Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1294 Schedule

Chapter 1294 Schedule
The speaker is not interested in the listener, Qin Zixuan's cry at the gate was recorded by someone's heart, and it was turned into a piece of paper and flew towards the Suzaku Imperial City. The means of attack are really weak.

Originally thinking that if the pocket battle is successful, it can also eat up tens of thousands of opponents. Unexpectedly, he put his own money into it, and Wu Ying led his subordinates to retreat to Shangcheng.

Sitting in the commander's tent, Wu Ying felt a headache. The reinforcements had not arrived, and the number of soldiers under his command was only about 40. How can this battle be fought?Just wait to go back and be punished.

Seeing her daughter worrying, the old concubine was equally sad. They feared that it would be difficult for them to get through this expedition safely. The daughter's identity was also a weakness, and if she was not good, she might be pushed out by the emperor.

Dahai's command took over Changping Pass, and then launched a fierce pursuit. The prey he fancy could not let him escape. Dahai decided to eat this force, and then drove all the way into the imperial city.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han were discussing what other means they could use now. It would be good to let the Suzaku Empire play a few games first to consume their national strength. Li Han felt that King Zhengnan and King Zhengxi could play.

Anyway, they definitely need a territory to establish themselves as queens, because the territory determines their military strength, and it can be used by them with a little guidance. Qin Zixuan felt that this plan was feasible, and he held his chin to think about how to guide these two forces.

In the main hall of the Suzaku Palace, His Majesty Suzaku looked at the information sent from the front line, his face was cloudy and cloudy, more than 1000 million horses were lost, and the Suzaku Emperor felt powerless.

The most powerless thing is that the generals who conquered the Quartet did not listen to the edict, and even if they wanted to send troops back to resist the invaders of the Great Qin Dynasty, they couldn't do it.
Marquis Pingyang stepped out of his seat and admonished the emperor, asking the emperor to check the identity of Ren Wang Wu Ying, whether it is as in the legend, if he should be punished for the crime of deceiving the emperor, and Wu Ying concealed his identity and led troops to the expedition, it would be a disaster for the country Behavior, should punish the nine clans.

Ping Yanghou's speech caused a gust of wind, and those who had always been at odds with King Ren's Mansion came out of their shifts and proposed to investigate the matter strictly. Someone must be responsible for the defeat on the front line.

But the forces that had a good relationship with King Ren's Mansion frowned and said nothing, thinking about Wu Ying's identity. That was a young man who grew up under their noses. Could it be that he was really a daughter?
Then Qin Zixuan was always resourceful, could this be a smoke bomb deliberately released by Qin Zixuan?Thinking of this, a minister came forward to ask the emperor to be careful, not to fall into Qin Zixuan's poisonous scheme.

The emperor who was sitting in a high position smiled wryly in his heart. His minister was indeed not as good as Qin Zixuan. He only met Wu Ying a few times before he could see Wu Ying's identity. However, his minister had been with Wu Ying for more than ten years and he couldn't see through it. How ridiculous!
There is a saying that Ping Yanghou said is correct, someone must be responsible for the frontline defeat, since Wu Ying's ability is mediocre, it is a good choice for them to take the blame from King Ren's Mansion.

But after thinking about it, he felt wrong. Wu Ying and the old concubine were both strong saints. If they were forced to rebel, he would have two more powerful enemies. He really didn't have many saints in his hands.

Fewer people are willing to work for the Suzaku Empire. Saint masters have a long lifespan. They are not afraid of death because of their longevity. On the contrary, they are more afraid of death and less willing to take risks.

The two assassinations of Qin Zixuan ended in failure. If there were no demons who feared death to set an example, how could Qin Zixuan survive to this day? More than 20 holy masters could not succeed in attacking Qin Zixuan, alas!
Just when the Suzaku Empire was in a dilemma, Wu Ying's memorial was sent to the main hall. Wu Ying's meaning was very simple, that is, he needed a strong saint master to join, and he was in the army under orders, and he was not allowed to leave the field without authorization.

This memorial was quickly spread among the officials, causing a burst of ridicule. Who wouldn't want to hold a strong Saint Master in their hands?They also thought that this Wu Ying was simply wishful thinking.

Pingyang Hou stepped out of his desk again, pointing out that Wu Ying had a different intention, that he wanted to take away a group of holy masters and set up his own mountain gate. This kind of thing had to be guarded against, after all, the examples of King Zhengnan and King Zhengxi were there.

"Your Majesty, let the prince return." Ping Yanghou said again, "It has been three years since the prince led troops to conquer Jili Island. Now that the people of Jili Island have returned to their hearts, it is time to return."

"Well," the Emperor Suzaku responded in a dark voice, and saw a few more ministers walking out. They also wanted to protect other princes and lead troops back. The Suzaku Empire was fighting on all sides, and many princes were leading troops outside. Now the country is in trouble. , when they returned to serve the country.

Those princes and generals with foreign surnames can't be counted on, can't they count on the princes and princes?Only the wise shook their heads slowly. If all the princes and princes returned, they would not repay the country, but bring disaster to the country.

Qin Zixuan didn't know what was going on in the Suzaku Palace. At this time, Qin Zixuan sent spies deep into the Suzaku Empire and began to spread rumors that he wanted to provoke a war between King Zhengnan and King Zhengxi.

After arranging everything, Qin Zixuan and Li Han came to the city of Chuncheng together, demanding to have a talk with Wu Ying. He was really optimistic about this daughter-in-law, and Wu Ying was so angry that he wanted to fight Qin Zixuan with a gun.

In order to shut Qin Zixuan's mouth, Wu Ying and the old concubine appeared on the city wall. Qin Zixuan looked at the two people above smiling like flowers, and called his in-laws. Spitting lotus flowers to persuade the two to surrender.

"Mother-in-law, if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about Ying'er. Her identity must have been exposed in the eyes of some people. If they want to clean up King Ren's mansion, they just need to move their mouths. Maybe this is what they are thinking of pushing you out. Guo, why are you all loyal to Suzaku?"

"Mother-in-law, look at how handsome my son is. He is handsome, rich and wealthy. When the two of them combine, they will be a golden boy and a jade girl, a couple of gods and gods. Let me tell you, my son is more capable than what you see. There are many of these."

"Your daughter will definitely earn money by marrying my son. Mother-in-law, please nod and agree quickly. Let's have a big wedding before the battle. Maybe we can have a grandson next year."

Li Han happily listened to his husband's nonsense, and was very satisfied when he saw Wu Ying on the city wall. He was small, good-looking, and had a good figure. The most important thing was that his butt was big enough, so he would definitely be able to have children.

Wu Ying's face was reddened by the words, and she could tell at a glance that the King Ren was really sloppy. If the King Ren was persuaded by Qin Zixuan, their situation would be in danger, and rumors began to spread among the soldiers.

Dahai came to the front and looked at the city wall, and then at his father with bright eyes. He really wanted to ask his father if he would give me freedom?What about not meddling in my marriage?You better stay out of it.

The old concubine's heart was agitated by what Qin Zixuan said, and she couldn't help but think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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