Chapter 1398
Qin Zixuan led a large group of troops and appeared on the outskirts of the Zhuque Mountains, separated from King Zhengxi's team by two hills. It's early.

Not long after the army was stationed, Dahai's messenger arrived. Qin Zixuan opened his eyes and frowned after reading it. Dahai's baby is too bad. This is forcing others to find the way, but Qin Zixuan said that I like it.

No matter how many people in the Suzaku Empire die, Qin Zixuan doesn't feel sorry for the dead friends, but Qin Zixuan really feels sorry for the death of his own people, so Qin Zixuan ordered his subordinates to guard the intersection.

People in the imperial city of the Suzaku Empire can escape for their lives, please enter the Suzaku Mountains, where they are welcome.

Dai Chun was very excited when he heard that Qin Zixuan and his party had come to the Suzaku Mountains. He knew that his undercover mission was about to be completed, and when the mission was completed, he would make a great contribution and the Dai family would prosper because of his efforts.

But as long as the matter on the Suzaku Mountains is not resolved for a day, it means that the task has not been completed for a day. Dai Chun sat in the tent and wanted to recruit. He had to let these people explore the road again. No matter how much they explored, there would always be reward.

But how can we let them explore the way?This group of people was afraid of being killed, so they didn't dare to move out easily. This was a big problem, and Dai Chun began to circle around to recruit.

King Zhengxi was sitting in the tent, and was discussing with his confidant Zhu Fuguang about Qin Zixuan's army. Those people came over for the idea of ​​Suzaku Mountain Range. Should we take this opportunity to kill Qin Zixuan's people?

King Zhengxi has two worries now. One is that Qin Zixuan will be behind, and the other is that Qin Zixuan is too strong and they can't beat them.

King Zhengxi didn't want his efforts to be plucked by others, but whether to open fire on Qin Zixuan now became a problem. Once he opened fire, there would be damage. Even if Qin Zixuan and his gang were killed, they might not be able to fight against the people in the Suzaku Mountains.

Zhu Chongguang is a counselor, and he is also thinking about the purpose of Qin Zixuan and his gang. It is said that if they want the oriole to be behind, they don't have to come so early.

At this moment, the spies came to report that Qin Zixuan sent a large army to strictly guard the intersections of all sides, and it seemed that he was going to stop the remnants of the Suzaku Empire here. After hearing this, King Zhengxi curled his lips. He has no intention of expropriating those lands now.

The land is there and he can't run away. After he finishes his business, he will naturally have time to grab the land, but Qin Zixuan's presence there now is a threat to them, and the strength of Qin Zixuan's gang needs them to find out.

In the end, King Zhengxi decided to launch a sneak attack on Qin Zixuan first, to test the opponent's combat effectiveness, and if the opponent's combat effectiveness is average, then ignore them for the time being.

King Zhengxi made up his mind and called Dai Chun and others. Although Dai Chun is good at military warfare, he has not yet entered the team of King Zhengxi's confidantes. He will only be called when Dai Chun is needed.

Dai didn't do anything about it, others were cultivated by King Zhengxi, Dai Chun was no different, he could only work hard to make great achievements in battle, but unexpectedly he used too much force and made great achievements, Dai Chun could only smile wryly at this situation .

Fortunately, Dai Chun didn't want high-ranking officials, what he wanted was to be a leader in the military, and Dai Chun achieved this point. Once he marched to conquer the West, the king would first think of Dai Chun.

In the eyes of King Zhengxi, Dai Chun is just a thug, and it is enough for him to beat Dai Chun wherever he wants.Dai Chun came quite early, when he arrived, apart from King Zhengxi and Zhu Chongguang, there were only four Huangyan monsters in the big tent.

After waiting for a while, all the holy masters walked in slowly, each of them had different looks, some were fierce to scare ghosts to death, some were soft like dough, there were really all kinds of people.

Every time Dai Chun saw Zhou Laoliu who was as soft as dough, he couldn't help but think of Qin Zixuan. For some reason, Dai Chun always felt that these two were very good-looking, and they were both bad and bad guys.

Zhou Laoliu's ability is considered average in the team of holy masters, and every time he is bullied by others, he accepts it kindly, but Dai Chun finds that those who bullied Zhou Laoliu too hard fell to the Suzaku Mountains one by one.

If one and two are accidents, what about three, four, five, six, seven or eight?Besides, Dai Chun didn't believe it was an accident. There must be Zhou Laoliu's hidden hands, but Dai Chun was not at the scene, so I don't know how the battle was going.

In the face of such a cowardly guy, the best way is not to provoke him, and the other is to guard against him.Dai Chun glanced around, greeted everyone with a smile, and thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind.

Everyone here can shoot Dai Chun to death, and Dai Chun dares not be disrespectful to anyone, but now Dai Chun is getting closer to Jiang Yunji, the whole is a smiling fox.

Zhou Laoliu nodded to Dai Chun, without any intention of underestimating Dai Chun, and then sat in the seat, not at the front, but at the end, not fighting for the limelight at all.

King Zhengxi expressed his thoughts, that is, he hoped to launch a surprise attack on Qin Zixuan. When he said this, some people supported it, some opposed it, and some remained neutral.

After hearing this, Dai Chun was secretly startled. Dai Chun didn't know how strong the prince was, but they should have been prepared to move closer to the Suzaku Mountains. Dai Chun was afraid that they would lose if they fought.

That's not good news for Dai Chun. Dai Chun hopes that Qin Zixuan can preserve his strength. There is no advantage in fighting for both sides now, but there are many disadvantages.

How to stop it?Dai Chun secretly thought about the countermeasures, King Zhengxi had already started to give a speech, talking about the purpose of sending troops, in short, it was to prevent Qin Zixuan and his gang from picking fruits.

Not only King Zhengxi valued this, but other people also valued it. No one wanted their fruits to be taken away, and Qin Zixuan and his gang were very likely to do so.

To fight or not to fight?How to fight if you want to fight?Someone turned their attention to Dai Chun, but Dai Chun frowned and said nothing, he couldn't do this too clearly, if he did something wrong, he might lose his body, there are not many fools in this group of saints.

King Zhengxi also cast his eyes on Dai Chun, but Dai Chun cast his eyes on Zhou Laoliu. No matter how Zhou Laoliu looked, he was a saint. Dai Chun was not a saint, but their little helper. .

Zhou Lao Liu smiled at Dai Chun when he received the gaze, and didn't intend to say it. Anyway, whether he fights or not doesn't matter much to him, as long as he can conquer the Suzaku Mountains, it will be fine when he wins the Sacred Fire Palace, and their so-called allies will become enemy.

Since they are enemies sooner or later, why bother to have more enemies? The most important thing is that Zhou Laoliu wants to hide his clumsiness. The smarter the person, the sooner he will die, and the more impulsive person will die sooner, Zhou Laoliu thought. I understand.

"Mr. Dai, tell me whether you want to send troops or not." King Zhengxi began to roll his name. Although Dai Chun was not his confidant, King Zhengxi still attached great importance to Dai Chun's opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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