Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1296 Chaos

Chapter 1296 Chaos

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin to try to recruit, after a while, Qin Zixuan hooked his fingers and said, "Now I have another plan, let's send people to pretend to be people from the Suzaku Empire, and then pull up a team to rebel under the name of prince, general Ning has a kind? Feng Shui turns, come to my house this year."

"Is this okay? There are a lot of people who want to rebel, why did you send our people?" Liu Yi asked straightforwardly, and successfully received a peanut from Li Han, who dared to question the husband and didn't want to mess around.

Liu Yi, who was thick-skinned, was not angry either. She caught the peanuts and ate them deliciously, causing a chuckle. Qin Zixuan began to explain to everyone the story of shooting a bird with a gun.

As long as someone takes the lead, the Quartet will definitely respond, and the spies they send to hook up with King Zhengnan and King Zhengxi can go much more smoothly. Anyway, now they are multi-pronged. As long as there is a plan, the Suzaku Empire will be in chaos.

After the discussion, Dai Chun volunteered to raise the banner of rebellion. He had been with Qin Zixuan for too short a time, and wanted to take a shortcut to make great contributions. Otherwise, the distance between him and Bai Jing Liuyi would not only be impossible to get closer, but would also get closer. further away.

Dai Chun didn't want to be the last person, he had to fight for the opportunity, Qin Zixuan had no objection and asked Dai Chun to be careful, if he succeeds, he must save his life, in short, don't make innocent sacrifices.

The feng shui of the Suzaku Empire has begun to stir, and Da Qin has not been idle either. Since King Jiayi's rebellion failed, the emperor's trust in his courtiers has broken. It is because everyone looks like a rebel.

It's better not to have great power in your hands, the more power you have, the more dangerous it is, the ministers are always trembling when they go to court, and no one knows if the emperor will suddenly attack.

The minister of transportation, Su Lun, walked out of his shift and knelt in the hall. He wanted to report the Minister of the Household Department, Yuan Fei, for hiding food and grass. As soon as the memorial was handed over, all the officials in the hall looked at Su Lun with unkind eyes. This is the fifth time Get out of the report.

It is said that one, two, three, four, five make up a fist. Whoever wants to hit who, can you talk a little bit more?

The matter of private storage of food and grass is very sensitive now, at least it is very sensitive to the emperor, he does not want to see King Jiayi appear again among his subjects, let alone seeing dead private soldiers in the mansion, it is dangerous to the emperor existence, must be destroyed.

Yuan Fei went out to complain, and Su Lun showed the evidence that the servant of the household department smoked from his head. He is the minister of the Ministry of Communications. He is in charge of the world's traffic. Can't afford it.

Yuan Fei was so angry that he wanted to strangle Su Lun to death. Whose family has no business these days, his Yuan family is just throwing away some food. He wants to get the most benefit from it, so why is he hiding food and grass privately?

Zhang Li stood there beating his hands, his face as gloomy as water. Why did he feel that Su Lun seemed to be eyeing Zhang's family? During this period of time, all he reported were deputies. There was something hidden here.

In the harem, Empress Lu was sitting in the Qingning Palace with a sinister smile on her face. She had a list in her hand, which was full of deputies. Although these deputies were not as prominent as their main positions, they were well placed.

If she hadn't accidentally found out that these people had contacts in private, she would not have known that there was a big net covering all the officials.

Concubine Zhang Gui, what a good trick, she usually keeps a low profile like an invisible person, but she has a big heart!Empress Lu picked up Yuan Fei's wooden sign and threw it into the brazier, this one could disappear.

No matter how Yuan Fei argued in the hall, the emperor would not listen to him, and ordered Yuan Fei to be thrown into prison, and his home was ransacked for questioning!Su Lun punched for the fifth time and retracted perfectly again.

Concubine Zhang Gui frowned after she disappeared. At this moment, someone threw a stone in from outside the window. Concubine Zhang gave a shock in fright.

Back in the inner room, she saw that Concubine Zhang Gui had already picked up the stone and checked the note on it. There was only one sentence on the note, that is, Su Lun belongs to Empress Lu.

Concubine Zhang looked at the content on the paper and her eyebrows twitched. Empress Lu and the Lu family are hiding so deeply. Everyone is staring at Lu Qiang. I didn't expect Empress Lu to do so much silently.

Concubine Zhang Guifei took a deep breath, and ordered the maid to send the news to the Zhang Mansion as soon as possible, and walked to the dressing table at the same time. Now she can no longer keep a low profile, and the struggle has officially started.

Empress Lu probably has more than just Su Lun's pawn, she must have someone else, definitely!Concubine Zhang Gui was putting on makeup while thinking, and when she finished putting on makeup, she figured out what she should think about.

The struggle in the front palace finally caused a storm in the harem, and Concubine Zhang Gui came to the bright side.

The Xian Wang went back to the mansion, sat there shaking his head vigorously, he is really old, these people are crazy, and the emperor is about to die, this is what the Xian Wang thinks now.

In Spring City, Wu Ying received a letter from the Imperial City. She was in a bad mood. This letter was sent by Anzi who stayed in the mansion. Don't think she is the master of King Ren's mansion. This Mingzi However, there are many shadows.

Unexpectedly, the second uncle who has always regarded him as his own son actually hooked up with Pingyang Hou and provided a lot of unfavorable news to her. This is really going to drive her to a dead end. Pity she is still thinking about how to save Ren Wang's mansion .

Hehe, Wu Ying looked at the letter and sneered, feeling as cold as water in her heart. In the past 16 years, how much hardship and tiredness she has endured in order to protect King Ren's Mansion, who knows besides her mother?
In order to have a powerful force, she sleeps less than an hour every day, just to be able to reach the holy master early, to take on the important task of King Ren's mansion, and to protect the Wu family well.

Wu Ying knew that a family without a holy master would soon become the flesh of others, so she worked hard because she knew it, but she didn't expect that all the hard work would be exchanged for betrayal, or the betrayal of her uncle.

The old concubine walked into the handsome tent, looked at the desperate daughter, feeling distressed for a while, her eyes fell on the letter in her hand, Wu Ying looked up at the old concubine and asked sadly: "Mother, are we guarding the letter?" What?"

The old concubine sat next to Wu Ying, hugged her daughter in her arms, and gently took the letter paper. Looking at the contents on it, her chest was about to explode with anger. Everyone said that it was difficult to defend against house thieves by day and night, and it was true.

The second child, hehe, I really didn't see that the second child had such a big heart. If he was willing back then, even if he showed the slightest desire, she would not stay in the Prince Ren's Mansion.

The old concubine gritted her teeth and hated herself. Back then, she made it clear that as long as someone was willing to take over the banner of King Ren's Mansion, she would take her daughter to hide in the mountains and never ask about the affairs of the world. This group of people who are afraid of death Also unwilling to stand up.

I didn't expect that, okay, okay!You do the first day of junior high school, and I do the fifteenth day!Sparks shot from the old princess' eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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