Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1278 Confrontation

Chapter 1278 Confrontation
Dai Chun shamelessly followed Bai Jing into the same room, Wang Rui rolled his eyes countless times but failed to repel the cheeky Dai Chun, this time Dai Chun really thought about reincarnation.

Bai Jing had no choice but to act as a pastor, explaining reincarnation to Dai Chun, and sent someone a book of teachings by the way. Dai Chun looked at the thick teachings and screamed, asking when Bai Jing was so eager to learn.

Jiang Yunji walked in quietly and looked at the funny two smiling happily. No matter how many years passed, their relationship has never changed, and they are still so friendly.

But when Dai Chun saw Jiang Yunji, he jumped up as if he saw a ghost. Bai Jing was speechless. Is Jiang Yunji so scary?On the contrary, he forgot the surprise of meeting Jiang Yunji for the first time.

"Xiao Dai, you are still so unsteady, you are about to become a master, can you be more stable." Jiang Yunji looked at Dai Chun cheerfully, and deliberately stabbed him with words.

Jiang Yunji saw Dai Chun for the first time after he was rescued by Dahai last time, and after arranging things, he ran over to visit his old friend.

Dai Chun felt that his brain was not enough. Isn't Jiang Yunji dead?The general was on the verge of a big fight because Jiang Yunji cut off his robes with the former emperor, so why didn't this old man die?
Regarding Dai Chun's doubts, Jiang Yunji had no choice but to explain again. If Dahai hadn't arrived in time, he would have been close to death. It is conceivable how powerful the emperor is, even if he was resourceful, it would be useless.

Thinking of the former emperor, Jiang Yunji has a lot of feelings, and looking at the brothers, he has even more feelings. They are all old, and their heads have already developed, so what can they say other than lamenting that life is too short.

Several people sat in Bai Jing's room and talked about their farewell. Wang Rui sat beside and listened, envious of their relationship, but after a long time, they could always resolve the strangeness with a single look.

Dahai already knew about Yujing's situation in Qin Zixuan's room, and he was very dissatisfied with Qin Zihe. If he dared to let his father die, he would let Qin Zihe die first. Dahai concealed the killing intent in his eyes, and dragged Qin Zixuan to continue chatting.

It's just that when Dahai left Qin Zixuan's room and returned to his own residence, an order came out of Dahai's mouth, it's not a gentleman not to take revenge, his father can happily pretend nothing happened, but he can't!
On the second day, Qin Zixuan led an army of one million to unite with Haihai's army, and confronted the army of the Suzaku Empire in Sanhe City. The first battle sent was General Qi Lin.

Qi Lin was holding his nine-foot broadsword, and there was a deep love for life in his eyes. After a long time, Qi Lin slapped his horse and rushed to the center of the battlefield, pointing at the Suzaku Empire and cursing.

A red-faced man jumped out of the Suzaku Empire's team just after a few curses. This man was less than five feet tall and held a pair of meteor hammers. He didn't look like a big threat, which made Qi Lin heave a long sigh.

Even if he dies, Qi Lin hopes to die with dignity, so that he can win the first prize before leaving this world. The tiger's eyes shot out a strong killing intent, and Sun Zhou met Qi Lin's gaze with contempt on his face.

Although Sun Zhou is not tall and handsome, a pair of meteor hammer dancers is a good one. In the hammer team, Sun Zhou said he was second, and no one dared to recognize the first.

Because of Qi Lin's looks, he looked down upon him, so he could only say that Qi Lin was committing suicide, and with a slash in his hand, Qi Lin shouted, "Tai, the young general on the other side, listen carefully, the one who killed you was your uncle Qi Lin, Boy, take your life!"

Sun Zhou was annoyed when he heard the words, an old guy who sells old things for his old age, did he think he was in Daqin?I heard that the Great Qin ruled the country with propriety, and the old could accuse the young people of selling their old age, but this is the Suzaku Empire, and the country is ruled by martial arts.

It's not whoever is older who has a loud voice, but whoever has a bigger fist has a higher tone, and shouted: "A certain family's grandson Zhou is also, old man, take your life!"

After a burst of shouting, the meteor hammer in Sun Zhou's hand hit Qi Lin one after another. Qi Lin looked at the little dwarf Sun Zhou, and really didn't pay attention to the meteor hammer. How heavy can a hammer the size of two fists be? , Knock it away with a single blow.

Dahai rode on a horse to watch the battle, and when he saw Qi Lin hitting Sun Zhou's meteor hammer with a knife, he clicked his tongue, did the emperor like this kind of character?His eyesight is not good and he is acting like a big head, that is not an ordinary meteor hammer.

After the sound of tsk, I saw that the big knife in Qi Lin's hand was smashed into the air by a single hammer, and the meteor hammer went straight to Qi Lin's head without changing direction. close at hand.

bump!The sound of the watermelon exploding was heard, and Qi Lin's warhorse was frightened, carrying Qi Lin's body and running away. After running for more than ten meters, Qi Lin's body fell down twice and fell off the horse, bleeding all over the ground.

Sun Zhou won a good start, and the army of the Suzaku Empire cheered loudly.This time it was Sun Zhou's turn to call out. The boy raised his hammer and pointed at Hai, who gave him a contemptuous look.

Wang Tong and the others saw Qi Lin being crushed to death without taking a single move. They lowered their heads one by one, and their morale was greatly affected. Their reaction directly affected the soldiers of Daqin.

To be honest, few soldiers who confronted Daqin head-on were really opponents. Dahai chinned a little, and a black horse sprang up behind him. Great Qin people.

Bob is indeed not from Daqin. He is a subordinate of Dahai in the Eastern Continent. He is a loyal believer in the religion of reincarnation.

At this time, Bob was very unhappy when he saw that someone dared to provoke the leader. The end of his displeasure was the death of the enemy, and only death could wash away the disrespect towards the leader.

After Sun Zhou and Bob reported their names to each other, Sun Zhou repeated the old plan, and the meteor hammer hit Bob one after another. Bob did not dodge or dodge, stretched out his hand to grab the flying meteor hammer, and drank it vigorously with one hand. Come here with a voice.

I saw Sun Zhou flying out of the horse with the meteor hammer. Before the second hammer flew to Bob, he was pulled out by his palm. The direction of the hammer changed, and it rushed towards Sun Zhou's head.

Being in the air with nowhere to borrow strength, Sun Zhou wanted to borrow strength from the meteor hammer, but Bob didn't follow his will. Sun Zhou was hit on the head with a hammer, and a headless corpse fell to the ground.

Bob put away the meteor hammer and hung it on the horse. This thing is good. You can change it for some soup when you go back. The soup is a good thing. It can improve your strength. exchange.

Looking at the head on the opposite side, what Bob saw was not an enemy, but merit points one after another. These merit points were his capital to exchange for soup medicine. He pointed at the coach opposite, and Bob initiated a challenge.

Qin Zixuan was riding on the horse, seeing Bob's majesty, his heart felt itchy.

(End of this chapter)

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