1282. Chapter [-]

Qin Zixuan was quite vigorously nibbling the melon seeds, a pile of melon husks appeared in front of his feet, and enemy figures appeared on the beach, one, two, three, more and more figures appeared on the beach.

Nangong Shi looked at the beach and heaved a sigh of relief. It can be regarded as a detour, and after he gathered his troops to rest for a while, he launched a general attack on the enemy's rear.

On the top of the mountain, Qin Zixuan squeezed the melon seeds and stared wide-eyed, screaming in his mouth that the show is coming, while Li Han quickly peeled the melon seeds and threw them into Qin Zixuan's mouth from time to time, lest Qin Zixuan forget to eat the melons while watching the show.

As a standard crowd eating melons and watching the show, all parties should not be left behind. As more and more soldiers appeared on the beach, the sea raised its fist.

Excited shouts sounded on the beach, Nangong Shi wiped the sweat from his forehead, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, this time he was determined to make Daqin's soldiers come and go, they definitely didn't expect that he would steal their way.

Just as he was thinking of the excitement, he heard a roar in his ears, Hai Hai's raised fist fell, and the broken arms of corpses on the beach rose high with the wind and sand, and the smile froze on Nangong Shi's face.

How is it possible, how is this possible, their marching route has been temporarily changed, how did the enemy just happen to ambush here, how did they do it?
Nangong Shi didn't expect that there was a bigger gift waiting for him, and there was a roar behind him, and the sound lasted for more than ten miles, which meant that his 800 million soldiers were all within the range of other people's sneak attack.

How do they do it?Why didn't his own spies find them?Nangong Shi couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't figure it out. His vanguard battalion had been sending spies to explore the way, but they didn't find the enemy.

For more than ten miles, Nangong felt cold when he thought of the consequences. The Taoist's warning rang in his ears again. Could it be that he really couldn't make it through the doomed calamity?

Nangong Shi was still thinking, his subordinates had already dragged Nangong Shi into the water, so he couldn't stay on the shore, God knows if he would be killed if he stayed any longer, and it was still safe in the water.

Qin Zixuan couldn't help sighing when he saw the enemy entering the sea: "It would be great if there were mines."

"Sea mine?" Two words were answered next to the sea, and his eyes were cast on the battlefield again. The name of the sea mine is Siyi. among.

Jiang Yunji looked down at the prince sitting on the bench, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, the prince really wouldn't fart if the shit didn't block his ass door, he would see the enemy fleeing into the sea, he brought up the mine, why did he go there before ?

"It doesn't matter, kill them sooner or later, don't be in a hurry." Li Han answered, "He loves his husband with strength, Da Hai continues to stare at the battlefield, or wait until the battle is over before talking to his father."

Father is a treasure, no matter how hard he digs it out, there are always surprises popping up from time to time.Qin Zixuan looked at Nangong Shi, who was protected by everyone, and shook his head for a while, this is a jerk.

Even if they didn't die on the battlefield this time, they would still be beheaded if they went back. After all, more than tens of thousands of people were murdered in this murder, and they were not even the slightest bit vigilant in the ambush for more than ten miles.

Thinking about it, Qin Zixuan felt unbelievable, since when did his own troops do such a good job of hiding?Not found can only explain one reason, and that is pride.

The group of people led by Nangong Shi must be a group of arrogant soldiers. Maybe they have always been an invincible army before. Thinking of this, Qin Zixuan felt that it would not work. If they were really arrogant soldiers, they should follow the official path.

The fact is that the other party gave up the official road, took a small road, or went around to his own rear, obviously planning to attack him. Qin Zixuan couldn't figure it out talking with Li Han in a low voice, and Li Han couldn't figure it out raising his eyebrows either.

They didn't know that the strange thing that happened to Nangong Shi on the road, it was the appearance of the Taoist that made Nangong Shi cautious, so they were still ambushed.

Nangong Shi's troops were in chaos, stampede, and jumped into the sea. They knew that they were in danger now, and all they could do was to save their lives. The more they panicked, the more mistakes they made.

Hissing, Qin Zixuan looked down and couldn't help but said: "Remember, as a general leading an army, don't panic even if you are actually caught in an ambush. You must stay calm and find a way to escape with your subordinates."

"Yes." Bai Jing and others handed over their hands to be taught, they are not blind, then the scene below is really too chaotic, if Nangong Shi can stand up and stabilize the situation, the scene will definitely not be like this.

Nangong Shi's performance is not quite right?Dahai muttered to himself, he has the information of Nangong Shi in his hand, he is a victorious general with rich combat experience, even if he really encountered an ambush, he shouldn't act like this, what happened in the middle?
Dahai couldn't figure it out, Jiang Yunji shook his goose feather fan and stroked his beard to think, but he also couldn't think of the reason, but Qin Zixuan looked away from Nangongshi and looked into the distance, not knowing what was going on there.

Fang Xiang got up from the ambush with his fists clenched, loudly commanding his subordinates to launch an attack, the smile on his face could not be suppressed, this battle was destined to be engraved in the annals of history, Wang Ye was taught by Fang Xiang.

The guns and guns were fired, and there were black heads below. The sound of the guns fell and blood was splashed everywhere. Stamping was still trampling. The front army was in chaos, and the central army was also in chaos.

Behind the army, the team that was looking forward with their heads up stopped, their eyes looked at the mountain, and then they began to flee with a bang, the sound of artillery fire on the mountain was endless, sand and stones filled the sky, and the pungent smell of gunpowder Swinging away with the wind, the Suzaku army let out a round of screams.

"It's a cannon, it's a Daqin cannon! Run away!"

Huang Hanzhong and Xiao Jian looked at each other, with a look of displeasure on their faces. Is this cannon taught by reincarnation?What is Daqin's cannon, I am very unhappy, so the sound of the cannon is more intensive.

The sea was red, corpses were piled up on the rocks, the crows were heard in the distance, the sky became darker, and the wind howled, as if all the people were mourning and sobbing.

Nangong Shi looked at the battlefield, the panic on his face became more intense, he could no longer think, his mind was full of Taoist voices, his eyes were full of cannon fire, and the corpses splashed in the cannon fire.

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't insist on coming here, even if I go back and behead it, it will only be my head, but, but now, now!"

Nangong Shi's eyes were bloodshot, he couldn't bear the current situation, he was destined to become the biggest stain in the history of Suzaku, the pure reputation of his life.

"At nine o'clock, fire!" There was a powerful shout from the warship, and the cannon landed beside Nangong Shi. His eyes were still bleeding, but he didn't see the cannon.

Qin Zixuan put away the binoculars and really looked up to Nangong Shi, this person's ability to resist blows is too poor.

(End of this chapter)

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