Chapter 1326
Li Han walked with Huayan Gongliangyan, touched Gongliangyan's pretty face from time to time, pinched Huayan's buttocks, and took advantage of it with both hands.

Gong Liangyan felt helpless towards Li Han with a cold face. This bastard's faults are really more than one star, even more lustful than Qin Zixuan.Hua Yan quickened his pace to distance himself from Li Han, so that he could not afford to be provoked.

As soon as they entered the restaurant, they saw Zhao Qingfeng and others waiting there. Seeing Qin Zixuan and Gu Yueru coming in, Zhao Qingfeng's old face trembled fiercely. This bastard is really indistinguishable from male to female.

Gu Yueru called master, Qin Zixuan called old brother, and the disciples of Gu Yue's family next to him collectively turned black. They don't know how to address them if this generation can't be so chaotic.

However, Qin Zixuan turned his face and called Yuemei, you sit here, and offered to help Gu Yueru pull out the chair, showing a man's demeanor, Gu Yueru is not polite, everyone here is acquaintances.

Qin Zixuan pulled out the chair again and asked Gong Liangyan and the girls to take their seats, and then Diandian sat on the main seat with Li Han. Regardless of Zhao Qingfeng's seniority, he still wants to make the first drop here, with a clear distinction between priority and secondary.

Dahai and the old princess Wu Ying came in, and everyone got up to exchange pleasantries. The old princess broke her arm, and her strength was greatly damaged. She has been adjusting her mentality for a while, and now it seems that her mentality has been adjusted well.

As soon as the food and wine were served, Qin Zixuan stood up as the host and toasted. This guy said everything without saying anything. I will do whatever you want.

Zhao Qingfeng nodded, his apprentice is a connoisseur, the wines brought out today are all over ten years old, and Qin Zixuan also paid a lot of money today, it is not easy to drink this kind of wine.

It's not that Qin Zixuan is stingy, it's that the landlord's family doesn't have any food left over. These wines are saved from that year, not much, and they have been drinking all the time, until now Qin Zixuan began to hold back.

Today is the day of Huang He's engagement, and they should have respected Huang Hedi, but that kid ran so fast that he had already taken Ying Xiao Qilang with him, so everyone started pouring Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan had no objection to this, it didn't matter how much he drank, anyway, he wouldn't get drunk now, and everyone drank until the moon went down, and then they dispersed together.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han sent the drunk back together, Dahai and Wu Ying sent the old concubine back, and then helped Gu Yueru to walk back, as for Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan, there was no need to worry.

They left together with the Seventh Fairy. The Seventh Fairy was very restrained and not drunk today. They were responsible for taking care of Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan.

The next day, when Qin Zixuan opened his eyes, he heard clanging noises from outside. He rubbed his neck and twisted his legs. Qin Zixuan went outside the tent to watch, and saw Gong Liangyan fighting Li Han.

Without further ado, Qin Zixuan moved a small bench and sat down to watch the play. Seeing the fierce fight between the two, he couldn't help but comment a few words, and by the way, praised Gong Liangyan for his chic movements, flying around like a fairy.

Gu Yue was heartbroken, and asked about his performance in the fight with Li Han. Qin Zixuan also unceremoniously said "moving black tower", annoyed Gu Yue, and told him to practice with Qin Zixuan. practice hands.

Hua Yan pursed her lips for fun, and waited until Gu Yueru and Qin Zixuan finished their fight, Hua Yan said: "I heard that the prince has published many masterpieces recently, I wonder if Hua Yan has the honor to watch them?"

This matter is trivial, Qin Zixuan waved his hands to let Hua Yan look at it freely, he didn't care about that thing at all, only Lin Xi's two idiots were his treasures, he wished to hug them to sleep, his collection was more delicate than treasures.

Lin Xi didn't know that she had become a fool in the prince's heart, and she felt a little unhappy when she heard the flower talk that she wanted to watch it. During this period of time, the weather was wet, and the calligraphy and painting itself was not easy to preserve, and it would be even more difficult to preserve them when they were taken out for viewing.

The maid brought the breakfast, Qin Zixuan called out to his daughter-in-law to serve the meal, Li Han and Gong Liangyan fought a move, the two retreated to close the move, the movement was smooth and smooth.

The soldiers stepped forward to take the weapons, and the maid hurriedly delivered the handwashing water and towels. Gu Yueru had already sat opposite Qin Zixuan, staring at the crystal bag in front of her. She had never eaten it before.

This was Qin Zixuan's idea of ​​how to do it recently, and he asked the chef to study for several months and finally succeeded. The old chef got a reward of 1000 taels of silver for this.Qin Zixuan took his grandson into the youth camp by the way.

The juvenile camp is composed of descendants of the direct descendants of Prince Cheng's mansion. Unidentified people are not eligible to enter, and they are also blood transfusions for Prince Cheng's mansion, so they can't just point at the old man for things.

This action made the old cook wipe away his tears happily for a few days. It was joyful to think about it, and the blue smoke of the ancestors finally rose.

After several people sat down, Gu Yueru and Qin Zixuan started to attack the crystal bag almost at the same time, not only the two of them, but others also stared at the crystal bag.

This new variety is novel and delicious, few people are willing to miss it, Li Han's action was the fastest, and he didn't have the consciousness to be the host, he carried two of them with one chopstick, and put them all in front of Qin Zixuan.

Gu Yueru's teeth turned sore, she laughed at Li Han, Li Han is thick-skinned, she doesn't care about it at all, she loves her husband as a matter of course, just like he loves her.

Qin Zixuan's side was harmonious, but in some places, there was no harmony. The struggle in the Great Qin Palace reached a fever pitch. Since he became sober from the poisoning, the emperor ate more carefully.

In addition to the imperial doctor testing the poison, there is also a eunuch who will try it. Even if he doesn’t eat it right away, he has to wait half an hour to see the effect of the medicine. Basically, he eats leftovers every day. It’s really not enjoyable to be an emperor like him. .

As the emperor attacked Su Lun, Empress Lu's popularity plummeted, because Su Lun recruited Empress Lu during the interrogation by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and admitted that she was Empress Lu's man. In the pit.

Su Lun is crazily greedy for money, it can be said that he is insane, and this behavior is ordered by the queen to save a large amount of money and food, what does it mean?The emperor understands too well in his heart,

Empress Lu said that it was prepared for the emperor to deal with emergencies. Would the emperor believe this?Even if the emperor believed it, Concubine Zhang Guifei and Concubine Ren would try their best to make the emperor not believe it.

In this struggle, Concubine Zhang Guifei and Concubine Ren Guifei partnered with each other, intending to win the Queen, but unfortunately they thought too simple, Queen Lu still had cards in hand.

In such a bad situation, Empress Lu insisted on saving herself by her own means, and the final punishment was not clear or severe, and almost killed the two noble concubines.

You thought this was the end?impossible!Zhang Ren and his family jointly launched an attack on Lu Qiang. Since Queen Lu escaped, Lu Qiang had to stand up to block the gun, and he had to shoot someone.

(End of this chapter)

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