Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1340 Confession

Chapter 1340 Confession
Xiaoqi took the medicine and stuffed it into his mouth with complicated eyes. It turned out that this was because his father-in-law didn't need to be stupid, but if this practice spread, would it damage his old man's holy name?

You must know that he is the Prince Cheng of Daqin, the patron saint of the Reincarnation Sect, and that such an awesome character actually uses poison.

Huang He's mood was quite stable, he had seen his father's shamelessness a long time ago, he would never move without his hands, he was surprisingly lazy.

Liu Shuai and Li Shang rushed into the camp with all the saints, but they were not attacked, and no one even looked at them, why?

Before he had time to think about it, Liu Shuai shouted angrily and killed me!As a result, he found out that something was wrong when he lifted his breath, and he couldn't lift his breath. Why?

Before Liu Shuai figured it out, Qin Zixuan had already walked out laughing. Looking at Liu Shuai's fleshy body, he couldn't help sighing, this fat man is so flexible.

"Qin Zixuan, what did you do?" Liu Shuai yelled, while Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, so he found out his identity, so what, he fell into his own trap.

"Liu Shuai, there is a good saying, you can't die if you don't work, you are on the way to die and never return." Qin Zixuan stepped forward and slapped Liu Shuai's face.

Li Han stood beside him with his hands behind his back, looking at Liu Shuai with his mouth curled up.They have already guessed their identities, but they dare to bring someone forward, who is this cheating?
Li Shang stared at Liu Shuai with wide eyes, he hadn't woken up from the shock, what Qin Zixuan?Qin Zixuan of Daqin?Cheng Wang Qin Zixuan?The Qin Zixuan who killed the Suzaku Empire did not dare to send someone to assassinate him again!
Let me go, can he provoke such a powerful Qin Zixuan?Lishang's eyes began to turn red. He is a very self-aware person. The arrogant and domineering master of the Suzaku royal family was killed and lost his temper. Why did he bump into him?

Not only did Li Shang think so, but the other holy masters also stared at Liu Shuai, feeling that he had fallen into a sinkhole, wondering if there was a chance to climb out of the pit.

Liu Shuai's body was chilling, and he finally understood what it meant to be close to death, and he had already seen that, where is the chance of a lifetime?Liu Shuai couldn't raise his inner energy, and couldn't show his strength, so he was in a panic.

He looked around, looking for a chance to escape, and finally Liu Shuai's eyes fell on Qin Zixuan. If he kidnapped Qin Zixuan, he would definitely be able to escape, so he naturally wanted to do so.

It's just that Liu Shuai was kicked away by Li Han before he could act. He tried to kidnap Mr. Liu in front of her. Whose face is this hitting?Li Han was furious that Liu Shuai really had nothing to eat, several ribs were kicked off, and he lay there lying there unable to get up.

Qin Zixuan didn't look at Liu Shuai, but looked at Lishang. Originally, he was going to Libei City to patronize the Li family, but now it seems that it doesn't need to be so troublesome, just take Lishang first, and go directly to snatch the Li family.

"Hehe, my lord, the villain has experienced injuries, and the Lord of Beicheng City, we have no grievances in the past, and we have no enmity in the present. Everything is a misunderstanding. The villain is apologizing to the lord."

Lishang quickly found a position, but he should bow his head earlier, maybe there is still a chance of life, if he continues to fight against him, he will be courting death.

Of course, there are many people who think differently from Li Shang, when Li Shang's voice fell, someone immediately jumped out to accuse him of being inhuman, betraying his country, and being ashamed to be with him.

Tough guys usually end badly, and here Qin Zixuan is no exception. Before the scolding is over, his head has already been cut off, and he must be ruthless when dealing with enemies. This is the first lesson Zhao Qingfeng taught Gu Yueru.

Gu Yueru has always remembered it deeply, because it was buried too deep and she forgot it. Today, she finally remembered the teacher's training. This guy beheaded that unlucky guy with a sword, and then taught Qin Zixuan to be ruthless in dealing with the enemy.

Li Han was laughing like a pig next to him, thinking about teaching at this time, besides, with the courage of the little Xianggong, Li Han couldn't bear to let him kill Li Han, if she was scared, who would treat her anyway?

Lishang froze there, trying to say that he was not an enemy, which seemed wrong. He was from the Suzaku Empire, and he brought a group of people to assassinate Qin Zixuan to seize the treasure. What is an enemy?
It would be a regret in this sad experience. If he had known that Qin Zixuan was traveling, why would he have to go to this troubled water? If he wanted a treasure map, he could go directly to the Suzaku Mountains and wait.

Those people fought blood gourds with the forces in the Suzaku Mountains. The so-called treasure map is nothing more than the place where those people live. Is it difficult to find it?Li Shang thinks it is not difficult, as long as you bring a few wolfhounds, you can do it.

Alas, it's useless to regret it, Li Shang couldn't escape even if he wanted to, and at the same time, the friends Li Shang called began to point at Li Ren and curse at him. man.

Looking at the scolding holy master, Qin Zixuan said leisurely: "Stop acting, you won't be able to cure the poison I put on you even if you curse for three more days."

The scolding disappeared in an instant, and several saints stared at Qin Zixuan in horror. They didn't know how Qin Zixuan thought of it. They hadn't practiced before, they were just playing on the spot. Is it easy for people to see through?
Cut, Qin Zixuan waved his hand and asked the soldiers to tie him up and take him down for interrogation. What is the interrogation?Hehe, of course it is to examine where their treasures are hidden, it is impossible for them to dare to assassinate Qin Zixuan and still want to escape unscathed.

Liu Shuai was also taken away, Liu Shuai felt regretful at this moment, he would have slipped away if he had known about it, why did he still bump into him knowing that he was close to death?

Huang He and Xiao Qi saw that a grand assassination ended so easily, they couldn't help admiring Qin Zixuan's skill, it ended too cleanly.

Soldiers attack in groups, find out and kill those spies who are hiding in the dark, so as not to give the enemy a chance to escape. It is a clean and neat operation.

Soon after the soldiers finished cleaning the battlefield, Yang Shulin also sent a statement. Yang Shulin had a strange expression on his face. Qin Zixuan asked what was going on, but Yang Shulin said in an extremely contemptuous tone: I didn't expect those bastards to be so afraid of death.

Before Yang Shulin brought his own soldiers to interrogate them, those guys confessed everything about their ancestral names, and the only condition was not to kill them, which made Yang Shulin, the steel man, puzzled.

Isn't the higher the strength, the more able to see through the world of mortals?Why are these holy masters so afraid of death when they see through the mortal world clearly?It's too contradictory, Yang Shulin has never met such a strong man, it's really embarrassing for the team of Saint Masters.

Qin Zixuan couldn't stand up straight after listening to the story, but he could understand those holy masters, who would want to die if they could live, besides, they are in high positions, they have the best food and clothing, and their small days are smooth and smooth, Only fools want to die.

Opening the confession, Qin Zixuan looked at the dense confession written on it, and some people even told how many things were in it, how much they wanted to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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