Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1397 Inner Ghost!

Chapter 1397 Inner Ghost!

The news of the fall of Shangyang Pass quickly spread to Emperor Suzaku before he went to court. Emperor Suzaku stared at the report with a sullen face, angrily wanting to kill people, but it was a pass guarded by heavy troops, and the enemy actually broke through it. It is really hateful ah.

The atmosphere in the hall became more and more gloomy day by day. The Suzaku Emperor's original plan was to wipe out most of the enemies, but he did not expect most of the enemies to be wiped out, but the chess pieces he had laid were pulled out one by one.

How does the enemy know that his soldiers are hiding in the village?How does the enemy know that his soldiers are hiding in the mountains?How does the enemy know that his soldiers are hiding in the wilderness?enemy
Question marks flashed across Emperor Suzaku's mind, and finally came to a conclusion, that is, there is an inner ghost, who could this inner ghost be?Who could it be if he could feel his arrangement so clearly?

The disciples of the Hua family would definitely not betray the Emperor Suzaku, because that would not benefit them at all. Apart from the descendants of the Hua family, there are only counselors left!Suzaku Emperor's gloomy eyes swept over Lu Haichao and Xiang Hui.

Only these two people understand the plan this time best. They are both involved in deploying soldiers and forming formations. Could it be that one of them betrayed the Suzaku Empire?

Lu Haichao was in a cold sweat stared at by the emperor's gloomy eyes. He is a courtier of the emperor and knows the emperor better than the emperor. Lu Haichao knew in his heart that the emperor suspected them.

Hehe, Lu Haichao smiled wryly in his heart, what could he say, what else could he say when he met such a suspicious master, Lu Haichao suddenly regretted his obsession with protecting Suzaku, this empire is not worth his sincerity.

No matter what he thinks in his heart, Lu Haichao doesn't show anything on his face. He is still thinking about how to save his old life. If the emperor kills but does not kill the main culprit, the whole family will sit together.

Lu Haichao is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of becoming a family sinner. Taking a deep breath quietly, Lu Haichao began to look for ways to protect himself.

Xiang Hui met the emperor's gaze, his eyes were calm, he tried his best, if the Suzaku Empire could not be saved, then it could only be said that the luck of the Suzaku Empire was exhausted, it was destined to be destroyed by the sky.

While the eyes of the three were fighting, the officer Zhuang Yue suddenly walked out and knelt down in the hall, "Your Majesty, I want to impeach Lu Haichao."

"Talk!" Suzaku Emperor slowly closed his eyes, he wanted to hear what kind of flowers Zhuang Yue could pop up at this time, did Lu Haichao have any problems?This was the question that Emperor Suzaku was most concerned about.

"When a disaster is approaching, it's really ridiculous not to think of a strategy to defend against the enemy, but still fighting among themselves!" Lu Haichao suddenly widened his eyes, stared at Zhuang Yue and said loudly, if eyes can kill, then Zhuang Yue is close to death.

Zhuang Yue raised his head and raised his chest to meet Lu Haichao's eyes. He was not afraid at all, and said loudly: "The minister, Lu Haichao, disregarded the interests of the country by using power for personal gain.

Um?Emperor Suzaku's eyes widened instantly, staring at Zhuang Yue firmly. Whether Lu Haichao colluded with the enemy is a big matter, and Emperor Suzaku does not allow such traitors to sneak into the court.

"Your Majesty, this is the information I just received yesterday. Before the war, Lord Lu actually secretly sent his confidants to leave the imperial city. His whereabouts are unknown. Then the enemy forcibly crossed the Notre Dame River. If this matter is related to Lord Lu It doesn't matter, I don't believe it!"

Zhuang Yue took out the memorial, his face full of righteousness, but his heart burst into laughter, Lu Haichao, Lu Haichao, you have today too!
The memorial was quickly transferred to the emperor, and the emperor's face became very ugly. He looked at Lu Haichao with sharp eyes, which clearly recorded the time and date when Lu Haichao's confidant left.

Calculating the time carefully, it was just three days before the enemy's strong attack. If it hadn't been for the information received, why the enemy suddenly attacked, and he was clear about his own arrangement. This Lu Haichao, um!I'm so mad!
Emperor Suzaku had a burst of luck, while Xiang Hui let out a long breath quietly. It seems that he escaped a difficult situation today. The emperor is getting more and more difficult to serve, so he has to think of a way to get out early.

As a counselor, Xiang Hui has already seen that the Suzaku Empire is on the verge of collapse, and there is no other reason. At this critical moment, someone is still fighting among themselves. If it is said that Lu Haichao is collaborating with the enemy, Xiang Hui will be the first to not believe it.

Zhuang Yue!Zhuang Yue's information flashed in Xiang Hui's mind. This man was born as a champion in both civil and military affairs. In the end, he didn't join the army, but joined the ranks of officials. He hadn't seen much in the past, but every time he was dispatched, the people involved must be unlucky .

This person has sharp eyes and can guess the emperor's heart, but why did Zhuang Yue attack Lu Haichao?This is something Xiang Hui can't figure out, if he really wants to do something, he has more stains on his body than Lu Haichao.

Lu Haichao stepped forward to argue that his confidant had gone on a mission, and he didn't leave privately at all, but few people believed what he said today, the corners of Zhuang Yue's mouth twitched slightly, and hatred flashed in his eyes.

Back then, Lu Haichao was the most vicious in the Xue family tragedy, wasn't it because of Xue Zhenye's high contribution!No matter how high the credit is, he has already died in battle. Isn't that enough?The Xue family ransacked and wiped out their entire family!

Hehe, who wouldn't know how to be framed, as long as Zhuang Yue survives for a day, he can always find a chance to kill the Lu family, no, the opportunity has come!Even though Zhuang Yue vomited blood with hatred in his heart, he didn't show anything on his face, arguing with Lu Haichao straightforwardly.

Lu Haichao couldn't figure it out, how did he offend Zhuang Yue, and actually bit him, or at this juncture, he wanted to kill the Lu family, what kind of hatred is this!
It is said that the more the reasoning becomes clearer, it is completely useless to Lu Haichao. Lu Haichao found that Zhuang Yue's thinking is extremely meticulous, and every time he argues, he stabs him with a knife, which is really exhilarating.

"Come here! Take Lu Haichao down and search his home for evidence." Suzaku Emperor finally made up his mind, he would not allow Lu Haichao to continue standing in the court, and if the evidence was convincing, he would ransack his home and destroy his family.

No matter how much Lu Haichao complained, it was useless. The guards stepped forward to grab someone, and they couldn't dodge it. The hall was quiet, and Zhuang Yue also shut his mouth. He should just wait obediently.

Lu Haichao didn't expect that the Lu family would actually find out the so-called evidence. He couldn't discern the evidence, so he couldn't rest in peace!The whole family of Lu's family was beheaded in front of the Meridian Gate, and blood flowed like a river.

The Emperor Suzaku didn't have any distress or regret, instead he let out a sigh of relief and got rid of the inner ghost. He wanted to organize a powerful counterattack, but at this time, the counselors' minds changed, but they didn't dare to come up with any clever ideas. Save.

Xiang Hui even took advantage of his position to study the enemy's offensive. He wanted to find an escape route, and if he stayed there, he would die. The emperor's suspicious advisers had no strength and could not protect themselves. The emperor wanted to kill him as easily as killing a chicken.

If it was a saint master, the emperor would not dare to give orders so easily. Xiang Hui's family knows his own affairs, and what he lacks is his strength. Suzaku not only Xiang Hui wants to escape, but there are many others who want to escape. Everyone is trying their best to find Escape routes.

(End of this chapter)

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