Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1325 Good brother?

Chapter 1325 Good brother?
With the narration of the film, Qin Zixuan and his group had a clearer understanding of the Vermilion Bird Mountain Range, and the plan they made before was undoubtedly very correct. If they attacked the Vermilion Bird Mountain Range rashly, they would be dead.

There is no shortage of strong people in this world, and there are many strong people like Hai Hai, but this group of people like to live in seclusion and don't like to walk in front of others. Return in defeat.

The killer of the Shadow Clan has been secretly observing these situations and reporting to the senior management of the Shadow Clan. After discussions with all parties, the senior management of the Shadow Clan finally locked on Qin Zixuan and the group, thinking that they are the most suitable partners.

Of course, wanting to cooperate is not just talking about it, they need protection, and the oldest guarantee is marriage. This is the mission that Xiao Qi came here this time. able to sacrifice.

Who made her the most age-appropriate girl of this generation, other girls were either big or young, so this good thing fell on Xiao Qi, the candidate that the Shadow Clan took a fancy to was Da Hai.

As Xiaoqi's grandfather, Yingzhang hopes that Xiaoqi can marry a suitable person instead of sacrificing his future life for the sake of the family. The appearance of the Yellow River can be regarded as meeting Yingzhang's conditions.

When the negotiation was settled inside, outside, Huang He had brazenly grabbed Xiao Qi's little hand, no matter how much Xiao Qi shook it off, he could only beat Huang He bitterly, but Huang He's skin was very thick, so beating was useless.

The two sides agreed to exchange information, and then on a good day, Qin Zixuan sent someone to deliver a bride price, Yingzhang happily agreed, and asked Xiaoqi if he wanted to go back with him, but Huang He didn't reply when he came.

This guy is going to take Xiaoqi to wander around the Suzaku Empire. Last time he was young, he didn't play much. This time, he plans to play it again. Huang He told Xiaoqi that if you come with me, I will give you all your basic necessities. bags, and pocket money.

Xiao Qi rolled her eyes, she is not a traditional woman, and she will not abide by the three defenses of the third party and the third party, since she is engaged, she will hang out with the Yellow River for a while to see what this kid is capable of.

Then the two ignored the stunned crowd, and left together straight away, making Qin Zixuan so angry that he wanted to give Huang He a meal, this brat just arrived, he really took his wife and forgot his father.

Yingzhang also took Ying Xiaoqi to no avail. The child had the right idea and was willing to sacrifice his marriage for the family. He really couldn't bear to criticize any more, so Yingzhang bid farewell, and he wanted to report back to the family.

Just like that, Huang He took Ying Xiaoqi away, Ying Zhang left alone, and the big family was left, Qin Zixuan patted his head and called Yue Meizi, where did they go when Huang He arrived?
Yuemeizi naturally entered the barracks, but Gong Liangyan figured out that something good happened today, and they wanted to hide their strength, so naturally they didn't want to come out to see the film, but quietly entered the camp.

As soon as the two sides met, Gu Yueru threw Qin Zixuan over the shoulder. Angrily, Qin Zixuan yelled that it was unfair.

Dahai took Wu Ying to the side to watch the excitement, while Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan looked Wu Ying up and down with their heads tilted. Finally, Gong Liangyan, Hua Yan and others presented meeting gifts one after another.

It's not that courtesy is light and affectionate, and those who are given are heavy gifts. From this, it can be seen that several people have accepted Wu Ying, and the flowery words are to remind Sea God that there has been a breakthrough in arithmetic, and if you want to learn, please take the time to ask for advice.

In fact, he didn't need to remind Dahai to see it. In the past, his magical arithmetic was much better than Huang He's magic stick, but now Huang He is ahead of him. If there is no breakthrough, Dahai won't believe it.

Qin Zixuan withdrew to the crowd, rubbed his buttocks and grinned, pointed at the Seventh Fairy and shouted: "Xiaoyingzi, those are some of your god-aunts, hurry up and ask for a meeting gift."

Xiao Yan and his daughters looked at this money fan with a smile, Jia Nan called out that the meeting gift had already been delivered, and Qin Zixuan would depend on food, clothing, housing and transportation for the next period of time.

Wu Ying blushed with a smile as she held the gift. Why did she feel that her father-in-law was born in the country of daughters? Look at the women around him, they are not ugly, and there is no such thing as a blessing.

"Father, just stay here and watch. I'll make arrangements. We're going to have a big celebration today." After Dahai finished speaking, Qin Zixuan waved Dahai to go down to make arrangements, so Dahai took Wu Ying to leave.

Gong Liangyan watched Wu Ying retreat, and said softly, "This one is also blessed."

"That is, anyone who can marry into my family will be blessed." Qin Zixuan puffed out his stomach and looked proud. Thinking about the system of this era, and then thinking about the system of Prince Cheng's Mansion, Qin Zixuan really felt that the girls who married into Prince Cheng's Mansion would be be lucky.

At least I taught my son to respect women and know the status of women in the family. Women are not vassals of men, let alone tools for childbearing.

This kind of thinking is absolutely avant-garde in this era, just look at Huang He's face when he meets Xiao Qi, how many girls dare to attack the future husband-in-law these days?
Gong Liangyan didn't speak, but took a deep look at Qin Zixuan without saying a word, turned her head and exchanged glances with Huayan, and finally her eyes fell on Li Han.

If you want to take down Qin Zixuan, you have to take down Li Han first, and only Li Han can do it together. Gong Liangyan's eyes sparkled, but she received the family tree Qin Zixuan sent to Huang He.

It was clearly written on it that no more concubines were allowed after forty, and it described Qin Zixuan's views on this matter in a very straightforward sentence, that is, the old man should not harm other girls.

At the age of 40, Gong Shiyan turned her head slightly to look at Qin Zixuan. This kid is really well maintained, and he looks like he is in his early twenties. If Qin Zixuan didn't say anything, others would definitely think that this is someone's young master Pianpian.

During the battle, Li Han and Gu Yueru fought fiercely, but if you look closely, you will find that Gu Yueru is still not Li Han's opponent. Although he is not fighting Gu Yueru, he has the upper hand.

Qin Zixuan whistled, his daughter-in-law is a bull, thinking back then that Gu Yueru's strength was still higher than Li Han's, but with the passage of time, Gu Yueru gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The holy master is a hurdle, Li Han chooses to step in, Gu Yueru chases after him, but it's a pity that every step is slow, even if he enters the ranks of the holy master now, he still can't catch up with Li Han's speed.

After the two of them passed a hundred tricks, Gu Yueru gave up and gave up. She also knew that there was still a long way to go between herself and Li Han. It really didn't work hard to catch up, it had to rely on talent.

It's really hard to imagine that the daughter of an ordinary military general like Li Han has such a good talent, alas, Gu Yueru sighed, turned around and hugged Qin Zixuan, and called my good brother to go drink.

Qin Zixuan had no objection to this proposal, and walked away with Gu Yueru shoulder to shoulder...

(End of this chapter)

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