Chapter 1298
A big battle in the commander's mansion officially kicked off. The old princess fought hard with a sword, and one equals three. Wu Ying was also making gestures with the three saints. It wasn't until the old princess was hit by a sword, and blood flew, Wu Ying felt it. Something is wrong.

Hurry up to repel the holy master in front of him to support the old princess, but unexpectedly, the three joined forces to block her way, and soon became a group. The old princess screamed, her left arm was hit, and she was chopped off shoulder to shoulder.

"Stop it, it's not like this, it's not!" Wu Ying went crazy, the plan she and the emperor made was not like this, they were just acting, just acting to make Qin Zixuan and his gang fall for it, why, why should hurt her mother.

Hehe, Zhu Ji stared at Wu Ying and sneered, so what?Does she think her strategy is good?The best strategy is to make the fake show real, that is, you don't have to worry about Wu Ying's rebellion, and you can use them to lure Qin Zixuan and his gang into being fooled.

The old concubine couldn't support her with one arm, she was kicked three times by Hua Tianmin, she vomited blood and fell into a coma on the spot, and she was no longer able to fight.

All the soldiers in the audience stared blankly at the scene in front of them, with expressions of admiration on their faces. Even though King Ni is a daughter, she is also a heroine of the flag country. In order to fool the enemy, she acted too realistically.

When Wu Ying woke up from the pain, she and the old concubine were already lying in the prison car with wounds on their bodies. The wound of the old concubine was not bandaged, and was still bleeding. The blood dripped down the prison car, leaving a long trail. bloodstains.

"Hua Tianmin, why? Why is this?" Wu Ying shouted from the bottom of her heart. She had never betrayed her country, and she was even willing to risk herself to eliminate enemies for the country. Why did she treat them like this.

"Why?" Hua Tianmin laughed, and the Jin Yiwei who surrounded him also laughed, "Wu Ying, you really want to die, do you think the emperor will believe you? You are two holy masters."

"Is it wrong for us to be saints?" Wu Ying looked at Hua Tianmin, puzzled. Is it wrong for them to be saints?The Suzaku Empire uses martial arts to rule the country, so what they want is masters?Why is it wrong for them to become masters now.

"Yes, who told you to be a king with a different surname! The Suzaku Empire does not need a king with a different surname!"

There was a chill in Hua Tianmin's eyes. The loyalty of the kings with different surnames is really worth considering. If the Suzaku Empire wants long-term peace and stability, the kings with different surnames must be eliminated. Just wait for the prince to return with troops, and these kings with different surnames will be wiped out sooner or later.

Wu Ying stared blankly at Hua Tianmin, she already understood what the other party meant, her strategy was a good one, the fault was that she was a king with a different surname, hehe, how funny, Wu Ying suddenly felt that she was stupid, it was her I hurt my mother.

Looking at her pale and unconscious mother, Wu Ying felt heartbroken. If she had a choice, she would definitely open the city gate with the army to welcome Qin Zixuan and his gang into the city. She would never think of any clever plan to destroy the enemy day and night.

On the high mountain, Qin Zixuan held up the binoculars and looked at the slowly moving prison car. After watching it for a long time, he came to the conclusion that it was his villainous heart. Seeing the miserable state of the mother and daughter, no one could break their arms in a show. That's permanent damage.

Li Han and the others looked around with their binoculars to see how many people they had followed in secret. Li Han didn't believe that there were only such people, and there were probably masters in the dark.

Suddenly, Dahai pointed to the back of the prison car and said, "They are really cautious, they fell so far."

"Small black dots, moving little black dots, I thought they were small animals." Qin Zixuan observed carefully for a while, only to realize that they were people, one by one wrapped in black clothes, walking through the mountains and forests, he was really careful.

"How do we fight?" Li Han asked, looking at Qin Zixuan. He used to look at Jiang Yunji, but since he was with Qin Zixuan, he always looked at Qin Zixuan.

"You guys go down to rob the prisoner van. I'll lead people to bombard those grandsons with cannons. Let's split up our troops and see how many masters the Suzaku Empire has prepared." Qin Zixuan stared at the little black dot in the distance, with a smirk on his face.

They have two plans, do you really think they haven't estimated their secret strength?Dahai thinks it is feasible, but Li Han wants to stay up there with the three holy masters, and they are enough to go down to save people.

The two sides assigned tasks, and soon they all took their positions, and a rescue started. Sitting in the carriage, Wu Ying asked Hua Tianmin to stop the bleeding and bandage the old princess, but was mercilessly rejected.

Hua Tianmin simply opened the skylight to speak brightly, but the provincial Wu Ying continued to have illusions. This time the action plan Wu Ying and the old princess are indeed very important. The most important thing about them is to be bait.

After the bait is cast, it will naturally be discarded. No matter whether Qin Zixuan and his gang show up or not, these two people will not be able to stay. Why do people who are destined to die need to be bandaged?What a waste.

The cold words hit Wu Ying's heart, no matter how smart she was, she never thought that the royal family had such an idea, she never trusted her from the beginning to the end, everything was acting, the ridiculous thing is that she still believed it.

Just when Wu Ying was heartbroken, Dahai led his team down from the sky and started massacring Hua Tianmin and others. When Hua Tianmin saw Dahai and others appearing, he shouted Mikou, drew his sword to face Dahai, Zhu Ji released signal of an enemy attack.

Silence!Wu Ying stared at Hua Tianmin's back with hatred, wishing she could not kill the enemy with her own hands, if she survived by chance, the Hua family would be destroyed!Seeing the cold blade stabbing her chest, Wu Ying didn't dodge or dodge, but just stared at Hua Tianmin bitterly, she wanted to remember this man, and remember him for life and life.

Han Ren was knocked down by a hidden weapon when accepting Wu Ying's chest, and then the Jin Yiwei who assassinated Wu Ying first reported to the King of Hades.

There was a group at the bottom of the mountain, and Qin Zixuan and others on the mountain had adjusted their cannons and shot at the man in black, which blocked the progress of the man in black. They never thought that Qin Zixuan and his group would bring the cannon to the mountain.

One by one avoided the cannons while rushing, only hoping that Hua Tianmin could hold on for a little longer, but how could this be possible, Dahai shot cleanly.

There were only six holy masters escorting the car, and Dahai's group came down with more than a dozen people. Besides, Dahai, the big killer, was even a holy master killer. Hua Tianmin didn't even hold on to three tricks in his hands.

Dahai killed Hua Tianmin, split open the prison car, cut Wu Ying's rope, and then took out the wound medicine and threw it to Wu Ying, asking her to treat the wound first. Dahai didn't want to let any of these holy masters and powerhouses go.

"Why haven't you arrived yet!" A holy master yelled in despair, and then his head was chopped off by Zhao Qingfeng with a sword. Zhao Qingfeng sneered a few times, did they really think they were two fools?Can't see through their game?Hmph, it's up to them how to break this game.

The sea destroys the opponent standing in the wind with a sword in his hand, his eyes fixed on the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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