Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1403 Chaos

Chapter 1403 Chaos
In the past two days, Zhuang Yue jumped out very happily, jumping out to impeach ministers from time to time, and those ministers impeached by him entered the Meridian Gate site one after another. Many ministers saw Zhuang Yue gritted their teeth in hatred, and couldn't think of Zhuang Yue doing the right thing. What good is he.

Regardless of whether others can figure it out or not, Zhuang Yue dances very well. He goes back to the mansion every day and looks at the stars all over the sky with tears in his smile. He is the child Xue Zhenye saved from the mouth of the wolf. The old general died in battle. , he wanted to avenge the old general, so he took part in the civil and military test.

What Zhuang Yue didn't expect was that before he had time to avenge the old general, Xue's family was wiped out first. Zhuang Yue couldn't swallow this breath. He must avenge the old general. The hatred for Daqin didn't come to Suzaku Empire. strong.

It is an honor for a general to die in a hundred battles, but it is hatred to be wiped out, and revenge must be avenged. Zhuang Yue is willing to use his life to avenge General Xue, but he will not let anyone who has harmed the general be spared.

And the biggest enemy, the Hua family royal family, he can't fight, but someone can fight, as long as the army enters the city, it is unbelievable that the Hua family can turn the tables, Zhuang Yue looked at the sky full of stars and secretly became ruthless.

Tomorrow, tomorrow he will continue to impeach, as long as he grasps the handle, he will not let anyone go!Zhuang Yue's heart was full of hatred.

This night was destined to be uneven. The Emperor Suzaku took advantage of the rest time to visit the ancestor, and wanted to ask why the ancestor hadn't moved.

It's just that he knocked on the door for a long time but didn't get a response. Finally, the Emperor Suzaku boldly opened the door and entered. He looked at the empty room in a daze, and didn't see the ancestor. Could it be that he went out?

Emperor Suzaku called the guards, and the guards shook their heads. The ancestors did not let them enter to disturb them, but they did not see the ancestors coming out.

Anyway, these Hua family seniors are all ancestors, and Emperor Suzaku can't afford to offend even one of them. When he went to Emperor Suzaku and found that something was wrong, he couldn't find anyone.

Not only the ancestors of the Hua family could not be found, but also none of those holy masters could be found. Where did they go?Did they escape or did they go on a mission?Is it to kill the enemy general?
Question marks flashed in Emperor Suzaku's mind. The last thing he wanted to think about was that his ancestors had given up on the Imperial City of Suzaku. If so, Emperor Suzaku really didn't have the confidence to defend the city, let alone fight back.

Emperor Suzaku sat on the ground helplessly, and the eunuch who followed Emperor Suzaku looked at the emperor's distressed look. He wanted to persuade him, but he didn't know where to start. At the same time, he was also worried that the imperial city would not be safe, so what should he do?

This question is also on the mind of Emperor Suzaku. He is Emperor Suzaku, what should he do?To die or to flee?If fleeing, where should you flee?
"Send people to keep an eye on the situation of the enemy army, and report immediately if there is any disturbance." The Emperor Suzaku still didn't give up, and still had a fluke mentality, in case the ancestors didn't give up.

"Yes!" The eunuch agreed, and hurried to make arrangements. Emperor Suzaku looked up at the starry sky, and couldn't remember when his imperial power began to weaken. He was originally ambitious to conquer the world. When did the change happen?
The old Taoist, it was the day when the old Taoist gave the warning. At that time, the old Taoist suddenly appeared in the palace, and then disappeared suddenly, leaving only two sentences, one is that whoever wins Qin Zixuan will win the world, and the other is that the Suzaku Empire will be destroyed in Qin Zixuan's hands .

In fact, at that time he didn't know who Qin Zixuan was?Where do you live?Later, after finally spending a lot of money to ask someone to figure it out, he didn't expect to miss it again and again. Emperor Suzaku regretted it, regretted that he didn't mobilize the holy master team to dispatch.

If all the holy masters were mobilized to go to Daqin at that time, maybe Qin Zixuan could have been killed. Unfortunately, he didn't pay much attention to it at that time, because Daqin was really too weak, but such a weak country, hehe, unexpectedly became a winner, really. Ridiculous.

The eunuch walked back again. He interrupted the Emperor Suzaku's contemplation, and advised the emperor to go back to the palace to rest early. The emperor is the son of Suzaku and the backbone.

well!Emperor Suzaku let out a long sigh, and returned to his bedroom with the support of the eunuch. He didn't sleep well that night, he always woke up in nightmares.

Many people appeared in Emperor Suzaku's dream, all of them with disheveled hair and covered in blood. They were questioning Emperor Suzaku why he treated them like this, why he treated their family members like this, they are loyal ministers and good generals who fought for the country, they are the best for the country With all my blood.
The Emperor Suzaku, who questioned and asked, was speechless, what could he say?Can it be said that a country does not support idlers when people leave for tea?Hehe, he could say that, but at this moment, Emperor Suzaku lost his heart.

What a person is most afraid of is losing one's heart. Suzaku Emperor's heart demons arise, and he actually falls ill. In the morning, Suzaku Emperor sweats like rain and has a high fever.

The eunuch had no choice but to announce the cancellation of the morning court today, and let the ministers do what they should do. This made Zhuang Yue, who was excited to go to the court, very dissatisfied. Looking at the ministers who were discussing a lot, hatred flashed in his eyes.

Since the emperor didn't go to court, it was useless to stay here, so he had to withdraw with the flow of people, and at the same time, he was thinking why the emperor didn't go to court, which was not in line with the emperor's character.

Not only Zhuang Yue wanted to know, but many ministers also wanted to know. Naturally, there was a way to know. After announcing the end of the morning court, many people already knew that the emperor fell ill.

Falling ill at this time, it can only be said that the illness was very timely. Many ministers who wanted to escape started to act, dragging their families and preparing to flee. The soldiers guarding the city were naturally unwilling to let them go, and the scuffle began.

Someone killed the soldiers guarding the city and drove away quickly in a carriage. They didn't want to stay here and defend to the death. As long as they escaped unharmed, they could continue to live.

Zhuang Yue sat on the teahouse, looked at the city gate where the scuffle was fought, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, he wanted to see how this group of people escaped, the enemy's artillery fire was not so easy to escape.

The chaos in the imperial city was beyond the imagination of Emperor Suzaku. He had just fallen ill, and some people took advantage of the chaos and fled.

The killing did not kill the fleeing seeds, but the burning became more and more prosperous. At the beginning, only the ministers fled with their families, but in the end even the common people joined the fleeing team.

Everyone's confidence in defending the imperial city was wiped out in the escape. The merchants closed their shops, the brothels locked their doors, and those who could escape joined the fleeing team.

And in the battle of the four cities defending the imperial city, Lihuo City was the first to lose its defense. Although the defenders there put in their last trace of blood, they still failed to stop the army from advancing.

(End of this chapter)

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