Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1391 Chaos

Chapter 1391 Chaos

With the arrival of Ren Dashan, a small court appeared in Empress Ren's Phoenix Palace, and four of the six ministers came, which shows how strong Empress Ren is now. Qin Zihe doesn't care about political affairs for no reason. There is a reason.

Empress Ren looked at her confidant and let out a long sigh to enter the topic. As Empress Ren's first adviser, Ren Dashan took the lead in speaking. Ren Dashan believed that the most important thing now was to find Qin Ziming.

As long as Qin Ziming appears, no matter whether he exchanged the silver or not, or whether he has the silver, the court can put the crime on Qin Ziming.

But where Qin Ziming went and who helped him escape became a problem. Some people thought that Qin Zixuan made a move secretly, but Qin Zixuan went to the Suzaku Empire. Does he still have a chance to survive?

Grand Master Ren looked left and right, and suddenly said: "If we take Cheng Cheng's mansion as a knife, if Qin Zixuan is alive, he will definitely jump out to protect Cheng Taifei."

After hearing this, Ren Dashan rolled his eyes, can he strangle this bastard to death?If it wasn't for his idea of ​​rioting, would Daqin be in chaos?Now the common people gathered in front of the palace to force the palace, it was all caused by this bastard.

Empress Ren was moved when she heard it, but the four great ministers quit, they still don't want to die, they still want to live well, if this news gets out, can they keep their heads?
Hubu Shangshu hurriedly said: "Queen, I don't think it's right. Don't forget that there is another Dahai. That kid is shrewd. He hasn't come to the stage yet. God knows where he is hiding."

"Yes, yes, it's better not to attack Prince Cheng's residence. Think about those ministers who died for no reason. It's better for us not to provoke Prince Cheng's residence."

"What Mr. Zheng said is very true. Dahai is not a fuel-efficient lamp when he is young. It is not a good thing to provoke him. You must know that he is a teacher." The Minister of Rites also joined in persuasion. These people are all very afraid of Dahai. , they know why their predecessor died.

"Hmph, coward, no matter how strong Dahai is, he is no more than one person. I don't believe that he dares to fight against us. We are not vegetarians with millions of soldiers in our hands." Grand Master Ren retorted, he really wanted to attack Prince Cheng's mansion.

Empress Ren looked at Ren Dashan, Ren Dashan shook his head, Ren Dashan was extremely speechless to his elder brother, that is, he gave birth to a good daughter, if it wasn't for Empress Ren, the elder brother's position would have been lost.

"Queen, there are four big families standing behind Prince Cheng's mansion. If they are really pushed into a hurry, they might dare to rebel." Ren Dashan said, Queen Ren sat there frowning, really wanted to destroy the four big families.

"Where do the four big families live? Did you find out?" Queen Ren asked, Ren Dashan felt his eyes darken. Didn't this woman want to attack the four big families? They were the four big families.

No one responded to the Queen's question, because it was really unknown where the four major families lived, and their origins were mysterious and powerful. If several saint masters attacked the palace at the same time, they might not be able to stop them.

Empress Ren looked left and right, with a look of disappointment on her face. The treasury is currently empty. If you can win Prince Cheng's Mansion, you will be able to solve the treasury problem immediately. It's a pity that the idea is very good.

Ren Dashan opened his mouth again to bring the topic back. What we are going to discuss today is the issue of Ziming Bank, not Prince Cheng's Mansion. It seems that the topic is a bit far away.

"Have you found out how many deposits there are in Ziming Bank?" Queen Ren asked again.

Ren Dashan shook his head again, the blame was here, those stubs disappeared, and only a small amount of stubs were found. Judging from the stubs, Ziming Bank really didn't have much money.

But these stubs are all from the last few days. Did no one deposit before then?This is what Ren Dashan couldn't figure out, and one thing can be confirmed from this, that is, Qin Ziming has been guarding against them for a long time.

Whether it is a stub or a deposit transferred early, why would he do it?Why be on guard?What have you done?This is what Ren Dashan urgently needs to know. Ren Dashan has an intuition that something is wrong.

If Qin Ziming did everything for the sake of Cheng Wangfu, then their good days are very likely to come to an end, this is really unacceptable to Ren Dashan, he has paid too much for today.

Empress Ren looked at the few people and sighed, and finally decided to arrest Qin Ziming across the country, first catch Qin Ziming, and then catch the virtuous king. Anyway, Empress Ren needs the truth.

At the same time, Empress Ren sent a large number of spies to cover the periphery of Prince Cheng's Mansion. She needed to know every move of Prince Cheng's Mansion, and secretly searched for the whereabouts of those children in Dahai.

Daqin has officially entered chaos since the Ziming Bank accident. The deposits of the common people disappeared suddenly. It may have been their lifetime savings.

Qin Zixuan's shops were also attacked. The common people attacked the shops they could see like crazy. This kind of offensive became more and more serious. Some people even proposed to rob the treasury and began to attack the residences of officials.

Concubine Cheng sat in the palace, frowning. After a long time, Concubine Cheng sent someone to spread the news that the Ziming Bank had not collapsed, but was temporarily closed. As long as the stubs were kept, they could be exchanged in the future.

As soon as the news came out, it spread quickly. Some people searched for the source of the news and found that they couldn't find the source, but Ziming Bank had this situation before, so everyone doubted whether it was true.

Interested people have already started buying stubs. Of course, these people belong to adventurers, and they bet that Qin Ziming will not be defeated, and some people are betting that the palace of Cheng Cheng will not fall. After all, the relationship between Qin Ziming and Cheng Wang is really good.

Concubine Cheng thought that the common people would feel at ease after releasing this news, and then go home to live a good life, but she can only be said to be too naive, the atmosphere of smashing and looting has not diminished, on the contrary, it has become stronger.

Many officials took off their official uniforms and joined the ranks. Facing the riots, Empress Ren couldn't think of a solution. He went to see Qin Zihe, hoping that the emperor could think of a way out, and he received a response.

Although Qin Zihe is in the palace, he has a spy camp in his hands. He already knew about the outside affairs. Because he knew, he hoped to be drunk and dreamed of death. It was too messy, and Qin Zihe couldn't think of a solution.

Qin Zihe felt that the emperor was fooled by him, and Qin Zihe felt that he was suitable to be a foolish emperor, lying in the crowd of beauties every day and unable to get up. Faced with this situation, Concubine Cheng couldn't bear it, so she had no choice but to write a letter, hoping that Qin Zixuan would Come back early to solve the Daqin problem.

Uncle Zhong was in favor of Concubine Cheng's approach. After all, he was a soldier, and protecting Great Qin was one of his beliefs. The letter was sent out quickly, and Qin Zixuan, who was far away in the Suzaku Empire, didn't know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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