Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1281 Who Is The Opponent

Chapter 1281 Who Is The Opponent
Bringing his subordinates back to the front of the army, Nangong Shi was unhappy and full of worries about his own future. His fate should be in the east, and the east was the direction he was going to. Nangong Shi's eyes fell on the map, and he couldn't make up his mind to go. which one.

None of these roads seemed to be easy to walk. Nangong Shi felt that there was darkness in front of him. At this moment, his deputy Ma Dan suddenly said: "Marshal, the general knows that there is a way to go directly to the sea."

By the sea?Nangong Shi felt his eyes light up, but he forgot that although the emperor ordered to meet the enemy Juye, he didn't say which way to run to Juye. Since the road in front of him is not safe, he should take a detour along the coast from Chuanlin line march.

Standing on the top of Leshan Mountain, Jiang Yunji looked at the undulating high mountains and mountains, his face was full of pride, he waved the goatee fan in his hand, and stroked his goatee, as if pointing the country.

Qin Zixuan pursed his lips, complaining that Jiang Yunji was just playing with his leftover jokes, so couldn't it be something new?What's the point of playing like this all the time, Jiang Yunji turned a deaf ear to it, he liked this floating feeling very much, it was so fairy.

Watching the soldiers pull the lines to ambush, Qin Zixuan looked boredly at the distant clouds, and saw the dark clouds rolling in. Qin Zixuan looked at it for a long time, and then suddenly said: "Send the order, let the soldiers staying at the beach drive all the warships into the dock, Then abandon the boat and go ashore, I'm afraid there will be strong waves at sea."

This is not good, is it?The messenger was a little embarrassed, looked at Li Han and looked at the sea, the soldiers left the warship, if someone sneaked in and snatched the warship, how would they go home?
Dahai didn't look at the messengers, and let the soldiers pass on the order. Dahai didn't care if the warship was taken away, and it would be a big deal to build a new one. As long as there are people, are they still afraid that there will be no ships?
So the messenger hurriedly left. Li Han looked at the dark clouds in the distance with worry in his eyes. He didn't know what the sea was like at this time, and whether Song Tong had reached the western mainland. She was worried that the situation in the Yangtze River was not optimistic.

Dahai sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, made a hexagram, then raised his brows slightly, and said with a smile: "Send the order to withdraw the troops, the king of Hades can't save the damned ghost, that Nangongshi actually changed to the seaside."

"What? Go by boat?" Qin Zixuan was stunned. This Nangong is really talented. Does he have so many warships?

"No, they don't have that many warships, our ambush point can change direction."

Dahai got up and smiled, turned around and walked down the mountain, Qin Zixuan walked behind, pointed at Dahai's back and said, "This kid is also a magic stick."

Pfft, Li Han was delighted, Mr. Xianggong's understanding of the lineage of magic operator is only at the level of magic stick, no matter how capable the other party is, Qin Zixuan only has two words to evaluate, that is magic stick.

The sea is changeable, turning faces is faster than turning pages. Just now it was sunny and sunny, but the change was violent wind and rain. Nangong Shi led the army to walk along the seashore. It was extremely difficult to walk on the raised rocks. The endless line.

The bean-sized raindrops hit the body, bringing a refreshing feeling, Nangong Shi wiped his face and cursed secretly, the wind and waves on the beach were getting bigger, and the waves were higher than the waves, and the team was already sticking to the rocks. wall forward.

The scream suddenly sounded, and it traveled far away in the rain curtain. Nangong Shi stopped in his footsteps, and soon got a report that a soldier was swept away by the waves and disappeared into the vast sea.

Nangong Shi closed her eyes, not knowing whether her choice was right or wrong, the voice of a Taoist sounded in her ears again: "The King of Hades can't save the damned ghost, you'd better go back home."

This echoed in Nangong Shi's ears like a curse. As the marshal of the three armies, Nangong Shi could not lead the army back, the emperor would cut off his head, even if it was a dead end, he could only keep going.

Qin Zixuan looked at the beach in the distance, with a wicked smile on his face, the rows of soldiers retreated quickly, and when all the soldiers retreated, the beach returned to calm.

"Let's go, let's go to the top of the mountain and watch a show." Qin Zixuan put his arm around Li Han's shoulders and smiled wickedly. Li Han nodded in agreement, took the small bench from Yang Shulin, and ran to the top of the mountain.

As soon as Bai Jing stretched out his hand, Wang Rui brought melon seeds. Eating melons and watching operas is King Cheng's favorite, and it's also the favorite of Bai Jing and his group. They already know what equipment to prepare for watching operas.

Jiang Yunji walked beside the sea, communicating with the sea in a low voice. They had few people, and they were stationed at the seaside to fish now, and when they killed the army of the Suzaku Empire, they led troops to attack the capital of the Suzaku Empire in one fell swoop.

This is the strategy that Jiang Yunji thought of along the way. This is called waiting for work with ease. They should not be aggressive when marching from afar.

If the people of Suzaku Empire can be turned into followers of Reincarnation, then everything will have a new explanation, Hai Hai is counting with his fingers, and his eyes fall on the figures running up the mountain in front of him, he can't help being happy .

Qin Zixuan and others came to the top of the hill and took a good position, then held up the eternal mirror and looked into the distance, there was a group of very embarrassed army rushing so far, how many people could not tell.

That is boundless and boundless, and it has been discharged far and wide. What is the concept of 800 million?It was really indescribable, extremely magnificent, and the rolling hills covered the figure in the distance. Qin Zixuan clasped his fingers and calculated for a while, thinking that this battle could kill half of them.

Half of the troops lost a little more when fleeing, and the first batch of enemies can already be ignored. The next one to face is King Zhengnan, who is a veteran who has experienced many battles.

Sitting next to him, Li Han listened to the little Xianggong's calculations, and said softly, "Don't worry, Xianggong, even if they are made of copper and iron, I can turn them into slag."

"I'm not worried. In fact, I really don't care how the world will go in the end. What I care about is our family and friends, as long as we live well."

Qin Zixuan turned his head and looked at Li Han seriously. He didn't want Li Han to misunderstand that he was ambitious, and then fight with his life. There is really no need for that. He is a peaceful person, not an ambitious man.

"I know, I understand you!" Li Han sent his electric eye, Qin Zixuan said to leave you, the two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes turned into the distance again.

On the rolling hills, Daqin soldiers were ambushing among them, one by one holding guns and holding cannons, staring at the enemy below, waiting for the sound of the cannon to start the battle.

Fang Xiang was lying on a certain mountain peak, his eyes were fixed on the bottom, the shock in his heart was indescribable, he thought that the prince had already used his soldiers like a god, but he didn't expect that the little prince was also not weaker than the prince, with their father and son around, who is their opponent?
Dahai stood behind Qin Zixuan, staring into the distance, Zheng's robe fluttered in the wind, his handsome face was serious.

(End of this chapter)

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