Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1277 Patronus

Chapter 1277 Patronus

Listening to his father's unscrupulous voice, Dahai rolled his eyes to the sky. When will his father grow up? Fang Fang stared at Dahai with wide eyes. This is the leader of Reincarnation Sect?The young prince of Cheng Wang's mansion is the leader of reincarnation sect, so what is Cheng Cheng?
Dahai didn't expect his father to reveal his identity so easily. It seems that the time for the showdown is getting closer and closer. In order to show his specialness, Dahai began to do it.

Raising his hand to pinch his body, he floated into the air, and the six circles of reincarnation behind him were spinning. His appearance was solemn and holy, and his momentum was completely opposite to before. Qin Zixuan opened his mouth wide, and it was the first time he had seen this side of the sea.

As soon as this side came out, I saw the soldiers around kneeling on the ground, shouting "See the leader", not only the soldiers brought by the sea called this, but even most of the army brought behind Xiang Xiang also knelt.

Qin Zixuan turned his head and looked around, and finally discovered a cruel fact, that is, Dahai Nawa's reincarnation religion developed too fast, and took down most of Daqin's million soldiers without making a sound.

Hai Hai's eyes were slightly closed, his mouth was still, and the sound came out. The sound was not loud but everyone in the scene could hear clearly. It took real skill here. Qin Zixuan watched with wide-eyed eyes, while Li Han watched his eldest son play with his hands behind his back.

Li Han can also make this kind of sound, but it's too tiring. Li Han said that she didn't want to make that effort, but how did the eldest son sit in mid-air until now? Li Han hasn't figured it out yet.

Qin Zixuan, who Li Han didn't participate in, saw through it. Based on the principle of seeing through and not telling the truth, Qin Zixuan tightly shut his mouth, sighing in his heart that the eldest son just knows how to play.

It is a rare time to pretend to be forceful. Hai Dahai sat in the mid-air and preached. This is the only way to scare those who are not sincere. believer.

After imparting the teaching method, Dahai pointed at Qin Zixuan, and said something about the patron saint of the religion, the City God. The Lord Cheng is similar to the City God. Qin Zixuan is what the leader said Qin Zixuan was.

Of course, the current Qin Zixuan is so far away from God that he is far away from God. Dahai has a trick, saying that Qin Zixuan is the incarnation of the Patronus God, and he came to teach the people by destiny. This is just the reincarnation of the Patronus God.

Because the words are too mysterious, Qin Zixuan gave Dahai the title of a magic stick, which is more foolish than that child of Huang He. He should have sent Dahai to study with Gong Liangyan in the first place, and he must be better than Huang He.

That boy Huang He can swindle money with his fingers, Dahai is directly deceiving people!Qin Zixuan stood in a stable position and was worshiped devoutly by all the people, but he kept despising the sea in his heart.

Dahai gave Qin Zixuan a sideways look, how could he not know what his father was thinking, thinking that when he created the reincarnation religion, his father's evaluation was a cult, hehe, now his father has also become a cult member.

Dahai pointed to Li Han again, this is the incarnation of the Reincarnation Sect God of Death, Qin Zixuan almost spit out this title, the eldest daughter-in-law is the incarnation of the God of Death, will anyone believe what he said?

When Li Han moved his body, murderous aura emerged from his body and turned into a black whirlwind surrounding him, not to mention that he really looked like a god of death. Qin Zixuan tilted his head and looked at the eldest daughter-in-law, let me go, all of them are good actors.

Then Liu Yi, Bai Jing and others appeared on the stage. They were either guardians or emissaries. Anyway, none of them were white and had identities. , This business has made a lot of money.

Fang Xiang and the others looked dumbfounded. There is no ordinary person in Prince Cheng's Mansion. Qi Lin even regretted his death. He also knew about the reincarnation religion. He didn't expect this religion to be so miraculous.

After the imaging was over, Dahai came back to Qin Zixuan and led Qin Zixuan and others up the mountain. As for Fang Xiang and other soldiers, he was received by himself, and Xiang Xiang approached the reception staff directly to inquire about the reincarnation religion. He also wanted to join.

Among other things, the little prince's ability to sit in mid-air to visualize images is enough to make Xiang Xiang surrender. It is the first time he has seen that method, and it takes half an hour to sit. This skill is not enough for even a holy master. arrive.

The people who received them naturally knew everything and talked endlessly. They wished they could sit on the ground and teach the law, absorb these people into the reincarnation religion, and then bring them back to Daqin. Hehe, Daqin will also become a reincarnation religion. world.

When he came to the courtyard where he was resting, Qin Zixuan looked around. The courtyard was nice, and he knew it had been carefully arranged. Dahai followed him around and introduced him. Slow down.

Liu Yi followed behind Li Han with her hands behind her back, the smile on her face never diminished. After arranging the courtyard for everyone, the three of Qin Zixuan's family got into the room, and they had to have a good chat.

Qin Zixuan took out a picture album from his arms and threw it to Dahai, telling Dahai that it was a family treasure, Dahai took it and opened it, the corners of his mouth twitched, is this a family treasure?What a chic father's heirloom.

Li Han watched cheerfully, and Qin Zixuan tossed and tossed, Dahai quickly put away the album, Qin Zixuan asked when he would bring the young daughter-in-law home, Dahai refused to say anything, agreed to give him freedom, and now urged him away .

"How is the situation in Yujing? Is it dangerous for Grandma and the others to stay in Yujing?" Dahai asked, although he often received information, he did not live in Yujing, and some information was not detailed. clear.

Qin Zixuan tilted his body and took a sip from his cup, and then said: "The situation in Yujing is very complicated. It is estimated that it has become a family now. Don't worry about your grandma's safety, they have already made arrangements before coming here."

"Who will rebel? After the Suzaku Empire is destroyed, can Yujing be able to distinguish the superior?" Dahai asked again.

"It's probably possible. Judging from the current information, Empress Lu may have the last laugh. Of course, the Zhang family and the Lian family also have a chance. The only one who has no chance should be King Jiayi. Although he took the longest time to prepare, his side There are too few people who can use it, and they will definitely be killed."

Qin Zixuan said that it was rare to be serious for a moment, Li Han nodded in agreement, the husband's opinion was his opinion, and Li Han was not optimistic about King Jiayi either, King Jiayi really didn't have much food, grass, armaments and silver needed for the uprising, many years The Yangtze River is ready to be cheaper.

"Who does father think will be the first to rebel?" Dahai asked again, wanting to test Qin Zixuan, to see if his father's talent is really strong.

"You don't need to ask, it must be King Jiayi's first rebellion. Alas, King Jiayi is old, and if he doesn't rebel, he will have to argue."

Qin Zixuan sighed, changed the tone of the conversation, and said: "You don't know how afraid King Jiayi is of death, just now I tricked him so hard, that shameless guy turned around and begged me , I want to buy that Shiquan Dabu Pill”

(End of this chapter)

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