Chapter 1328
Yu'er died inexplicably, no injuries were found all over her body, and no poison was found in her body, so how did Yu'er die?This shadow hangs over the emperor and his ministers.

When the crown prince died in the East Palace for no apparent reason, and the cause of death could not be found out, many ministers felt that something was wrong. This is a sign of chaos in the country. Is it true that King Cheng will perish after leaving Daqin?
The forces of all parties have everything on their minds, and some even secretly calculate their own strength, wondering if the rebellion will succeed, if not, can they flee, and where will they flee?

If Qin Zixuan is here, he may be able to understand the cause of Yu'er's death. After all, there have been movies about similar causes of death before, but without Qin Zixuan, it is impossible for Yu'er to bury the body and wait for Qin Zixuan's inspection.

On the day of Yu'er's burial, Empress Lu launched a coup d'état to seize Daqin's power. This woman also fought hard. She knew that her chances were limited, and after Yu'er's death, she would definitely not be able to keep her position.

The Emperor's fickle guy appointed another crown prince, so the successor would naturally be given to her. Naturally, Empress Lu refused to delegate power easily. This was her last chance, and the time was chosen at the time when the Emperor wanted it the most.

But the emperor was careless and some were not. These people are Ren Zhang's two imperial concubines. Both of them are successful. Ever since it was revealed that Su Lun bought grain and grass, these two people have thought of today.

It's just that the queen chose to fight on the day of Yu'er's burial, and the two sides fought bloody gourds. The emperor pointed at Empress Lu angrily and shouted to destroy the nine clans.

The battle between the two sides lasted from noon to sunrise the next day, and the blood of Yujing City had never been dried. It flowed a long way along the palace, and the people shut their doors and windows tightly in fright. I am afraid that I will catch my life.

Concubine Cheng sat in the Palace of Cheng and looked at the direction of the palace and sighed. Concubine Cheng did not expect Empress Lu to have such a big heart and directly launched a coup. Unfortunately, no matter who fights with whom, Prince Cheng will not send troops to help.

Even if today's emperor is killed, Concubine Cheng does not plan to rescue her. It is because her heart is hurt too badly. Prince Cheng's mansion has retreated until his children and grandchildren stay away from Daqin, and they cannot escape the fate of suspicion. If so, then it would be crazy So what.

In the end, Empress Lu's coup ended in failure, and the strength in the hands of the emperor was greatly damaged. The Ren family and the Zhang family made great contributions, and the emperor rewarded them heavily.

During this battle, the emperor felt that the two noble concubines were the most caring to him and the ones who protected him the most, but it was uncertain who would become the empress of the two, and he did not take the second place for the time being.

The members of the Ren family and the Zhang family have been greatly promoted, which can be regarded as a special kindness, and the vacated minister of transportation finally fell on the head of the Zhang family.

Concubine Ren was quite angry about this, but fortunately, the emperor also knew that the Zhang family had benefited greatly. In order to prevent Concubine Ren from feeling out of balance, he changed hands and took down Yu Changqing, and the throne of Minister of the Household Department fell on the head of the Ren family.

The two fattest errands in Daqin fell on the heads of the mothers of the two concubines, which made the various forces feel very unfair, so someone suggested that the emperor should draft girls.

Isn't it a woman?They also had them in their families, and they all made moves to send their own daughters to the palace. Just when the bones of the prince Yu'er were still alive, the emperor's talent show was launched vigorously.

Seeing the ugly scene in the court hall, King Xian gritted his molars in hatred, and only hoped that Qin Zixuan would come back soon to end this chaos. There is no such thing as an empire here.

Qin Zixuan, who was expected by the virtuous king, is wandering in the Suzaku Empire. In the past, there were few people protecting him, and Dahai was worried about Qin Zixuan, but now it is different. The arrival of Gong Liangyan and the others has made Qin Zixuan's protection power straight up.

Besides, the Suzaku Empire is too busy to take care of itself now, so how can they even think about assassinating Qin Zixuan? Just like that, Qin Zixuan led a large group of people and started wandering around, while Dahai focused on grabbing the land.

The territory of King Zhengnan was taken away by the sea, and King Zhengxi was so angry that he wanted to lead troops to attack the sea, but was persuaded by Dai Chun. Dai Chun pointed to the Suzaku Mountains, where blood is bleeding every day, and a gap may be opened tomorrow. Are you willing to just withdraw your troops like this?
King Zhengxi who asked this question was speechless. If there was a gap in the Suzaku Mountains after they dispatched their troops, then King Zhengxi would regret his intestines. Take his place.

Many forces are red-eyed, thinking that maybe tomorrow will open a gap, maybe tomorrow will defeat the enemy, dragged in the Suzaku Mountains and cannot move, but it is convenient for the sea to do things.

At the same time, the Shadow Clan is also cooperating with Hai Hai's actions to help him win the territory of the Suzaku Empire. For the Shadow Clan, it doesn't matter who is the emperor, as long as it is beneficial to the Shadow Clan,
At present, it is in their best interest for those who come to see Prince Cheng's mansion to be the emperor, because Xiao Qi is engaged to Huang He, and the relationship between the young couple is not bad.

Huang He's magic stick is in charge of cheating money with his fingers, and Xiao Qi is in charge of collecting money. He counts the bank notes every day.

The two made money, doing good deeds along the way, and then being unrestrained and unrestrained. This is the life of the sons and daughters of the world, and they can get a good reputation without worrying about money.

Qin Zixuan didn't care about the things on the battlefield, and came to Luoxia Mountain today. The sunset here is the best in the Suzaku Empire. Qin Zixuan has been itching since he heard about this place, and today can be counted as a trip.

Qin Zixuan originally rode a bicycle, but since the mountain roads were rare, he changed to riding a horse, and now he doesn't even ride a horse, it's too rough, he should just walk.

The servants they brought stopped at the mountainside, and Qin Zixuan, Li Han and several other masters came to the top of the mountain, watching the red clouds covering the sky in the distance, everyone was fascinated by it.

Each of the seven fairies played the music with their musical instruments. There is no score for this song.

Jing Meiqu was good, Qin Zixuan only felt a fire burning in his chest, and that feeling of divine help welled up in his heart, and he called for his pen and ink to serve him.

Li Han hurriedly prepared, and Gong Liangyan and others also joined in to help. They all know that inspiration will disappear as soon as it disappears. It would be a pity to miss it.

Spreading paper and inkstones with all hands and feet, a few beauties waited on Qin Zixuan alone, ready to work, then baba looked at Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan rolled up his sleeves, picked up a brush and ink, and soon a picture came alive on the paper, after a little thought, Qin Zixuan Another poem that fits the occasion is mentioned.

This is not plagiarized by Qin Zixuan, it is genuinely original. Qin Zixuan put forward a good poem and put it in the payment, and then stepped back and tilted his head to look at his own work. Even Qin Zixuan himself couldn't help admiring, it's perfect!

Suddenly a voice came in, breaking the harmony, "I heard that Prince Cheng is a master of poetry and painting, and he is the best talent in the world. When I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation!"

(End of this chapter)

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