Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1360 Destroyed

Chapter 1360 Destroyed
As soon as Xiaoer left, Qin Zixuan moved, and put the vegetables under Gu Yueru's nose. Gu Yueru squinted at Qin Zixuan.
Seeing that Gu Yueru didn't respond, Qin Zixuan moved the dish under his nose and smelled it. It smelled delicious. Put it in his mouth and taste it. Sour isn't like sour, it's a local condiment, and generally tasty.

Qin Zixuan ate a few chopsticks with his mouth open, and then took another piece to Li Han's mouth. Seeing that Li Han wanted to open his mouth, Qin Zixuan immediately retracted the chopsticks. Li Han stopped staring at Gu Yueru, and followed Qin Zixuan with his eyes chopsticks run.

Gong Liangyan kept watching Qin Zixuan, and suddenly thought of a possibility, Gong Liangyan couldn't laugh or cry, the prince couldn't sit still if he didn't play tricks on them for a while.

Soon Xiao Er brought up two more dishes, seeing a table of people sitting like a log, and the only male member eating and drinking there, he suddenly felt like a thunderbolt, and the thunder was terrible.

Qin Zixuan seduced the four of them one by one, only Li Han couldn't stand the temptation, if not for Qin Zixuan's fast acceptance, Li Han would have already opened his mouth to bite him, the first one to surrender would be Li Han, this game is not fun at all.

As soon as Li Han surrendered, Gu Yueru touched his chopsticks, Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan stopped posing, and joined the foodies. Qin Zixuan took a sip of his wine and called for another game.

Hehe, Gu Yueru gave him two sneer, who is a fool, holding the wine in one hand and vegetables in the other, she'd better eat.

When Xiao Er brought the food again, the room returned to normal. They were eating, drinking and screaming, chatting very happily, Qin Zixuan would throw a joke from time to time, making the girls laugh.

Xiaoer set the plate and bowed his head to leave, thinking where did this savage come from, who didn't understand any table culture, didn't he understand food?cut!Xiao Er rolled her eyes, a bone fell on her head, and Xiao Er knelt down in fright.

Performing emoticons in front of these masters is courting death. Qin Zixuan didn't show his power, and Gu Yueru was the first to quit. Don't think she didn't understand the emoticons and look down on anyone.

When the few people were chatting happily, there was shouting and cursing outside, Yang Shulin was standing in front of the restaurant with a knife in his hand, looking at Di Ding who rushed over and sneered.

Upstairs, Qin Zixuan stopped his chopsticks, got up, went to the window and stretched his head to look down. He saw a ball rolling on the ground, at a fairly fast speed, and rolled in front of Yang Shulin in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the ball was kicked away by Yang Shulin before it came to a complete stop, Qin Zixuan looked at it with his feet itchy, thinking whether to go down and kick it, when he heard the ball screaming, ouch, it's actually a person!

Qin Zixuan was stunned. You said why are you dressed like a ball by yourself? Isn't this a crime to attract people? Normal people can't help kicking a ball when they see it.

"Then who is it?" Li Han and his daughters gathered around to see, none of them knew anyone, and it happened that Xiao Er came in to deliver the food, and she escorted Xiao Er to identify him, and Xiao Er told them with a mournful face that this was the Second Elder they were talking about.

Oh, Qin Zixuan remembered, what the unlucky guy left before he left was just waiting, the Second Elder would not let them go, as for how not to let them go, it is up for discussion, he should ask them to let them go.

The second elder also found that he seemed to be careless. None of the people in front of him were easy to provoke. The second elder was doing his best to provoke such a large group of people. Anyone who can lead a large group of people on a trip is of low status.

Alas, the Tu Emperor has been working for a long time, and his mind is amused. The second elder was kicked into a rolling gourd, and his heart was bitter and his head was thinking of countermeasures.

Seizing an opportunity, the second elder controlled his body and stopped. He stopped rolling, clasped his hands and reported his family name, asked Yang Shulin where he came from and where he was going, and asked for forgiveness if he offended.

Yang Shulin stopped chasing and kicking after he enjoyed playing. He stood up and looked up and down the second elder, not to mention the real resemblance to the second Miss Yao. As expected of father and daughter, the genes are too strong.

As for whether to let the second elder go, Yang Shulin can't make the decision. He has to ask Qin Zixuan for instructions. When Yang Shulin was considering whether to ask, people in the crowd shouted.

"Hero, don't let him go. That guy is not a human, but a wolf in human skin. I beg the hero to help the people." A young man squeezed out from the crowd. Eyes full of hatred.

Yang Shulin held the knife and looked at the young man, killing harm for the people was a good sign, but why did he listen to a young man, Yang Shulin would not do things for no reason, besides, who is a good person these days?How many hands are not stained with blood?
The second elder saw the murderous intent in the eyes of the person who came, that young man was indeed a spirit, he ran to the foot of Yang Shulin and knelt down, staring at the second elder, if the second elder made a move, he would definitely hide behind Yang Shulin.

"Hero, that old dog has a sacred bow in his collection. It weighs a thousand catties and can shoot up to 5000 meters. If the hero kills this person, the sacred bow will be yours."

The young man continued to shout loudly, calculations flashed in his eyes, don't even think about getting the old dog he can't get, he has no ability to avenge his family, but he can use other people's hands to destroy the Yao family, and seeing this group of people is not Simple stuff.

Hey, Qin Zixuan was moved by the window. After Li Han's strength soared, he did lack a handy weapon, but wouldn't it be too heavy if it weighed a thousand catties?

In fact, not only Qin Zixuan was tempted, but Li Han was even more tempted. Her archery skills were top-notch but she couldn't find a suitable weapon. Dahai Nawa also thought of a way, but unfortunately it was still not ideal.

With a range of 5000 meters, hehe, Li Han knocked on the window and shouted: "Destroy the Yao family, and take away the magic bow."

"Yes!" Yang Shulin bowed his hands to Li Han to accept the order, and the young man looked up to the second floor, and found that Li Han and the others were looking at him, and immediately lowered his head guilty.

"Boy, you are very good. This general wants to give you a chance. Do you dare to take it?" Li Han stood with his hands behind his back, exuding the aura of a strong man on his body. The boy raised his head and his eyes were full of longing.

"Boy Lu Yuan, thank you General for your support." The young man knocked his head on the ground, but he was very good at climbing.

Li Han looked at the young man with a slight smile, and asked the young man to come upstairs. Without saying a word, the young man ran upstairs with his robe in hand. It was a matter of his future. The young man really didn't want to miss it.

When the young man entered the private room, Qin Zixuan looked at him by the window. He was weak and not a martial arts practitioner. He asked Lu Yuan what skills he had. Lu Yuan lowered his head and sighed that he really didn't have any skills other than having studied for a few years.

"Boy, I'm not afraid to tell you that we are the invaders that the people of Suzaku say, and the army will come here soon. If you can collect the information here during this period and successfully submit it, you will make a contribution. You will get a chance to reuse it, and whether you can seize it depends on your ability."

(End of this chapter)

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