Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1292 Gambling

Chapter 1292 Gambling
Qin Zixuan watched from a distance, and really couldn't bear it, those were all good men, so Qin Zixuan sent an order that the saint masters should not attack, retreat back to the team, and be attacked by guns, if the opponent can escape, it will be their life.

Dahai retreated to Qin Zixuan's side, looked at his father and shook his head, luckily his father was not the commander in chief of the three armies, otherwise his character really wouldn't be able to take up this position, this time is a battlefield, the two armies are at war, how can there be mercy.

Wu Ying and the old concubine escaped a long way, and seeing that Qin Zixuan and his group did not catch up, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at his own soldiers, his eyes were red, these soldiers are the family property of King Ren's mansion.

Alas, the old concubine sighed, this is the battlefield, if it is possible, she really does not want her daughter to go to the battlefield, but the emperor has ordered them Renwangfu not to stay behind, looking at Qin Zixuan from a distance with puzzled flashes in his eyes.

It was said that Qin Zixuan was the demon that destroyed the Suzaku Empire, but the news brought back by the personal soldiers was not like this. They were able to retreat safely because the other party did not attack them, and it was because Qin Zixuan restrained the Saint Master to participate in the battle.

If the other party's Saint Masters were to attack, she and her daughter would definitely have no chance of escaping today. Thinking of this, she was quite dissatisfied with the Saint Masters team sent by the emperor.

You want to use the army as a cover and they agree, but can you cover each other when you leave, can you give the army a chance to retreat, how can you withdraw when the wind blows, and throw their mother and daughter to the enemy, even The army is no longer there.

Is the luck of the Suzaku Empire really exhausted?The eyes of the old concubine fell on the gunfire, where Suzaku Erlang was suffering hellish torture, and they were bleeding for the Suzaku Empire.

"Marshal, old concubine, let's retreat." Wu He took a deep look at the battlefield, somewhat understanding why King Zhengnan fled back to his headquarters in the south, even if he betrayed the Suzaku Empire.

The enemy's artillery fire is too fierce, far from the firepower they got. Their artillery fire is extremely mobile and covers a wide area. If there is no defense, the two sides will die if they encounter each other.

But the cost of defense is too high, it is impossible to allocate it to the three armies, only some elites have it, it is too difficult to block the enemy's footsteps, Wu He feels a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Because of Qin Zixuan's momentary kindness, the number of enemies killed was greatly reduced, and Wu Ying was given a chance to breathe. Both sides returned to the camp and rested their troops.

The two sides rested for three days, and Wu Ying led troops to call for battle, but she didn't lead many soldiers, but launched a gambling fight against the sea. Wu Ying's condition was very simple, that is, lose a game and retreat ten miles.

After Qin Zixuan heard the proposal, he thought of a word called backing away. I don't know if the other party had such careful thoughts, but Qin Zixuan's words resonated, and he felt that Qin Zixuan was still very sensitive in terms of the art of war.

Li Han rolled his eyes, and quickly arranged the personnel for the battle. He wanted to see what tricks the other party was going to play. Qin Zixuan and his group led the troops out of the pass, and reached a bet with Wu Ying before the pass.

When the envoys of the two parties signed the bet, Qin Zixuan held up the binoculars to observe Wu Ying carefully. When he saw Wu Ying's hand rubbing his throat, Qin Zixuan's expression was quite exciting.

Pointing at Wu Ying and telling the other party's Adam's apple to move, and if you rub it, you can move it. This statement caused everyone to laugh. They all have Adam's apple, and it is impossible for this Adam's apple to move just by rubbing it.

Seeing that no one believed it, Qin Zixuan became angry, how could he not believe the truth, he pulled Li Han and asked Li Han whether he believed it or not, Li Han insisted that I believed it, if no one believed me, he would believe it.

Dahai pretended not to hear, his parents were showing affection all the time, he, a single dog, asked for attention, and didn't wait to bully others like this.

Qin Zixuan held up the binoculars to observe with Li Han. Qin Zixuan pointed to Wu Ying and said, "Look carefully, there is a mole on his neck. At first, the Adam's apple was under the mole, but now it is on top of the mole."

"Huh, no, it's sliding down again." Qin Zixuan stared and observed carefully. He had an intuition that he had encountered a Xibei product. Li Han also observed carefully, and finally found something was wrong.

Li Han put away the binoculars, looked at the sea and asked, "Is this King Ren's information collected accurately? The other party may be a woman."

Dahai slowly put away the binoculars to see if Li Han didn't dare to make a promise. He also saw the other party's Adam's apple move down just now, and then pushed it up and down again with his hands.

Qin Zixuan stuffed the binoculars into his bosom, and said, "Yes, just like you, we raise girls as boys, but the one opposite is quite handsome."

"You mean to say that I'm not juicy?" Li Han's voice was a bit resentful, Qin Zixuan stared, and asked who said this, how could his daughter-in-law not be juicy.

There are only lazy women in this world and no ugly women. My eldest daughter-in-law used to be lazy, not ugly. Look at her now, although she is also wearing armor, who would dare to say that the general is a man.

As long as you don't blindly look at your chest, you will know. Qin Zixuan is quite satisfied with his work. He tilted his head and looked at it for a while, and said that my wife is the most beautiful, and I will trim your eyebrows for you when I go home.

Li Han is very easy to coax, he can be coaxed with just one word, he doesn't care if it's true or not, he approached Qin Zixuan swayingly, then took out some snacks from his bosom to feed Qin Zixuan, don't starve his little husband-in-law.

Wu Ying frowned and looked at the opposite party. The other party had been looking at him just now, not knowing what they were looking at, and seeing each of them smiling, it seemed that something bad was about to happen.

Thinking of the emperor's order to hold back the enemy's 300 million army with less than 600 million soldiers, Wu Ying felt a lot of pressure. King Zhengnan's escape from the battlefield disrupted the emperor's formation. not on ah.

It will take a month to transfer troops back from the west. One month is really not easy to delay. The most important thing is whether the soldiers can be transferred back or not. King Zhengxi and King Zhengnan are both kings with different surnames. Loyalty needs a question mark.

If King Zhengxi didn't send troops, he would have to transfer troops from other places, and it would take longer. Wu Ying felt worried when he thought about it, the pressure on his shoulders made him unable to straighten his waist.

The old princess looked distressed, and then looked at the enemy army opposite, feeling powerless in her heart, who would have thought that King Zhengnan would flee with his soldiers at the critical moment, that bastard.

If there were not the 800 million soldiers who were cheated before, the current situation would not be like this. The old princess resented Nangong Shi again in her heart, and then frowned.

In the first match, Dahai sent Bob to play. Shiba envied him when he saw it. He also wanted to play, but he was not strong enough to be ranked. Not to mention that he was not the first turn, the whole bet was over. Not having his name hurt Shiba very much, and he secretly made up his mind to practice hard.

(End of this chapter)

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