

"Hehe, what did General Dai say? It is the emperor's order for General Cheng to go to the extreme north. What has he got to do with the Lu family?" Lu Xin will now think of Li Han's circumcision. Emperor?

"It doesn't matter if you are related or not. You'd better pray that you have nothing to do with the Lu family. I heard that the general's sword has been sharpened. If there is no news of Cheng Qiu after returning from the Suzaku Empire, hehe, guess what will happen?

Dai Chun looked at Lu Xin's complexion cracked a little bit, blood sprang up from his neck, and the sneer on his face became thicker, the general is a man who keeps his word, as long as they don't die in normal battle, the black hand behind the scenes can't escape One life, information is being collected.

Lu Xin suddenly felt that the queen's move was wrong, it was a deadly move, why did he serve as the supervisor, didn't they send him to die?In Lu Xin's heart, he didn't believe in the queen, it was either his daughter or he didn't kiss her, why didn't he let Lu Qiang come.

(End of this chapter)

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