Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1291 The wind is tight, withdraw!

Chapter 1291 The wind is tight, withdraw!

Seeing the tragic death of his subordinates, Wu Ying was so angry that his good brother Gouban ran out without saying a word, and ran towards Huang Hanzhong with a triangular fork.

Pointing at the other party and insisting that the other party is a dominatrix, this made a group of people who had heard Qin Zixuan tell the story burst out laughing. This weapon is famous. I thought it was a weapon in mythology, but I didn’t expect someone to actually use it in reality.

Although the other party is not a dominatrix, she still deserves the word "Yasha". From this, everyone came to the conclusion that those who use her are ugly monsters.

The strength of Jubai is a little stronger than that of Juming, don't underestimate this point, Huang Hanzhong has suffered a lot from this point, and he can't find a chance to pull his horse and escape.

The two fought hard with all kinds of moves, from noon to nightfall, there was no winner, but anyone with long eyes could tell that Huang Hanzhong would lose sooner or later.

Seeing the night fall, Wu Ying looked up at the sky, the fist in his hand slowly raised, and all the soldiers around him drew out their weapons and got ready to charge.

Qin Zixuan is sharp-eyed, he knew that this was going to be a scuffle when he saw the opponent's movements, and immediately shouted: "Brothers and sisters, pay attention, the scuffle is coming!"

Pfft, Jiang Yunji pulled out his double sabers and laughed like a pig, Dahai was quite helpless, sometimes his father really called everyone a brother regardless of seniority, Li Han took off the Dragon Slaying Saber, and the war horse put a sticker on Qin Zixuan's side.

The gestures of Wu Ying and Hai Hai fell almost at the same time, and the two sides launched a frontal charge with horses hissing and people roaring. The artillery fire that suppressed the formation was endless, and countless Suzaku soldiers fell into the artillery fire. Wu Ying's eyes were red when he saw it. It's really been a long time.

Behind Wu Ying, several cyan figures mixed in. They aimed straight at Qin Zixuan with a clear goal. As soon as the two sides clashed, they turned into blood gourds.

The marksmanship taught by Li Han was changed by Qin Zixuan at will, he can use it as he wants, there is no way to win, there is a way, as long as he can stab the enemy to death, he is doing it well, and he can see a blue figure running towards him from the corner of his eyes.

The figure was blocked by Zhao Qingfeng before it got close. Zhao Qingfeng, an old man in white clothes, was particularly conspicuous. He was fighting with the men in Tsing Yi, and more and more men in Tsing Yi surrounded Qin Zixuan.

It was surrounded by Qin Zixuan and Li Han from all directions. An angry Qin Zixuan yelled and yelled to be a bully. Isn't this bullying him for not entering the Saint Master? Everyone is really shameless. Is it interesting to use the strong to beat the weak?

Wu Ying and the old concubine wrestled with the sea, only to find out that the sea is not only growing better, but also stronger. Seeing that the two of them could not withstand the sea, several men in gray clothes joined in, holding back from all directions the sea.

Qin Zixuan took the bazooka off the horse and carried it on his shoulder, staring wide-eyed looking for an opportunity to launch it. Bai Jing paid attention to the situation while shooting, the corners of his mouth twitched as he watched, the prince really has enough, and the weapons he brought are too complete.

Finally, Qin Zixuan found an opportunity. A man in Tsing Yi was chopped off by Li Han with a knife, and his body had nowhere to rely on his body in the air. Qin Zixuan kindly gave him a cannon to help him ascend to the blue sky.

It was only at this time that everyone realized that although Qin Zixuan's strength was not good, he had good eyesight and could always seize the most suitable opportunity to make a move.

The people in Tsing Yi looked at Qin Zixuan even more furiously. Their mission was to kill Qin Zixuan at all costs. The previous sneak attack failed, but this time they planned another sneak attack. They just mixed in with the army, but they were stopped again unexpectedly. That's called anger.

Wu Ying and the old concubine looked around while fighting, and found that their battle formation lost its advantage after encountering the Daqin formation. The opponent obviously knew how to crack the three-talent four-element formation, and with this formation they were hammers.

Wu Ying withdrew from the siege of Dahai and gave orders to her subordinates, that is to fight on their own, don't use the three talents and four elephants again, and then looked at the battlefield, trying to find a chance to make a move, but before she found it, screams rang out.

One of the masters who besieged Haihai died tragically, and the other was forced to retreat again and again. Only with the rescue of the old concubine and the others did they save their lives.

Wu Ying had no choice but to enter again, and several people formed a combined attack on the sea again. On the other side, Li Han once again showed his power and beheaded the enemy with a sword. Qin Zixuan is also a guy who is not afraid of death. Immediately became a second idiot again.

What's the matter with the holy master, he was killed, the holy master is also a human being, and he made a bloody hole, Qin Zixuan froze, and looked for an opportunity to make a move. If he wasn't surrounded tightly, he probably really Dare to rush out and fight.

This made the saints protecting Qin Zixuan roll their eyes collectively. The prince is really too stupid. He does not distinguish between the important and the important. The general can bear this temper. Not only can Li Han bear it, but he can also protect Qin Zixuan in circles and prevent him Get away from your side.

"You die for me." Qin Zixuan saw a person making a move at him, Zhao Qingfeng matched the move, the front door was wide open, Qin Zixuan drew his gun without saying a word and shot, a bullet hit the opponent's head.

bump!With his head blooming and blood splattered three feet, Zhao Qingfeng swept down the enemy's corpse, and suddenly found a speechless result, that is, Qin Zixuan seemed to have killed the most holy masters today, and they became sparring partners.

"Death!" Li Han yelled, and cut the enemy in front of him in half with the divine sword in his hand. The number of saint masters who besieged Qin Zixuan decreased sharply, which made the team of saint masters of the Suzaku Empire feel guilty.

No one wants to die if they can live. Seeing their partners die one after another, they retreat in their hearts, and then think that even Huayin Huayang is no match for them. Wouldn't they be courting death if they make another move?
"The wind is tight, retreat!" A voice sounded, and the group of saints heard the secret joy, and they all threw away their opponents and joined the crowd to retreat. Qin Zixuan looked anxious, you can fight if you want, and escape if you want, how can it be so good matter.

Qin Zixuan wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Li Han. It is not something they can stop a saint master if he wants to escape. It would not be worthwhile to put himself in a dangerous situation.

Besides, Li Han can't leave the army behind to chase the enemy, so he advised Qin Zixuan to be patient, there will be opportunities in the future if he wants to take revenge, once the saint master withdraws, the old princess and Wu Ying will be embarrassed.

Although the two were strong, they were really no opponents of Dahai. The old princess made a decisive decision on the spot and fled with Wu Ying, and then the order to retreat was passed down. Wu Ying looked back at her own soldiers, feeling really distressed.

Dahai looked at the two who had fled, and waved his hand to give the order to chase. He took the lead in chasing Wu Ying, but was blocked by Wu Ying's personal soldiers. Teams of personal soldiers formed a wall with their bodies, trapping Dahai there.

(End of this chapter)

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