Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1404 Leave

Chapter 1404 Leave
Dahai stood on the head of Lihuo City, looking at the dead bodies in the city, his eyes flashed intolerable, but Dahai knew that there was no right or wrong in war, and if they didn't attack the Suzaku Empire, the Suzaku Empire would destroy Daqin.

This is what Dahai doesn’t want to see. There are too many good memories in Daqin’s land. Dahai wants to protect it. He has lived a very happy life in this life. Whoever destroys this happiness will destroy him.

Standing beside the sea, Linger suddenly lost interest in military affairs. The battlefield is really cruel. She should go home and be a good baby. Linger is not used to this bloody scene.

"Sister Linger, let's go back first, and leave this place to the leader." Wu Ying glanced at Dahai, who also felt Linger's discomfort, and persuaded Linger to go back.

Huang He beside him heartlessly laughed at Ling'er who had never seen the world, and was even afraid of killing people, which was inherited from his father, what a coward!An angry Ling'er stomped her feet, she also killed people, okay?It's just that I haven't seen such a big scene.

Mountains of corpses, seas of blood, these are things Linger has never seen before, and she regrets being brave enough to come out to check. Now Linger understands why Dahai wants to keep her in the tent, it is to protect her.

Dahai squinted his eyes and leaned towards Huang He, Huang He immediately shut up and stretched out his legs for Ling'er to kick. He didn't dare to let Dahai get angry, otherwise Huang He would be afraid of that little trick.

Wu Ying took Ling'er away, and Dahai and Huanghe continued to inspect Lihuo City. Dahai walked and said, "Intensify the brainwashing of the people who surrendered here, and then publicize our policies. These policies are good for the people. As long as they understand deeply, You will naturally understand how to choose."

"Yes." Huang He will be very honest and dare not let Dahai find a chance to show his strength. Huang He is afraid of no one but the sea. This problem has existed since childhood and has not been corrected until now.

Seeing that Huang He had calmed down, Dahai didn't continue to make things difficult for him, and explained clearly to him what he should pay attention to. Next, he would also leave the battlefield with his masters. Their battlefield was in the Suzaku Mountains.

Huang He cheerfully took over the power. It's not that he doesn't want to enter the Suzaku Mountains, but because Huang He knows that he must do some things. He is the third son of King Cheng, so he just sits in the army for this point, and no one else dares. rebel.

It's a bit difficult for him not to be here to suppress those holy masters, and the legend of the Suzaku Mountains is so strange, this group of people want to see it, if unfortunately they stay behind, they must have emotions, and he can resolve most of them here, I can only say that this identity It's so easy to use.

Huang He can rest assured that Da Hai stays here, don't look at this kid who is always talking like a tiger, he is really capable, and besides, there is no need to worry too much with Jiang Yunji around.

After settling in, Dahai led the team and quietly left the front line. At this time, Jiang Yunji also got the news of the civil disturbance in the imperial city. This was a good opportunity to attack, but Jiang Yunji couldn't make a move.

Huang He sat opposite Jiang Yunji and called out that he had missed the opportunity. Jiang Yunji nodded cheerfully. He did miss it, but they could only miss it. For the sake of the overall situation, King Zhengxi and his gang wanted to use them to fight, and they were also using it. King Zhengxi's gang depends on who has the upper hand.

Emperor Suzaku's condition improved in the afternoon, and when he woke up, the imperial city was already one-fifth empty. Seeing that the Imperial City could not be kept alive by the imperial guards, someone actually joined the fleeing team, which Emperor Suzaku did not expect.

He thought that the imperial guards were the most loyal team, but he didn't expect that this team was not as loyal as he imagined. At this moment, Emperor Suzaku seemed to be ten years old, and all thoughts were lost.

"The Emperor Lihuo City has already fallen, and the other three cities are still fighting, what do you think?" The eunuch also hopes that the Emperor will join the fleeing team, and there is really no hope of winning.

Hehe, the Emperor Suzaku sneered, what is he looking at, what is so good about him, the world is so big that there is no room for him, he is the emperor and the enemy must kill, the most important thing is that the Suzaku Empire was destroyed in his hands, he is not reconciled ah.

But what can he do if he is not reconciled, Emperor Suzaku looked up out of the window, the sky was gloomy, and he was afraid that there would be heavy rain.

Xue Ting is sitting on the attic of Qunfang Pavilion. Mother Wei has been standing here for a while. She wants to persuade Xue Ting to leave and flee with the team, but Xue Ting is unwilling. She wants to stay here and watch the Suzaku Empire perish. .

Alas, Mother Wei sighed, sat back on the chair again, her eyes fell out of the window, the fleeing team was increasing, and she also wanted to join.

"If Mother Wei wants to leave, follow them. Don't worry about me. I should have died a long time ago." Xue Ting's face was cold. She had been hiding in the attic like a mouse all these years, if it wasn't for revenge , she wanted to die a long time ago.

"Forget it, you were entrusted to me by the prince. If you don't leave your old body, I will stay with you. Left and right are just one life. Besides, this life may not be lost." Mother Wei sighed.

Xue Ting's eyeballs moved twice, and she quickly understood what Mother Wei meant. After a long time, Xue Ting said, "King Ren will not easily betray the Suzaku Empire. I'm afraid that he was framed by someone at that time, so he had to do it as a last resort."

"Oh, who's to say it's not? I've found out during this time that the prince and the old concubine planned to use their bodies as bait, but I didn't expect it!" Mother Wei sighed, "I didn't expect that those bastards would use their tricks to assassinate the prince and the old concubine. The old princess, for this reason the old princess lost an arm and almost lost her life."

Speaking of these things, Mother Wei's eyes turned red with hatred, Xue Ting sneered after hearing this, isn't this just the usual trick of the Suzaku Empire!A few of those loyal officials who died in battle died well, and a few of those good generals who were crowned kings survived well.

The king with a different surname is simply the enemy of the Suzaku Empire, how could they let go of the opportunity, they didn't kill the two on the spot, probably because they wanted the two baits to play the most important role.

"They can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. The leader must really like Niwang, otherwise he would not be engaged to her." Xue Ting said here a little envious, true love is hard to find.

"That's right. I've inquired about the leader, and I heard that the leader's side is very clean, unlike some princes who get stuck in the crowd of women all day long and can't get out. He doesn't have any women around him."

Mother Wei decided not to run away, instead she relaxed, sitting here chatting with Xue Ting, talking about her prince, Mother Wei's face lit up, she is the prince's person, so she naturally wished him well.

"Let's stay here, maybe the prince will send someone to look for us." Mother Wei continued, looking forward to it, if the prince misses the past, she will definitely come, isn't she? After surrendering, she never contacted herself, but Mother Wei still had such thoughts.

Xue Ting didn't speak, just sat quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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