Chapter 1288

King Zhengnan hid behind the tree, the expression on his face kept changing, his fists were clenched and loosened, his heart was at war with heaven and man, he had his own ambitions and desires, he had no chance before, but now he saw the dawn.

Huayin died, and the sword that was crushing the Saint Master's head disappeared, so the Saint Master experts recruited by the Hua family would definitely change. They would not continue to obey the orders of the Hua family, and the Suzaku Empire would fall into chaos.

In troubled times, if you don't have the strength to protect yourself, wouldn't that be a sad fate? King Zhengnan let go of his fist, and the original sneak attack plan was cancelled. He wanted to preserve his strength. As for the war with Qin Zixuan, we'll talk about it later.

The people who are in the battle don't know that fighting is such a good thing, and they are fighting desperately. Many of the saints here have come here for refuge. Seeing that the Hua family has lost power, they all have the idea of ​​retreating. retreat.

Only Huayang was different, he hated Dahai to death, he held a machete to get entangled with Dahai, and he wanted to bite a piece of Dahai even if he was injured.

The soft sword in Dahai's hand kept changing, and it was best to wrap around Huayang's body like a snake, and then a dark force shot out from the soft sword, and Huayang's body was cut into several pieces. Can't die anymore.

Seeing this scene, the holy master who was fighting Zhao Qingfeng let go of Zhao Qingfeng and ran away without saying a word. He ran to the wall with a few jumps, and then plunged into the dense forest under the wall.

Dahai held his soft sword and did not chase after him. His eyes swept across the battlefield, and a cold voice sounded: "Masters and ancestors have worked hard. Go back and recuperate well. The enemy dare not come again for the time being."

Pfft, Qin Zixuan couldn't help laughing for a while, Dahai looked helplessly at Qin Zixuan, he would have done a good deed by his father today, if he hadn't worshiped his godmother as his teacher, would his seniority be so low?

The saint masters of the Gu Yue family didn't dare to trust them, so they bowed their hands and retreated to rest. Afterwards, the protectors of the Reincarnation Sect also bowed and retreated. Zhao Qingfeng walked slowly to Qin Zixuan's side, patted Qin Zixuan on the shoulder and said "quick as a child" coming.

Qin Zixuan scratched his head, what does Ruer's coming soon have to do with him?Of course, it would be more lively if Yuemeizi came to her place, she also likes to join in the fun, and it would be nice to get a big boat down the river and see all the scenery of Suzaku along the way.

Li Han watched Zhao Qingfeng leave, and wanted to beat up the old man, there was something in his words, could it be that Gu Yueru was interested in his husband?No way, Xianggong's taste won't be that bad, and Xianggong's eyes are still extremely high.

Li Han rolled his eyes, a little regretful that he didn't bring the Song family with him, if they were sleeping together every day, it would make Xianggong lose energy to think about those messy things.

After the battle was over, the soldiers came out to clean the battlefield, and then stood on the wall to stand guard. Their figures stood straight, looking into the distance with radiance and hope, and their hearts were full of hope.

A warship galloped across the East China Sea. On the deck, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes curled his fingers, standing in front of a black tower with an unfathomable expression on his face.

"My name is dead grass. There is nothing in this world that I can't figure out. This hero, as long as you take out one hundred thousand gold, how about we give you a trigram."

Gu Yue gritted her teeth. She watched this brat grow up. When he was a child, he calculated that it was [-], but now it has become [-]. He really is getting darker as he grows.

A slap on Huang He's head, let Huang He go wherever he came from, she didn't have so much money to waste on Huang He, Gu Yue seemed to exercise her muscles and bones, and Huang He's voice sounded again.

"Heroes don't ask where they come from, but they ask if there are peach blossoms on the road of love. Hero, do you really not care about peach blossoms? As long as you give me 100 million, I can help you break this peach blossom disaster."

Huang He stretched out a finger, saw Gu Yueru looking over, and continued: "If you are willing to give me 1000 million, I can help you facilitate this peach blossom feast."

The sound of slaps sounded, and the back of Huang He's head was slapped heavily again. The slapped Huang He ran for several steps before he stabilized his body. Looking back, he saw that it was his master's slap, and immediately opened his mouth to call out, even the master could not Use force at will, he wants human rights.

Standing beside Gong Liangyan, Huayan couldn't help laughing at Huang He's misfortune. Gong Liangyan gritted her teeth secretly. This bastard grows up and down, does he know what he's talking about?

If Gu Yueru and Qin Zixuan were really going to make a pair, this bastard would probably be beaten to death by Li Han. This guy who doesn't care much and only cares about money, Gong Liangyan really has nothing to do with Huang He, and dares to make any money.

Gu Yueru gave Gong Liangyan a sideways glance, and walked to the deck with his hands behind his back to watch the sea view, so he wouldn't care about the Yellow River, that kid's mind is not normal.

The smiling face that didn't deserve to be beaten appeared in front of her eyes, Gu Yueru sighed softly, she had something to say in her heart, and she didn't know how he was doing now, the Suzaku Empire should be very lively, and the place where he was was never deserted.

Hua Yan gently came to Gu Yueru's side, also looked at the sea view without saying a word, Huang He felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and took the initiative to take the initiative to stir up the atmosphere, Gong Liangyan sat there and twitched her fingers, not knowing what she was doing.

The eyes that slanted towards Huang He from time to time were weird, scared Huang He hurriedly fled into the room, the master's eyes were so weird, it seemed that there was explosive force in them, Huang He said that he couldn't be provoked, so let's run away.

The Seventh Fairy came out of the cabin and saw the three of them sitting idle. Jia Nan held up the table and called for a few. a few.

Soon the deck became lively, and the sound of eating and touching could be heard from time to time. Huang He poked his head out to have a look, and then ran out to join in the fun after feeling that there was no danger.

Xiao Yan yelled, Gu Yueru looked at the cards and began to count the cards. If he didn't count the cards, he would lose. Lin Xue stood beside him and said, "Fortunately, there is mahjong to play, otherwise it would be really frustrating to be floating on the sea every day." People can't stand it."

"Yeah, Brother Xuan is still good at playing, and I don't know how he is doing in the Suzaku Empire. I really miss him after a long time." Jia Nan answered, and played the cards in his hand.

Standing behind Jia Nan, Huang He pouted and said, "He's very nice. He's ashamed to wander around when such a big project is thrown at me."

Gu Yueru gave Huang He a sideways glance, Huang He shrank his neck, Xiao Yan said: "Sister Yue, if you really like Brother Xuan, you can say it boldly, if you don't say it, he will definitely not find out, Brother Xuan is very smart in other ways, just It’s emotionally slow.”

Gu Yueru's dark face turned red, she stiffened her neck and shouted who liked him, Huang He curled her lips, he was a dead grass, it was impossible to make a mistake, if you like it, you like it, women are so hypocritical.

(End of this chapter)

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