Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1327 Yu'er died

Chapter 1327 Yu'er died
The emperor thought about the materials Qin Ziming sent. There is still a copy of Lu Qiang's data. Now he only cut Su Lun, which has already filled the treasury's money, and there are still two people who haven't moved.

Now that the Renzhang family is attacking Lu Qiang together, the emperor's dissatisfaction with the Lu family has also reached its peak. The national treasury has been empty again and again. It's so hateful.

Sitting on the high dragon chair, looking at the ministers of His Royal Highness, his eyes fell on Lin Yucheng, and wanted to ask Lin Yucheng what he thought of this matter, Lin Yucheng rolled his eyes in his heart, what can he think.

With a fair and strict attitude, Lin Yucheng suggested that the emperor should investigate, and if the situation is true, deal with it according to the law. Some people are happy and others are sad, and some people stand there and look at Lu Qiang with a sneer.

Some time ago, Lu Qiang paid a lot of attention to the position of the Minister of Communications. He made more than one attempt to grab it, but let's see how he still grabs it. Lu Qiang stared at Lin Yucheng's back and gritted his teeth. Can't this bastard say something nice!
At the critical moment, the emperor was still thinking about those trustworthy courtiers, and the task of interrogating Lu Qiang fell on the Xian Wang, who sneered at that time.

The Minister of Communications is so fat that the emperor didn't think of him. At this time, the king really has a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart. These dissatisfaction gather together like a stream, and he doesn't know when it will explode.

Since the emperor asked him to investigate, then investigate!The virtuous king stepped forward to receive the decree, his eyes flashed cruelly, he offended others, anyway, Empress Lu is not a good thing, so uproot the Lu family.

Here, the emperor finished what he wanted to do, regardless of whether the ministers had anything to do, got up and retreated. He was tired and needed a good rest. He was still thinking about how to solve this messy situation.

It's just that the emperor returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and hadn't had a cup of hot tea yet. Empress Lu cried and cried to ask for an audience.

The three women's play is still a big play where human life is at stake. The singing is wonderful. Empress Lu wants to excuse her father. No matter what, it is her own father. If even Lu Qiang can't be saved, who is willing? follow her.

Concubine Ren Guifei and Concubine Zhang Guifei came here specifically to tear down the stage, and all the reasons Empress Lu could think of were wiped out by the two together, and in the end they played an unhealthy trend to make the emperor despise Empress Lu.

Concubine Zhang even pointed out that Empress Lu's intentions were not righteous, and she should have lost her position as empress, and she could no longer be allowed to rule the harem.

The emperor is really reluctant to say that Empress Lu is abolished. This is his wise man, and many things that are inconvenient to discuss with others are discussed with the empress.

Seeing this situation, Concubine Zhang Gui gritted her teeth in hatred. At this moment, Prince Yu'er appeared on the stage. Yu'er received the news and came to ask for an interview. He had to save his mother if he didn't protect Lu Qiang. He knew that her mother could sit firmly in the back seat. , so that he can sit firmly as the crown prince.

Yu'er knelt there with snot and tears pleading, Yu'er is also a very smart master, he didn't cry about Lu Qiang's grievances, but cried about the contributions the Lu family had made to Daqin over the years.

Even if it was embezzlement of a little money, he had also contributed money to Daqin. Yu'er had a clear mind, and only picked out useful things to say, so that the emperor was embarrassed to do it.

Empress Lu raised her hand to wipe her tears, her eyes flashed with joy, her son is not mediocre, the emperor couldn't bear to see Yu'er, and thought of his past.

At that time, the father was also dissatisfied with his maternal grandfather's family in many ways, and he still endured not touching them for his own sake. Could it be that he had the heart to let Yu'er get into trouble?
Seeing the emperor's expression, Concubine Ren secretly ground her teeth, wishing she could kill Yu'er right now, it seems that if Yu'er is not dead, the emperor will not touch the queen, just like the previous emperor.

But she is no other concubine, hum!Concubine Ren lowered her head to hide the murderous intent in her eyes. If Yu'er blocked her son's path, she must die. It is impossible to protect Yu'er like the former emperor.

Yu'er's arrival brought the drama to an end, Empress Lu won all, and the emperor let go of Lu Qiang's matter. It was no longer a death sentence for Lu Qiang, but to recover some of the illegal gains as the bottom line of punishment.

Concubine Ren Guifei returned to her residence and angrily smashed the decorations in the house. She stared at her maid of honor bitterly, gritted her teeth and said, "I want the prince to die."

"Yes, I will arrange someone to do it." The maid knelt down to accept the order, and soon sent the news, and Zhang Guifei also sent the news. Not only Ren Guifei saw the importance of Yu'er, but even Zhang Guifei also Same.

Three days passed, the virtuous king went to the palace to hand over the decree, counting Lu Qiang's crimes in detail, but only wrote down dozens of charges, the emperor was overwhelmed by what he heard, and began to regret handing over the case to the virtuous king.

The virtuous king doesn't care what the emperor's reaction is, anyway, he just presents the charges he has found out. As for how the emperor will punish Lu Qiang, it depends on Empress Lu's ability.

No matter who is in charge of the virtuous king, the ministers of the Ren family and Zhang family stepped forward to ask the emperor to punish Lu Qiang severely.

The emperor looked at the kneeling courtiers in front of him who were in a dilemma, and secretly hated the virtuous king for not doing things properly. If you were asked to investigate the case, how could you be so clear about it?It means it's over.

At this time, the emperor forgot his original thoughts. Facing the pressure from the officials, the emperor wanted to withstand the pressure to protect Lu Qiang, but his shoulders were too narrow to withstand it.

Empress Lu got the news in the harem that she hated King Xian to death, and at the same time secretly anxious, she kept sending people to inquire about the situation, while Ren Guifei and Zhang Guifei were sitting in the palace waiting for the news.

Even if Lu Qiang can't be killed this time, there will be a next time, as long as Yu'er dies, the Lu family will definitely be unlucky, and the two of them will sit firmly.

In the end, the emperor did not order Lu Qiang to be killed, but ordered to confiscate all the property of the Lu family, remove Lu Qiang's official position, and let Lu Qiang go home to farm.

The Xian Wang shook his head secretly, the emperor is really not suitable to sit in this position, his heart is too biased, thinking that if the old lady hadn't planned to destroy his maternal ancestor's family back then, it is estimated that there would be another family gnawing at the foundation of the Great Qin Dynasty.

The Lu family incident passed quickly, and everyone focused on the competition for official positions. The calm harem suddenly became lively. Yu'er died in the East Palace for no reason, and the imperial physician could not find any clues.

Empress Lu cried to death in the East Palace. This was her reliance. She actually left before her at such a young age. Empress Lu wished to kill all the people in the East Palace to avenge Yu'er, but she knew that she could not act now.

The emperor also came to the East Palace, looking at Yu'er with a smile on his face, his heart was cold, he didn't know how to describe his mood at this time, in short he was flustered and confused.

(End of this chapter)

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