Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1359 Complaint

Chapter 1359 Complaint
Li Han is really angry, if it's a peerless beauty who comes to snatch someone, it's fine, your sister, unexpectedly came a short winter melon, it's fine for a short winter melon, and there is a pit on her face, which was smashed face down when she was born Is the stone on it?
This is an insult, absolutely an insult. Li Han can accept that women other than her like Qin Zixuan, but he can't accept that an ugly woman thinks badly about Qin Zixuan, so Li Han was angry and beheaded the person who came.

When the people around saw this scene, some shouted for someone to sneak away, and some whispered for you to run away, that was the person from Yinshamen.

I'll go, listening to the buzzing voices around, Li Han rolled his eyes, the destination of their trip is Yinshamen, well, just to find suitable cheats for the sisters.

It's better if you can find it, if you can't find it, let's just come out to play, anyway, they don't have any serious business, and leave the business to others, their task now is to play, play hard.

"You guys, you guys are so brave, you dare to kill even Miss Yao, but do you know that she is the daughter of the second elder of Yinchamen?" A man in charge pointed at the red eyes of Qin Zixuan and his party, and shouted: " You wait, the second elder will not let you go."

Qin Zixuan picked his ears, tilted his head to look at Li Han and said pitifully, "Daughter-in-law, he pointed at me."

Pfft, Gong Liangyan couldn't hold back her laughter for a moment, this one is really too shameless, she is already a strong Saint Master, yet she still sues like a child.

Li Han likes Qin Zixuan to rely on him the most. Originally, after Qin Zixuan's strength improved, Li Han was worried that Qin Zixuan would not need her anymore.

First he beat the unlucky steward half to death, and then chopped off the hand pointing at Qin Zixuan, and then he was satisfied with his merits, and retreated to Qin Zixuan's side to claim credit.

Qin Zixuan stretched his arms around Li Han's shoulders, and presented the prize with his lips pouted. Li Han's big eyes turned into crescent moons, and his heart was bursting with joy. Gong Liangyan sniffed, and the air smelled of vinegar.

The steward didn't dare to be presumptuous this time, the steward regretted it to death, it would be great for him to run away, but he wanted to imitate others and leave a few beautiful words, I didn't expect that beautiful and outrageous man to be a male favourite, he would really sue .

The manager who was no longer presumptuous ran away, Li Han looked around, and found that there was a nice restaurant in front of him, the decoration was quite luxurious, I don't know how it tastes, they should go up and have a look.

Qin Zixuan had no objection, a group of people came to the front of the restaurant in a mighty manner, the guests inside saw Qin Zixuan and his group coming in, they were so frightened that they hurriedly checked out and left, and then retreated and squatted on the ground waiting to watch the show.

The Yao family is the local emperor of the Yao family town, so the person involved here is the Yao family, and the restaurant that Qin Zixuan and the others entered is owned by the Yao family. This group of people are also highly skilled and bold, and they don't worry about reprisals at all.

In fact, they were discussing how to retaliate in the back kitchen. Someone suggested poisoning, and someone suggested Mongolian and Chinese medicine. The poisoning reaction was too violent.

The Mongolian and Chinese medicines are different, as long as you drink them and fall asleep, the medicines are relatively mild, and the two sides are arguing quietly, and neither can convince the other.

Yang Shulin leaned against the door with the knife in his arms, listening to the discussion inside, with a smirk on his face, whether he should go in or wait, he had to think about it left and right, let's just wait.

After they finish the meal, let these people eat it, that scene must be very exciting!Yang Shulin has been with Qin Zixuan for a long time, and he has become less serious.

Xiao Er, who delivered the tea, came in from the front and saw Poplar Shulin leaning against the door. He was so scared that he shivered and walked quickly into the back kitchen. He saw the shopkeeper and the master chef leading two groups of people discussing something.

Calling the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper waved Xiao Er to go, don't disturb him to discuss business matters, Miss Yao Er died on this street today, they have to do something, otherwise they will be implicated.

Xiaoer turned his head and called the master master, the master drank and shut up, and continued to insist on ordering Mongolian and Chinese medicines. , or giant poison.

Xiaoer looked at the two who continued to argue, with a dumbfounding expression on his face, and continued to call the shopkeeper, who was annoyed by being called, and turned his head and asked, "Is it better to poison, tell me!"

Hehe, Xiaoer laughed dryly, and pointed behind him, "Shopkeeper, someone is listening at the door."

"Fart, I'm standing here and listening openly." Yang Shulin took the scabbard and slapped the back of Xiao Er's head, making Xiao Er's eyes stare, and he didn't dare to fart anymore.

The expressions of the shopkeeper and the master chef are wonderful, the master looks at the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper looks at the master, pointing at each other almost at the same time, Yang Shulin pouted and looked at the two who exposed each other, what a pair of spineless and no loyalty asshole.

Bringing the two to the front, Qin Zixuan understood what had happened, pointed to the two and said: "Feed what they want to eat into their mouths, so as not to save others."

So the shopkeeper cried, the master laughed, Qin Zixuan pointed at the master and scolded: "Don't laugh, give me the whole food quickly, if the whole food is not good, I will ask you to switch."

"Yes, yes, go right away." The master Xie En left, and Yang Shulin carried the shopkeeper to the back hall. Let's feed this thing in the back, so as not to disgust the people in front.

"Daughter-in-law, what's the matter?" Qin Zixuan suddenly became curious when he saw Li Han staring at the luck of the plate in front of him.

Li Han raised his head and gave Qin Zixuan a bright smile, pointed at Gu Yueru and said, "I bet her, if I keep staring at the plate, you will take the initiative to talk to me, I won."

"You guys are so boring, you should play one, two, three wooden figures." Qin Zixuan was a little dissatisfied, and actually bet on him, Li Han shouted, "Okay, then come on."

Qin Zixuan looked at the few people who were playing, rolled his eyes and told him not to play, he wanted to be the referee, well, they allowed Qin Zixuan to be the referee, and then asked one, two or three wooden men to sit there and stare.

Hehe, a group of silly girls, Qin Zixuan picked up his cup and sipped water, looked at Li Han, and then at Gu Yueru, the two of them were bigger than their eyes, and turned their eyes to Gong Liangyan, who was sitting like a lady. That's called a straight.

Huayan pinched her fingers like a statue of Guanyin, the only thing missing was the clean bottle and willow branches. I don't know if they can continue to do so when the table is full of dishes.

Thinking about eating by himself and watching by others, sitting there like a wooden man, Qin Zixuan was so excited, playing games is really good, very good.

Xiao Er put the dishes on his swollen head, then forced a smile to announce the name of the dish, stretched out his hand to invite Qin Zixuan and others to enjoy, but found that no one paid attention to him, everyone seemed to be frozen, including Qin Zixuan, Xiao Er touched his head What happened to these people?
(End of this chapter)

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