Chapter 1341
Qin Zixuan's team set off the next day, and none of the captured saints were left alive. There was no need to keep them. These people were afraid of death and had no position, so keeping them would be an unstable factor.

Rather than resisting their tricks all the time, it's better to kill them all. Of course, Qin Zixuan, the treasure of their life, has taken a fancy to them, so naturally he won't let them go, and plans to sweep them one by one.

Before that, Qin Zixuan had to go to Libei City to collect Lishang's collection, and then went to Luodong City to find good wine. Without good wine, Qin Zixuan's mouth would not taste good, and those ordinary drinks would not taste good, Qin Zixuan didn't like it.

Huang He and Xiao Qi jumped out and took the initiative to approach Qin Zixuan. Seeing the money-lovers of those two guys, they knew what their plans were.So Qin Zixuan gave Huang He three confessions, and he went to get them himself.

Huang He happily accepted the confession, held Xiao Qi's little hand and walked away. Qin Zixuan's heartless appearance made Qin Zixuan feel pained, and this brat could only live like this. Worse than killing him.

Libei City is as lively as ever, and the common people don’t know that the city lord riding on top of them is dead, and they are still living a numb life. Most of the annual harvest will be sent to the city lord’s mansion, and there is still a birthday gift for the city lord. It's been hard.

Qin Zixuan and his group were targeted as soon as they entered the city, and of course they were only targeted. Local snakes were also worried that this team was giving gifts to the city lord, and if they got the wrong food, they would kill someone, so they only dared to watch secretly.

A group of people booked a big inn, and then sent people to visit the city lord's mansion. If you want to take away the treasures of the city lord's mansion, you still have to be careful, and you can't start a war with the soldiers of the city lord's mansion.

If this kind of battle can be avoided, it's better to avoid it. It's not too late to fight after you get it. Of course, it's not certain whether they will start a war at that time. Qin Zixuan has already thought of a good move.

That is to release the news of Lishang's death. As Libei City is an independent city, many people should be staring at this piece of meat. Qin Zixuan is doing a good deed to let those who want to eat meat hurry up. The meat will stink .

The people sent out at dinner came back. The main reason was that the target of the City Lord's Mansion was too big, so it was easy to find out clearly. Moreover, Li Huan thought he was strong, and he was a high-profile and ruthless person, so it was too easy to inquire about him.

The Li family is full of traffic and people come and go, all of them are guests praying for Li's injury. This group of people is arranged in the west courtyard. This behavior has caused many people's dissatisfaction.

But the situation is stronger than others. It is recognized that the Li family has big fists. Even if they are arranged in the west courtyard, they can only hold their noses and endure it.

At this time, Li Qian was walking around in the east courtyard, checking the preparations, knowing that the guests here were all masters, so Li Qian didn't dare to be careless, it was really checking over and over again, for fear that his father would be dissatisfied if he didn't arrange it well.

There were still a few brothers watching under him, and Li Qian didn't want to hand over his identity as the heir to others. After making sure that there was no problem, Li Qian left the East Courtyard with his entourage and went back to his own courtyard.

Not long after Li Qian left, a few figures appeared in the east courtyard. They came to the utility room with a familiar road, and then opened the door to enter. Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes twice, and listened to the movement with his ears.

There are many traps here, but when they met Qin Zixuan, these traps became decorations. Soon Qin Zixuan led everyone into the secret room. This secret room was very big, the size of three rooms, and it was filled with strange treasures.

I didn't see a single thing of gold or silver here, and all that could be placed in this secret room were natural and earthly treasures, and I didn't see a single piece of jewelry, there were many rare treasures that Qin Zixuan had never seen before.

Gu Yueru fumbled here and there and kept praising the baby, Hua Yan and Gong Liangyan looked at it with their hands behind their backs, a flash of emotion flashed in their eyes, the Suzaku Empire is indeed a great treasure, and the territory has been seized.

Looking at the scale inside, Qin Zixuan couldn't help sighing, just a city lord is so rich, and he doesn't know how many good things the Suzaku royal family has.

Hearing Qin Zixuan's exclamation, Li Han yelled to grab it and knew it. When Dahai led his troops to attack the Suzaku Imperial City, they also went to join in the fun and count the collection of the Suzaku Imperial Family by the way.

This proposal received everyone's support. Qin Zixuan looked at so many things, but he couldn't carry them on his back. He asked Gu Yueru to ask someone to come in, carry the things away first, and talk about the rest later.

Coming to a shelf, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows while looking at the blood demon grass stored in the cabinet. It seems that there are indeed many blood demon grass in the Suzaku Empire, and there are ten of them collected here.

Qin Zixuan pointed to the shelf and called out that the next stop was the Shen family. Li Han smiled, wouldn't he look for fine wine first?Qin Zixuan won't run away with good wine, but the Shen family may startle the snake.

After all, Shen Rong has not shown up until now, and with the accident in Libei City, the Shen family must be able to think of something. It will be troublesome if they get their attention and then quietly live in seclusion.

Li Han had no objection, Yang Shulin instructed everyone to be careful and put things away one by one. Qin Zixuan also left with everyone's footsteps. Before leaving, Qin Zixuan looked at the empty secret treasure and shook his head, it was too clean.

It's just that they were unlucky, they were discovered before they left the city lord's mansion, a scuffle was inevitable, in the end it was Gu Yueru who used his big move to frighten the enemy away.

After they escaped, Li Qian appeared with a dark face and ordered the city guards to search the whole city. Qin Zixuan and his party went back to the inn to put away their things and continue to sleep. They actually wanted to wait until dawn before leaving the city. There was no one else.

The city guards naturally searched for Qin Zixuan's inn, but they didn't search carefully when they saw the inn full of vehicles and horses.

When the news was reported to Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan laughed and cried, what is this?Isn't their gang obvious enough?Didn't search here, what a talent.

How could Qin Zixuan know what that team leader was thinking? There are not many fools in this world, and that team leader is also an old fox. He was by the side when Qin Zixuan and his gang were running. took them.

It's one thing to know it, but another to report it. The team leader didn't want to make a fortune, let alone lead his subordinates to work hard. He actually let Qin Zixuan go, just to avoid conflict with Qin Zixuan and his gang, and to save the lives of his brothers.

The next day the gates of the city were closed, and the search was still in progress. Qin Zixuan led people out of the city, and the defenders would not let go. Li Qian rushed to the scene after receiving the news, watching Qin Zixuan and his group tremble in his heart.

Like the team leader, he found a hole in his boots and wanted to take down Qin Zixuan and his gang, but he also thought of the big black guy, who seemed to be unable to beat them.

Qin Zixuan smiled and looked at Li Qian, who was in a dilemma. At this moment, someone came to report that there was turmoil in the Liqian City Lord's Mansion, and all forces were actually robbing the City Lord's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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