Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1289 Wu Ying

Chapter 1289 Wu Ying
Huang He didn't know that his actions were seen by others, and then he slapped him. Huang He successfully hid in the room. Forget it, the women here can't be offended, so he should hide and go.

Gu Yueru knocked on the table and shouted to play a card quickly, and pretended to play a card. Jia Nan was confused, and Gu Yueru said bitterly: "It is said that you are frustrated in love and happy in casinos, this is true."

"You're not disappointed, anyway, he doesn't know." Xiao Yan answered leisurely, but he really wanted to bring these two together. Brother Xuan is such a good person who only has one concubine and three rooms. Xiao Yan really thinks it's too little .

Hua Yan sat there staring at the cards and had fun. At the other table, Gong Liangyan and a few people were also having a lively battle, but Gong Liangyan was unlucky and fired a cannon, so Gong Liangyan squinted at Gu Yueru , are all unlucky people.

Qin Zixuan got up early in the morning and ran towards the wall with a small steamed bun. He wanted to see what was going on with King Zhengnan, but when they arrived, he found that King Zhengnan was actually pulling out the camp.

Under the city wall, Princess Nanping, who was still wounded, was riding a horse and looking up. This woman is also a courageous person, and she is not afraid of Qin Zixuan and his gang shooting her down.

Princess Nanping was very happy to see Qin Zixuan appearing, and even waved hello to Qin Zixuan, and asked Qin Zixuan for news about Haihai.

Li Han held his chin and said, "I've never seen such a stupid person before, but what do you think the other half of our eldest son looks like? I'm really curious."

"It must be very good-looking, prettier than her." Qin Zixuan pointed down, thinking that Nanping Princess is not worthy of Haihai except for her high birth. This woman is wishful thinking.

"Six of the saint masters of the Suzaku Empire died yesterday, and the rest have escaped. I don't know if they will organize a second sneak attack." Li Han stared at King Zhengnan's camp, feeling that the camp was too strong. Weird, afraid of fraud.

Qin Zixuan didn't care, even if it was a fraud, he was afraid that they would fail. Eighteen holy masters were dispatched at once. The background of the Suzaku Empire is not ordinary, and there must be assassinations later, but no one knows who will appear.

Touching his own head, Qin Zixuan found himself so angry for the first time, as if his little wings flapped and affected the situation in many countries and regions.

Princess Nanping asked a lot of questions below, but Qin Zixuan didn't answer any of them. This made Princess Nanping very disappointed. She cursed at Qin Zixuan, and Li Han shot her horse to death with an arrow, and the second arrow hit her thigh. Up, before the third arrow was shot, Princess Nanping ran away scrambling.

Qin Zixuan patted Li Han's hand, and said that it is right to like someone, even if she is ugly and weak, she has the qualifications to like others, so Li Han would not let Nanping Princess be shot to death.

Li Han disagreed with Qin Zixuan's statement, but he did not object. Thinking about how many people objected to Qin Zixuan when she first fell in love with her, how many people were skeptical and disapproving.

King Zhengnan really left this time, not acting. He stayed away from Baili before setting up camp. His subordinates were dissatisfied with King Zhengnan's attitude, and they were all frightened away by the murderous aura on King Zhengnan.

King Zhengnan sat in his tent and counted the 300 million army behind him. If he brought this army to the south, he could also become emperor, but how would he bring this group of people?

After receiving the news of the enemy's retreat, Wu Kaihua laughed and cried, shouting to God that there will be good people, and he can live for a few more days. Wu Kaihua prayed that the Suzaku Empire could always retreat, so that he would not have to educate the Suzaku Empire before the battle It's really not a human thing to do.

King Zhengnan retreated a hundred miles, Dahai commanded the soldiers to advance a hundred miles, and then built a wall to prepare for battle. The territory of the Reincarnation Sect is slowly expanding.

In Suzaku Imperial City, His Majesty Suzaku's face turned green when he received the news brought back by Huashui. He didn't expect that neither the first master of Suzaku Empire nor the second master would be his opponent, and they were beheaded on the spot.

Calculated in this way, the saint masters of the Hua family lost too much. Several people were lost in Daqin, but two great masters were lost in the land of the Suzaku Empire. Who else can suppress them from the recruited saint masters?

Just as he was thinking, Baoma sent a message saying that King Zhengnan had retreated, and the fire in Suzaku Empire's heart had already rushed to his chest. At this time, there must be a reason for his hind legs. Maybe King Zhengnan was waiting there that night. This is different.

At this point, Emperor Suzaku hastily issued an imperial decree, that is, the 300 men and horses supporting him will stay in the middle and wait for orders. After he appoints a new commander, he will rush to the front line. Emperor Suzaku is worried that his 300 men and horses will be handed over to Queen Zhengnan. The dog never returns.

There are not many fools who can sit in the big position. Emperor Suzaku is much stronger than Qin Zihe, and his brain turns quickly. He thought of the important point at the first time, but he encountered difficulties when appointing the commander-in-chief.

King Zhengnan can have a different mind, so can others. Emperor Suzaku thinks about one person, that is King Ren Wuying. If it disappears correctly, this Wuying is a daughter. raised a son.

However, Wu Ying is also capable. He has good skills at a young age, and he has perfectly inherited the skills of King Ni.

In Prince Ren's Mansion, Wu Ying was dressed in a strong outfit and carried a sword up and down, her nimble body burst out with great strength from time to time. The old princess was sitting in the gazebo, watching Wu Ying's eyes flashed with worry.

The decision back then saved King Ren's mansion, but it also delayed her daughter's marriage. Seeing that her daughter is already 18 years old, but she can't marry her like a normal woman, the old princess is worried.

Of course, this is not the only thing that worries the old concubine even more. There are also the young ladies brought by the seven aunts and the eight great wives. princess.

After Wu Ying finished her martial arts training, she came to the old concubine in a heroic spirit. Before she could sit down, she heard the sound of footsteps. She smiled wryly at the old concubine, jumped onto the roof and disappeared.

Just after Wu Ying disappeared, a group of girls in brightly colored clothes appeared in the courtyard. Behind them were servants who were beaten into pig heads. The old princess rubbed her temples and felt that her head was getting bigger.

Wu Ying went back to her yard, sat by the window and stared at the flowers outside in a daze. I don't know how long this kind of life will last, or it will take a lifetime.

Wu Ying sighed, Nuo Da's Prince Ren's Mansion was on her shoulders, she felt so tired, she couldn't find a shoulder to rely on, no matter whether it was hard or happy, she always endured it silently.

Looking at the couples of mandarin ducks in the lake, Wu Ying's desire for love rose in her heart, and the bitterness in her eyes slowly bloomed.

(End of this chapter)

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