Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1295 The first shot

Chapter 1295 The First Shot

Qin Zixuan made a short call to his parents and parents, ignored the anger of the old concubine, and left with his soldiers, leaving behind a mother and daughter trembling on the city wall. ah.

Looking at the mother and daughter on the city wall again, I couldn't help saying: "Wu Ying, you have to think about it, there is no such shop after this village, don't miss this opportunity, nod now that you are the concubine, if you miss it, I'm afraid I'm going to be concubine."

"You bastard!" Wu Ying drew his arrow angrily and shot, Dahai laughed and galloped away, leaving behind a chic back.

When the mother and daughter returned to the tent, the old concubine looked at Wu Ying and said for a long time, "That child is indeed a man of excellence, isn't it?"

"Mother, this is impossible. We are in a hostile relationship. Collaborating with the enemy before the battle is a serious crime to exterminate the nine races." Wu Ying refused. There are still many clansmen waiting for their return.

Alas, the old concubine sighed, knowing that her daughter's identity would definitely not be preserved, everyone knew Qin Zixuan's abilities, that man's eyes were poisonous, at this moment, the palace's memorials to them were probably piled up.

"Father, you agreed not to interfere with my marriage. Why did you propose marriage?" Da Hai rushed back to the camp and went straight to Qin Zixuan and Li Han's courtyard, only to see that a mahjong table had been set up in the courtyard.

Qin Zixuan heard the voice of the sea and touched the mahjong and replied: "Blame me, who made you so slow, you don't hug him when you meet a suitable one, look at your brother, he can still keep the house in a war , I don’t know how many beauties I have received.”

"Father, you're overthinking, so there's only one." Dahai sat behind Qin Zixuan, looked at the card and shouted, "My father hangs six barrels alone, be careful, don't light the cannon."

"Oh, do you know how to talk? Daddy cut off your milk powder money." Qin Zixuan was anxious with his cards, and this kid started cheating on his father again.Sure enough, he saw the card Liu Yi picked up and put it back in its original place, and cheerfully changed it.

With a little revenge, Dahai left again. He still had a lot of work to do, so he didn't have time to sit here and play cards. After Dahai left, Qin Zixuan held the cards and said, "Shall we find a chance to go out and play? I heard that the scenery of the Suzaku Empire is pretty good."

"My lord, you are the deputy commander of the three armies, and the general is the commander in chief of the three armies. I'm afraid it won't make sense for the two of you to leave the battlefield." Dai Chun persuaded, he really didn't dare to let the two of you go out at this time.

Staying in the army and still being watched by other experts, if they leave the camp, it will be much easier for the Suzaku Empire to assassinate the prince, after all, it is impossible for all those experts to be transferred to the prince's side, and they have to protect the generals in the army.

"Oh, it's really boring. The Suzaku Empire seems to be not as powerful as we imagined. Back then, Xue Zhenye's soldiers were not that bad." Qin Zixuan shook his head, feeling disappointed. He thought it was a tough battle, but he didn't expect it to be So what happened.

"That's different. The soldiers Xue Zhenye brought to Daqin are veterans of hundreds of battles. They all have rich combat experience and high skills. But these two batches of soldiers don't seem to be elite. They don't even have defense shields."

Bai Jing nodded when she heard Dai Chun's analysis, whether it was the 800 million of the top 300 or the [-] million of Wu Ying, these people are all soldiers who fight with the wind, and they will be in chaos when they encounter an enemy attack. It's a bit like recruits, or soldiers who fill up.

There are quite a lot of people, but they are not fighting. This is not in line with the legendary Suzaku soldiers. There may be secrets they don't know. Anyway, this kind of thing can be investigated later, so let the prince stay for now.

Several people talked one after another to persuade Qin Zixuan to give up his plan to go out. He could say nothing but others, so Qin Zixuan had no choice but to stop arguing with everyone and continue playing his mahjong.

Suddenly Qin Zixuan played a card and shouted: "Bring me all the information about the Suzaku Empire. I will study it carefully and see if I can analyze the crux of the problem."

"Yes!" Lin Xi took the order to do it, and the mahjong ended here. In the final calculation, Qin Zixuan won the most money, and this guy couldn't help being happy again.

Lin Xi ordered the soldiers to bring in several boxes of information. Qin Zixuan led the group of people to start checking. After reading most of the boxes, Qin Zixuan found the crux of the problem, and the reason was just one word: greed!

These soldiers are a reserve source of troops. They were originally prepared to be sent to Daqin for training. The generals in charge of the army are negotiating. The power struggle between the various parties has not yet been decided. King Jian is in charge of the training of the army.

King Jian is the emperor's half-brother. When the emperor ascended the throne, he was still young, and he had no conflict of interest with the emperor. When he grew up, he would neither form cliques nor form factions. At the same time, he did not fight for power. Seeing his posture, he was planning to be an idle prince. .

Who would have known that this superficial idle prince was a scheming man, and he didn't know what method he had used to defuse the emperor's guard against him, and he turned himself into a master of power.

Because all parties are at war, a lot of troops are needed, and this soldier training was taken into the hands of King Jian. This guy can find a reason to make money for not doing business properly, and the soldiers' army rings often fall into his pockets.

Fortunately, after arriving at the battlefield, these soldiers had to practice for a while before they could go into battle to kill the enemy, so they didn't show their secrets, but this time it was different, the soldiers led by the sea suddenly rushed out, and the Suzaku Empire was really unprepared.

All the soldiers along the coast were killed, and the city was captured, so this group of untrained soldiers went directly to the battlefield, and Qin Zixuan's army joined the sea, setting up ambushes all the way to kill seven or eight, and the rest became deserter.

"This King Jian is not simple. He can be as rich as an enemy now, and his methods of earning money are rough. What does he want to do?" Bai Jing asked with the information, unable to figure out what the brains of these princes and ministers were made of.

Li Han curled his lips and said that the country can't condone corrupt officials, that's slow suicide, the training of millions of soldiers is all in the hands of one person, and it's hard to believe that the Suzaku Emperor doesn't know if they are trained like this.

"This King Jian is interesting, send someone to collect his detailed information." After Qin Zixuan finished speaking, he continued to read the information, but he kept King Jian in mind, feeling that that guy was deliberately destroying the foundation of the Suzaku Empire.

"The Suzaku Empire uses force to rule the country. The consequence of the weakening of force is that the former glory will disappear. This will probably cause dissatisfaction among some people. After all, they bleed all their lives, but they cannot give blessings to their descendants. Anyone will be disappointed."

Dai Chun put forward a point of view for everyone to debate. In fact, there is no need to debate this point. They will definitely be dissatisfied. Who is willing to pay the price of their own lives for the defeat of the family?Even a fool is unwilling.

Qin Zixuan raised his head from the information, the current Suzaku Empire has no way to continue to suppress the force below, chaos is only a matter of time, now everyone is waiting for who will fire the first shot first.

The gun shoots out of Toudao, whoever shoots the first shot will be unlucky, this gun has to be fired.

(End of this chapter)

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