Chapter 1399
Everyone's eyes were on Dai Chun, and the corners of Dai Chun's mouth twitched a few times. He didn't want to send troops, which would cause damage to the army. Thinking of this, Dai Chun asked, "Do you know how many troops we have?"

What's the meaning?How many armies do they need to know?They are holy masters, those ants are not important, if they are there, they can get in, anyway, the influence is not big.

The holy masters whispered among themselves, they really don't care about how many soldiers there are, even if the soldiers are all dead, it's not their soldiers anyway, some people even urged the whole army to fight to the death with Qin Zixuan's team. .

What Dai Chun said was speechless, King Zhengxi had a black face, those soldiers were his soldiers, it didn't matter to this group of people, but they were very important to him to fight in the world in the future, how can we fight without soldiers.

"What suggestion do you have?" King Zhengxi had already decided in his heart not to move the army, Dai Chun glanced at King Zhengxi, anyone who had led soldiers knew the usefulness of soldiers, and it wasn't the group of saints who could understand.

"My lord, I suggest that we use holy masters to attack tentatively. If there are many holy masters on the other side, we can pay attention to them if they put pressure on us. If there are only a few, I don't think we need to pay too much attention. Let's concentrate on it." On dealing with the Holy Fire Palace."

Dai Chun made some calculations, and felt that temptation was inevitable. I hope the prince has a good idea. With his timid and fearful personality, he would definitely not rush in to interfere with the Holy Fire Palace first, so the prince should hide his clumsiness.

This was Dai Chun's guess, and he didn't have much confidence in his heart, so he could only pray to pass this test first, and then find a way to send the news out.

"Since there are only a few of them, why not destroy them?" Zhou Laoliu asked suddenly, and Dai Chun was startled, this Zhou Laoliu was really cowardly, waiting for him here.

Dai Chun looked at King Zhengxi, and asked cautiously, "My lord, how long will it take to kill the opponent's holy master among the ten thousand armies? Will the opponent have a chance to launch an artillery attack?"

this?King Zhengxi stroked his beard and fell into deep thought. It is not easy to kill the Saint Master. If the opponent wants to escape, it is definitely not easy to kill. As for whether the opponent will seize the opportunity to bombard them with cannons, it is hard to say.

King Zhengxi said it was hard to say, but he knew in his heart that the enemy might seize the opportunity to launch shelling, especially after the death of the other party's saint, they would have no worries, and it would be strange not to bombard them.

Dai Chun will not talk about this, he just needs to provide an idea. I believe that few of the saints here want to die. They also want to destroy the holy fire palace and grab the treasure.

"Okay, Dai Chun's suggestion, let's send a few holy masters to test it out. If the opponent is weak, we don't care about them." King Xixi opened his mouth to make a decision, and Zhu Chongguang frowned. Is this okay?

Zhu Chongguang looked at Dai Chun, and found that Dai Chun's face was neither surprised nor pleased, as if he didn't care about how to send troops. Could it be that he was thinking too much?Just when Zhu Chongguang was thinking, who to send to test became a problem again.

These holy masters used to be individuals, which was easy to manage, but now thirty or fifty are grouped together, which is quite difficult to manage. It is said that it is a temptation attack, which is of no benefit, and this group of holy masters does not want to go.

As the leader, King Zhengxi can't go out on his own, that's too much of a loss. When everyone was arguing, someone suggested that Zhou Laoliu bring a few holy masters, which made Zhou Laoliu who was sitting at the end want to scold his mother .

Dai Chun lowered his head and sniggered. This is bullying honest people. They see that Zhou Laoliu's strength is average, he can't go up or down, and the most important thing is that Zhou Laoliu's face is easy to handle.

So it was unlucky for the few people who teamed up with Zhou Laoliu. These holy masters are bad. They always have to test the waters for things they don't want to do, and step on whoever is easy to bully.

King Zhengxi thought this suggestion was good, so he asked these people to try it out, and set off immediately without giving the other party time to prepare. As for why it was so, of course it was easy to bully.

Zhou Laoliu was about to explode with anger. He thought he could push him away, but he didn't expect to be the target of everyone's attack. He unanimously agreed to let his team play. This is bullying honest people.

There was no other way, Zhou Laoliu's team had no choice but to agree. Their fists were not as big as others. If they didn't agree, they might not be able to get out of this conference room.

The fact was so happily decided, Zhou Laoliu and his captain set off immediately, along the way Zhou Laoliu scolded King Zhengxi a lot, obviously King Zhengxi was afraid of Qin Zixuan, why didn't he try it himself.

Sitting in the military tent, Dai Chun was worried. He wanted to deliver a letter, but unfortunately he had no chance, and his courier was not as fast as Zhou Lao Liu and the others.

How can this be good?Dai Chun secretly gritted his teeth, and scolded Zhu Chongguang all over his heart. Zhu Chongguang must have offered this trick.

Besides, Zhou Laoliu and the others left the camp and went straight to Qin Zixuan. On the way, Zhou Laoliu felt angry, thinking that he must kill Qin Zixuan, let him know how powerful he is, pick persimmons for soft ones, Zhou Laoliu Six wanted to pinch Qin Zixuan.

They had just arrived in front of Qin Zixuan's camp when they were discovered by the soldiers on duty. The soldiers had just asked someone, and the knife in Zhou Laoliu's hand lit up.

puff!After the white light passed, the blood flowed like a column, and a head flew into the air. At the same time, the signal of the enemy attack was also sent out. This was unexpected by Zhou Lao Liu. He knew that although their saints were awesome, Qin Zixuan's cannon was not just for display. .

rush!Zhou Lao Liu yelled, wanting to make a quick decision, first find Qin Zixuan to kill him, and then leave, not giving the other party a chance to fire.

The idea is quite good, in fact, if he doesn't look for Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan will look for him, I saw Qin Zixuan appeared with Li Han and his daughters, surrounded by several holy masters.

Qin Zixuan said in a low voice: "Remember the strategy, defeat is not allowed to win."

Donghuang Taiye and others responded, and secretly scolded Qin Zixuan for being treacherous. They rushed to meet Zhou Laoliu and the others, and the surrounding soldiers retreated to Qin Zixuan's group like a flood, protecting Qin Zixuan in the middle. Shout out to the cannons and blast them to death!

Zhou Laoliu felt uneasy when he heard the cannon. He knew the power of the cannon, and he didn't want to die here.

"What the hell is this? They actually know formations."

"The attack is too strong, find a flaw quickly."

"This formation is too strong to find a weakness, who knows what kind of formation it is?"

Donghuang Taiye and the others yelled while beating, spitting out blood from time to time, while Zhou Laoliu and the others cooperated with each other with expressions on their faces. They had practiced this formation for more than a year, even if they closed their eyes, they knew how to do it. Cooperate.

If you want to break the formation, go dreaming, Zhou Lao Liutian and others are attacking more fiercely, Donghuang Taiye sees Zhou Lao Liu and the others are complacent, and knows that the trick is almost done, they only came with one team, they must not be desperate.

I saw Donghuang Taiye retreating with his strength, and shouted: "Retreat, go to the cannon and bombard them!"

(End of this chapter)

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