Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1299 Silly Woman

Chapter 1299 Silly Woman

Hua Tianmin and his party were completely wiped out. Wu Ying shed tears to stop the bleeding for her mother. Looking at her pale face, Wu Ying knew that her mother might lose most of her strength, and all of this was caused by her. It's all her!

The artillery fire did not wipe out all the enemies, but when they rushed to the front, they were all dumbfounded, and they only lamented that Hua Tianmin was so useless that they did not persist until they arrived.

Holding the bloody soft sword, Dahai laughed coldly as he watched the group of strong men rushing to die. Hua Tianqiang knew that this was his last chance to kill Qin Zixuan, and if he missed it, he would never be able to stop such a strong man. up.

The situation in the Suzaku Empire was in turmoil, and the holy masters began to leave quietly. They either retired or joined other forces. No one would take the task of killing Qin Zixuan with their heads up.

"Kill!" Hua Tianqiang yelled, and took the lead to rush up, entangled with the sea, but he didn't see it. Just as he was rushing forward, several figures were retreating.

"Kill!" Dahai also yelled, and fought Hua Tianqiang to a place. Zhao Qingfeng and others looked for their opponents, and the fight was fierce. Wu Ying hugged her mother and watched the battlefield quietly, gnashing her teeth. The clucking sound.

Qin Zixuan was still looking around on the mountain. He wanted to see if the Suzaku Empire had any backhands. After looking for a while, he didn't find any backhands. Presumably they thought this trip was very safe and didn't send other people out.

Bai Jing commanded the soldiers to pack the cannon. It was too heavy to carry up and down the mountain. They were really tired from this operation.

Following an order, Qin Zixuan walked down the mountain with the cannons carried by the soldiers, and Liu Yi said beside him: "Is the Emperor Suzaku having a brain twitch, to think of such a terrible plan?"

"This plan is not considered broken. Wu Ying has hung us up for a long time. If they are really the plan they set up, anyone who is not good enough for us to come to rescue will be wiped out."

"How do you know you're hanging us?" Liu Yi looked at Qin Zixuan and asked with a smile.

"Cut, you think I'm stupid. If they really want to surrender, they can just open the city gate with the army. Why stay here and stay still? There are nine out of ten tricks in this matter, but now it seems that Wu Ying didn't lie to us. Otherwise, their fate would be too miserable."

Thinking of what would happen to Wu Ying's mother and daughter, Qin Zixuan grinned and gasped. Wasn't this attack a little too ruthless?

Li Han patted Qin Zixuan on the shoulder, the heartbeat of the enemy and us fighting, this time the heartbeat of the husband is definitely very lively.

The sea wiped out the enemy, came to Wu Ying and squatted down, stretched out his hand to feel the pulse of the old princess, Wu Ying hid her body, hugged the old princess tightly, her face was full of guard.

"Stupid woman!" Dahai scolded, took out the pill from his arms and handed it to Wu Ying, saying, "Save your life, dare you take it?"

Wu Ying stared closely at Dahai's eyes, trying to see something out of them. Dahai grinned and said, "There is no gum in my eyes, but there is a hunchback in yours."

Pfft, Zhao Qingfeng secretly gave a thumbs up, it really was Qin Zixuan's seed, and his ability to pick up girls was also excellent, Wu Ying's face was flushed with anger, he snatched the pill from Dahai's hand and threw it into his mouth.

If it was poison, she would die in front of her mother. At worst, she would be a companion on the road to Huangquan. Now she has no other way to go, and it seems that she can only cling to the man in front of her.

When the pills dispersed, Wu Ying's eyes flashed with joy. She could tell whether it was poison or tonic, and she stretched out her hand and said, "Bring it."

"Seeing that you are a wounded person, I don't care about you." Dahai threw another one in the past, Wu Ying hurriedly subdued her mother, and Qin Zixuan's voice came from her ear.

"Son, you can care about it. It's good to take advantage of someone's danger. You can execute it immediately."

"Father, my son is a good person, and he won't take advantage of others." Dahai looked at Qin Zixuan and boasted that he was a good person. Few people believed what he said. Anyway, Qin Zixuan didn't believe it. happy.

"Don't mind, good people don't live forever, and the disaster will last for thousands of years. Son, you should be a bad person."

Wu Ying looked up at Qin Zixuan, she didn't understand this father and son pair, shouldn't a father teach his son to be a good person?Why encourage your son to be a bad person?Since she was a child without a father, Wu Ying really didn't know how to get along with her father.

"Mother, is my father a bad person?" Dahai turned his head and buried Qin Zixuan in the pit. Li Han looked at Dahai and gritted his teeth. What answer did he want to hear.

"Tomorrow I'll take your father to be the king of the mountain." Good people don't live long, and Li Han doesn't want Qin Zixuan to be a good person, so being a king of the mountain is not bad, and his head turns very quickly.

Dahai gave her a thumbs up and gave her a thumbs up, convinced!

The soldiers pulled the carriage to ask Wu Ying's mother and daughter to go up, but Da Dahai refused when he wanted to help her. Wu Ying carried her mother into the carriage by herself, and no one would let her touch it. The world is so big, but Wu Ying only has her mother.

"Oh, poor baby, you have a good rest in the car, let's go home." Qin Zixuan poked his head to see Wu Ying sat down, and said this, the word "family" made Wu Ying feel sad, how could she have a home.

Dahai was sitting outside Wu Ying's carriage, leaning on the door of the carriage without saying a word, wondering what he was thinking, the old concubine in the carriage had already woken up, and looked up to see a dazed flash in Wu Ying's eyes.

Then she was vigilant, she was not a fool knowing that the plan had changed, she reached out to touch the sword, touched the sky, but touched the wound, the painful old princess took a breath, Wu Ying hurriedly hugged the old princess, choked up and said: "Mother, wake up gone?"

"Ying'er, where is this?" The old concubine looked at the carriage, the interior of the carriage was completely unfamiliar, and the furnishings inside had never been seen before.

"Mother, don't be afraid, we are safe now, this is King Cheng's carriage, mother, we, us." Wu Ying wanted to say that we were abandoned, but she couldn't tell the truth, tears rolled in her eye sockets.

The old concubine wanted to raise her hand to pat her daughter, only then remembered that her left hand was gone, the wound was numb as if bitten by ants, and her right hand was in pain, probably from an injury.

"Ying'er, don't be sad, that child is really good, don't go back to the Suzaku Empire, it's not worth our nostalgia there." The voice of the old princess was very soft and weak, and there was a look of disappointment in her eyes.

In fact, this is not the first time that the Suzaku royal family has done this kind of thing. The old princess kept reminding herself to be on guard, but she was still moved by her daughter's plan.

Wu Ying didn't reply, Dahai's face flashed in front of his eyes, is that his lover?Thinking of Dahai scolding him as a stupid woman, he felt inexplicably sweet in his heart.

It's just that he is no longer a marshal in a high position, can he still fancy himself?He still wanted to kill him and his whole family, could he forgive himself?Can you accept it?Wu Ying was upset.

(End of this chapter)

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