Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1329 Peach Blossom Tribulation

Chapter 1329 Peach Blossom Tribulation


Li Han and the others stood on guard together, with their hands on their weapons, and their eyes on the direction of the sound. They saw a Taoist appeared on the rock behind them at some time.

This man has a big head, a protruding face, a flat mouth, and sparse hair, with only a few strands tied behind his head. He wears torn straw sandals and holds a whisk in his hand. His eyes are fixed on Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan was also looking at this Taoist with his hands behind his back. This person is good, but he has escaped the eyes of so many of them. To get close to this level, his strength is definitely not low.

"What's the name of the old fairy teacher?" Qin Zixuan cupped his hands, and he should be more honest when facing powerful people. This is the top of the mountain, and it would not be good if there was a disagreement and a fight would hurt anyone.

Qin Zixuan, who was afraid of death, acted as a lubricant, but he didn't dare to let Li Han's temper, Li Han's hand was already on the hilt of the sword, and at the same time, Gong Liangyan and the others stood in front of Qin Zixuan.

Obviously it was Qin Zixuan who greeted the old Taoist, but it turned out that he stood at the end.Seeing the scene in front of him, the old Taoist couldn't help but shake his head, Lord Cheng's peach blossoms are really not ordinary.

"The old Taoist monk has been wandering for a long time, and he has forgotten his name long ago. King Cheng might as well call the old Taoist, this immortal master is really unstoppable." The old Taoist stroked a few beards, his eyes swept over the girls from time to time, In the end it fell on Huayan.

Huayan's pretty face turned cold, and her beautiful eyes shot out murderous intent, as if she was very dissatisfied with the way the old man looked at her. Qin Zixuan patted Li Han who was standing in front of him, and waved his hands to let Li Han get out of the way. If the old man wanted to kill him, he would have killed him long ago. Will wait until now.

This old way is a bit interesting, Qin Zixuan drilled from the back to the front, took out the wine gourd and asked, "Drink?"

"Well, I heard that the wine in Prince Cheng's hand is good. It seems that the old man is lucky today." The old man was not polite, and he waved the wine gourd to fly out of Qin Zixuan's hand and landed in the old man's hand.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, Li Han and his daughters were secretly vigilant, they didn't see the old man make a move, this skill is also unparalleled, they knew that they met an expert today.

Qin Zixuan, on the other hand, looked admiring, stepped forward and took out peanuts from his bosom, Thieves said: "This is indispensable for drinking, this is a good partner for good wine."

The oil bag was opened, and the peanuts exuded a tempting aroma. There are a lot of ingredients in it, spicy and numbing, really go with wine, this is one of Qin Zixuan's usual snacks.

The old man reached out and squeezed one and threw it into his mouth, then his eyes lit up, he grabbed the peanuts and sat on the ground, eating and drinking, forgetting why he appeared, Qin Zixuan squatted beside him, sucking his saliva.

Li Han was really overwhelmed, so he handed Qin Zixuan the wine he brought, and a bag of peanuts by the way, Qin Zixuan immediately felt that his life was complete, and sat opposite the old Taoist to toast from time to time.

Behind Qin Zixuan, Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan pinched their fingers respectively, but the two looked at each other for a long time and shook their heads slowly, they couldn't figure out the origin of the old way, it's really strange.

At present, Gong Liangyan met Qin Zixuan and the sea, and now there is another person added, who is the old Taoist in front of her. This person seems to be covered with a layer of fog, a vast expanse of whiteness.

After finishing the wine and eating all the peanuts, the old Taoist asked Qin Zixuan if he still had any more?Qin Zixuan pointed to the team below. They had wine, but they didn't bring much with them, that's all.

"Well, it's not bad, it's really good wine. If the old man doesn't take advantage of you, I'll give you a drink." The old man reached out and snatched the wine from Qin Zixuan's hand, and snatched the peanuts as well.

After drinking all the wine he snatched from him again, the old Taoist said: "The Suzaku Mountains are very dangerous. You will have a calamity there. It's easy to break the calamity. If you encounter flowers, don't pick them and refuse them."

"How many flowers?" Qin Zixuan asked with wide-eyed eyes, a little bit of anticipation in his heart, and felt that something was wrong. He had promised Li Han not to take concubines. How many girls Han can't explain.

Li Han also supported his ears, the old man glanced around, stretched out four fingers, and said: "Nine is the extreme number, you should have this number in your life, don't refuse any more, or it will destroy your luck."

ah?Qin Zixuan blinked his eyes, and was about to ask again, when he saw that there was nothing old-fashioned in front of him, only two wine gourds were thrown on the ground alone.

"Where are people?" Qin Zixuan turned his head and looked around at Li Han and the others. They also stared at the old man with wide innocent eyes. Where is there anyone? , extremely shocking.

"We met an expert today, let's go down the mountain." Gong Liangyan glanced at Qin Zixuan, silently savoring the old-fashioned words in his heart, nine is the ultimate number, and this villain has nine or multiples of nine in his life. They are missing one or more digits.

No, there can only be one less, and I don't know who the sacred one is, could it be that he was born in the Suzaku Mountains?Gong Liangyan withdrew his gaze and exchanged a glance with Hua Yan, the two were relatively speechless, then their eyes fell on Li Han, it seemed that they had to find a chance to attack Li Han.

Li Han rubbed his chin in thought, could the misfortune of Xianggong be a peach blossom catastrophe?There are nine in my life, and I have five in my family, and there are still four. Where are these four?Is it really necessary to make up enough poles?

Several people walked down the mountain with their own thoughts, while Seven Fairies frowned worriedly. They knew that Qin Zixuan's luck had always been good.

It's like a person who is in good health and usually has no illnesses or disasters. Once he gets sick, it must be a serious illness. I'm afraid Brother Xuan will have a hard time.

When Qin Zixuan arrived in the team, he felt that his addiction to alcohol hadn't passed yet, so he asked Lin Xi to hold the old wine.

Qin Zixuan jumped up after hearing this, and hurried over to check. The guards knelt down on the ground. They kept patrolling, but they didn't find anything unusual. However, the wine was gone. Before it calmed down, the cook shouted again.

The peanuts they prepared disappeared, it was the prince's favorite, and I don't know who was so greedy that they didn't even leave a single one.

In this way, Qin Zixuan thought of the target, it must be the old man who left, who is so good at that old man?When you meet yourself, chat about some lace, and then run away with fine wine and peanuts.

Qin Zixuan turned his head to look at Gong Liangyan, and asked, "Is there a way to get to that old man?"

Gong Liangyan shook her head, this help was really useless, Qin Zixuan looked at Li Han again, Li Han also shook her head, not because she didn't want to fight with the other party, but mainly because she couldn't find him, that guy was too fast to react at all up.

Well, Qin Zixuan spread his hands, knowing that this time he would never get it back, he had met an expert.

(End of this chapter)

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