Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1280 Schedule

Chapter 1280 Schedule
After discussing with Jiang Yunji, Qin Zixuan and Jiang Yunji decided on a plan, that is to lure the enemy head-on, ambush secretly, kill a group first, and then wipe out the enemies one by one. Qin Zixuan's meaning is very simple, usually do not fight head-on when fighting head-on , let's fight against tricks.

After the discussion was successful, several people walked out of the room. Da Hai and Jiang Yunji were going to arrange an ambush for their subordinates, when they heard a noise, and they walked following the sound, and saw officials from the Ministry of Rites surrounding Wang Tong and others The general sprayed.

"Don't forget, you are the generals of Daqin, not his lackeys of King Cheng. As ministers, you should relieve the emperor's worries. Why don't you report the news to the emperor? What you are doing is disloyalty and betrayal of Daqin!"

The voices of Wu Kaihua and others became louder and more excited, even if Wang Tong wanted to cover their mouths, he couldn't cover them, Wang Tong and Zhang Henshui were so angry that they wanted to kill this friend.

I don't even look at where this place is, this is the world of Lord Cheng, and the people here are all believers in the sea, they go to seize power, they go to inform, who will they report to.

Qin Zixuan leaned by the gate of the courtyard, but he forgot about Wu Kaihua and his group of sour scholars. Before the battle started, they should be allowed to persuade the uncivilized Vermilion Bird army.

Zhang Henshui turned his head and saw the people who were watching the joke by the door, his expression was wonderful, and he knelt down when he mentioned the shirt. He didn't want to die in a foreign country. Zhang Henshui knew that Qin Zixuan didn't mean to kill him, just People are arrested.

Seeing Zhang Henshui kneeling towards the courtyard gate, Wu Kaihua and others turned their heads to look, and then the scene was quiet, and there was no more scolding.

Clap clap!Qin Zixuan applauded slowly, and stared at Wu Kaihua with a sneer. The smiling Wu Kaihua didn't dare to raise his head. He was really afraid of King Cheng, and he could tell that King Cheng had set up another stove, and he didn't put Daqin at all. in the eyes.

"That's really good, everyone!" Qin Zixuan walked out slowly, his eyes scanned for a week, "I forgot about you officials of the Ministry of Rituals, our Daqin is a state of etiquette, you have to do your best on the battlefield before the opening next time." Show your performance, just as impassioned as before."

"The villain doesn't dare, please forgive me!" Wu Kaihua softened immediately, he knew how cruel the battlefield was, there wasn't even a whole corpse.

"Oh, there is nothing you dare not do. It's settled like this. Next time, you must teach Suzaku's army to be a good person, and spread the saint's righteousness well. Okay, you are ready to speak, and I will go first."

Qin Zixuan clapped his hands, no matter what Wu Kaihua said, the matter was settled so happily, the group of people he brought had to find a use, he didn't want to raise these people for nothing, and then let them go back to Daqin to continue to slander.

Dahai gave Wu Kaihua a sideways glance. It’s a big problem that people don’t have brains. Reading too many books is like reading into a dog’s stomach. This is his territory. Do you really think they are free in every move?
Some people at the scene couldn't help crying and begging. They really didn't want to go to the battlefield to die. They were civil servants.

Qin Zixuan didn't hear their pleadings, he still had a lot of things to do, it's good to use these people as bait, anyway, don't waste any of them.

Seeing Qin Zixuan and his party walk away, Wang Tong and others stood up and looked at the literati all over the floor. Wang Tong's face was ridiculed. Just now, he wished that they would take the lead and kill a bloody road. What is it like to cry now? talk.

"Father can really tolerate these sour scholars." Dahai said quietly beside him, Jiang Yunji stroked his beard and smiled, Qin Zixuan shook his head helplessly, there are so many sour scholars in the world, we can't kill them all.

"Regardless of them, how much they can survive in the next battle depends on their luck. None of them have fuel-efficient lamps." Qin Zixuan waved his hands and said, and then the conversation changed. Dahai has long been used to eating and drinking. Prepare everything Qin Zixuan wants.

Nangong Shi led an army of 800 million men halfway, stopped suddenly, looked up at the sky, dizzy with the sun, and the wind was blowing in his face, Nangong Shi pinched his fingers and made a calculation, secretly yelled that it was not good, it seemed that there must be an ambush ahead.

The original route could not be followed, so the route had to be changed. Nangong Shi ordered someone to fetch a map, draw his finger on the map, and frown into the word Sichuan. The current marching route is the shortest route and the best route.

If he changed his course, he would have to make a big detour. If he didn’t make a detour, he would have to take the water route. He didn’t have so many warships, and there were water monsters in the water, so it was not safe for a large army to walk on it.

Afterwards, there is another natural moat that can be walked, but the terrain there is complicated, and the army may be hit by rocks when walking. Which one should we go?Nangong faced difficulties in front of the map.

At this juncture, someone reported that there was a person asking to see him, Nangong Shi didn't know who was coming, and he sent an order to invite him, but in the end he didn't invite him, the Taoist turned and left, but Nangong Shi was nowhere to be seen.

After reporting the situation to the horse, Nangong Shi knew that he had met an expert, and was dissatisfied with his attitude. He left, so Nangong Shi quickly cleaned up and chased after him.

After chasing him close, Nangong looked at the Taoist, this person had a strange appearance, big head, protruding face, flat mouth, sparse hair, only a few hairs were tied behind his head, he was wearing straw sandals and holding dust in his hand.

Seeing Nangong Shi chasing after him, the Taoist did not leave, but stood on the side of the road with a bow, looked up and down at Nangong Shi, shook his head and sighed for a moment: "The King of Hades can't save the damned ghost, General Nangong should stop chasing him."

After saying that, the Taoist turned around and was about to leave again, Nangong Shi was startled, but his subordinate Gongye was furious, he raised his sword and slashed at the Taoist, the sword slashed across the Taoist's head, and when the head fell to the ground, he saw that the corpse did not have a trace of blood burst out.

Miyano was shocked, and stretched out his head to take a closer look at the Taoist's neck, but was surprised to find that the severed head disappeared, and a new head suddenly grew out of the clean neck.

The head didn't seem to be straight, it turned around three times and retreated half a circle, then stopped, the eyes that had been hanging down suddenly opened, and the eyes fell on Miyano's face.

The frightened Miyano fell off the horse, his head hit the ground, his neck tilted and he broke his neck and swallowed his breath. The death was so sudden and fast that no one could react. Live like a god, the method is too high.

Nangong Shi got off his horse and knelt down in front of the Taoist priest, quickly apologized, and asked the Taoist priest to give some advice, the Taoist priest looked at Nangong Shi for a long time, and then said: "You are doomed, you should be in the east, if you don't want to die, you should bring your troops back. "

Nangong raised his head and looked at the Taoist, trying to explain a few words, but found that there was nothing in front of him, and there was no shadow of the Taoist.

(End of this chapter)

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