Chapter 1390

Qu Chang is about to cry, can he say that he is not a bad person?This one treats him as a thief, look at that posture, only at the Yangtze River can he get close to Linger, but now it is really difficult to get close to Linger, it is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

Qin Zixuan was hostile to Qu Chang, but not to Jiang Qinglian. This guy looked at Jiang Qinglian with a smile, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he was. The real person looked better than the painting. Qin Zixuan was generous, and he waved a box of jewelry to Jiang Qinglian to wear instead. , wear one a day, and he will be on it for a month.

Standing beside his wife, Jiang Hanzhong looked at Qin Zixuan and the couple speechlessly. Li Han gave the sword, and Qin Zixuan gave the jewelry. Is there some misunderstanding here?

Mrs. Jiang looked at Li Han and then at Qin Zixuan, she just felt that this couple was really a match, they were a perfect match.

After the two sides recognized each other, Qin Zixuan and his wife accepted Jiang Qinglian, which relieved Jiang Hanzhong's heart. He knew that there was a powerful force behind the person in front of him, and the Jiang family couldn't beat that force.

Not to mention the Jiang family, even if the West Continent is tied together, they can't fight. I haven't seen that the West Continent has been conquered by others.

Now that the Western Continent is unified, and the Yangtze River left the Western Continent, those people dare not rebel, and they all act like grandchildren, all of whom are frightened by the Yangtze River.

Tang Shiqiang, an imperial envoy on a tour of the Western Continent, finally found a chance to speak. Before that, Qin Zixuan and his wife were surrounded by masters, and those masters Tang Shiqiang didn't dare to provoke any of them.

Tang Shiqiang wanted to inquire about Daqin's news, mainly about the Tang family's news. Qin Zixuan told the Tang family that it was fine, that the military power had been taken away, and Tang Shiqiang wanted to vomit blood. Is this all right?

But after thinking about it, it's really good. Anyway, the person sitting in the Great Qin Dynasty Hall will be finished soon. We only need to wait for the Suzaku Empire to solve it, and the rest is to pull that person down and beat him up.

Don't look at Qin Zixuan in Suzaku, news from Daqin is being sent in a steady stream. Now Daqin can't see sunny days, and the darkness is boundless. Fortunately, those people haven't dared to attack Prince Cheng's mansion.

In fact, it's not that they didn't dare to attack Prince Cheng's mansion, but that those who attack Prince Cheng's mansion will always die inexplicably, which makes all princes and ministers dare not act rashly.

Even if Qin Zixuan dies, there are still a few sons in Prince Cheng's Mansion, and those sons don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. Thinking about Dahai who started digging holes at a young age, whoever is in the hole is unlucky, and no one has ever escaped.

With that smart master, no one would dare to provoke Prince Cheng's mansion again, and the unwise master would not provoke him after his death. However, someone in the court was quite dissatisfied with this phenomenon. This person was the former imperial concubine Ren, and now the Queen.

Empress Ren has been invincible since she came to power. She killed several princes of Daqin, and killed them if they refused to accept it.

But Queen Ren is not afraid, is it that simple to leave Daqin?She will send troops to kill them one by one, and then the world will be hers, and she will become the first queen in history.

Empress Ren has great ambitions, but now he has encountered a problem, that is, the treasury is empty again, and the consequence of all the battles is that the money cannot keep up. Empress Ren has set her sights on Ziming Bank.

Wanting to force Qin Ziming to take out the money from the bank to support the national treasury, Qin Ziming was so angry that he exploded on the spot, and Qin Ziming couldn't figure it out, why did this couple keep staring at him, but if you have the guts, you are eyeing Cheng Wang's mansion.

Because Qin Ziming was ignorant, Empress Ren ordered Qin Ziming to be thrown out of prison, and then sent troops to raid Ziming's bank. The reason was that Ziming's bank rebelled.

What Empress Ren didn't expect was that Ziming Bank was an empty shell, and the total amount of silver copied out was less than 1 taels. Such a big bank, even a nationwide chain of banks only had such a small amount of money?
Empress Ren didn't believe it, so she sent someone to interrogate Qin Ziming, but it turned out that Qin Ziming had disappeared, and at the same time, everyone in the Xianwang Palace also disappeared. This change was too fast, and Empress Ren was shocked.

King Xian doesn't have any strength in his hands, he has been emptied long ago, what method did he use to escape from Daqin?This needs to be investigated, but before he could investigate, Da Qin messed up first.

Once again there was a frantic cashing of bank notes. At the same time, some people begged for their lives, asking the emperor to return their hard-earned money. Those were their orders. Did the emperor just copy them?

Even if the emperor copied it, it doesn't matter, don't want too much, the principal will be returned to me!This is the chant of the common people. Qin Ziming has already left Daqin on a big boat and went to the island.

Qin Ziming had long been wary of the emperor's move, and it was not the first day he wanted to steal his bank. How could Qin Ziming be so stupid as to put the cash in the bank.

Empress Ren didn't get the money, and she still had to win the hearts of the people. Someone with a heart took advantage of this civil uprising to call for the abolition of the Empress. This was something Empress Ren didn't expect. She never thought that just copying a bank would cause such a big commotion. reaction.

If he knew it earlier, he would have copied the emperor's copy of the minister's house. The regretful Empress Ren had no choice but to come to the emperor. Qin Zihe looked at Empress Ren and sneered, thinking that the dragon chair was so easy to sit on.

When I didn't sit before, I wanted to sit every day. After I sat up, I didn't get a good night's sleep. There were a lot of things for him to deal with every day. Qin Zihe said that his ability was limited, and he was really tired.

The current life is quite good, the state affairs are handled by the queen, and he is only responsible for eating, drinking, drinking and having fun in the rear. Qin Zihe said that he does not want to change, nor does he want to manage the government.

Empress Ren wanted to ask Qin Zihe for an idea, but in the end she returned disappointed. At the same time, she looked down on Qin Zihe even more in her heart. If he didn't have a good background, he would be worthy to be the emperor.

Immediately after Empress Ren left Qin Zihe, she summoned her confidant ministers. If this matter was not resolved, the throne would be unstable. Grand Master Ren was the first to arrive, but Grand Master Ren's face was not very good-looking, and there was a bullet on his head. Rotten vegetable leaves.

Seeing Empress Ren crying and begging Empress Ren to make decisions for him, this day cannot be passed. On the way he came to the palace, people threw too many rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves. He is a dignified grand master.

Empress Ren became angry when she saw Taishi Ren. At that time, she was the one who gave her the idea of ​​copying Ziming Bank. At that time, what he said was very nice.

Where is the money?So many banks copied less than 1 taels, where did the money go?So many people were sent to look for it, and even a shopkeeper on duty was not found. Thinking about it, I get angry.

Grand Master Ren cried for a while, and stopped crying when he realized it was useless. He wiped his tears and sat aside in embarrassment. Holds a lot of power, and is also Queen Ren's right-hand man. His ability is more than one grade stronger than Grand Master Ren.

(End of this chapter)

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