Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1405 Convergence

Chapter 1405 Convergence
The turmoil in the Suzaku Imperial City was brought under control before dark, because the Emperor Suzaku began to deal with political affairs again, and there were still a group of diehard loyalists under him.

Early the next morning, Emperor Suzaku went to the court, looking at the half-empty hall, his eyes were filled with anger, and then looking at the courtiers still standing in the hall, he felt a little relieved that the loyal ministers were still there.

Standing in the main hall, Zhuang Yue looked at the Emperor Suzaku, his eyes were full of persistence, the Emperor Suzaku didn't know what kind of attachment it was, he took it for granted that it was the attachment of being loyal to the monarch.

Thinking of Zhuang Yue being the champion of both civil and military affairs, and looking at the military generals in the hall, there is really a serious shortage there. The military generals are better than the civil servants, so naturally they kill the most.

Now there are only a few who are still standing there, and they are still old people. The reason why these people are standing there is because their sons are defending the four cities. If they leave, their sons will have no chance of survival.

At this moment, Zhuang Yue stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, I impeach Duke Lu for mutilating ministers and betraying the Suzaku Empire."

Um?The emperor cast his eyes on Zhuang Yue, not understanding why Zhuang Yue still wanted to impeach him at this time, Duke Lu was clearly standing in the court, if he wanted to betray the Suzaku Empire, why didn't he run away?
"Your Majesty, Lu Sicheng took the initiative to open the gate of Lihuo City, and just yesterday, the guards in Duke Lu's mansion protected his children and grandchildren from escaping from the imperial city. Duke Lu was still standing on the main hall, just trying to make things easier for the enemy. door."

Zhuang Yue held up the memorial, he didn't care if Lu Guogong was really loyal or not, the information he collected was enough to prove that Lu Guogong was not loyal at all, as for whether Lu Sicheng really betrayed the Suzaku Empire, that was not important.

Standing in the hall, Lu Guogong's eyes widened instantly, and he shouted that he was wronged. His son had already died in battle. Why did he say that the city gate was opened? Why did Zhuang Yue want to kill his Lu family?

It's useless for Duke Lu to call for injustice. Since Zhuang Yue dared to do this, he naturally has countermeasures. Emperor Suzaku doesn't want to kill the minister now, and really doesn't want to kill him at all. If he does, no one will help him guard the city gate.

But Emperor Suzaku was even more worried that the guards at the city gate would betray him, so he asked someone to testify. The witness was a soldier who had fled from Lihuo City. It was Lu Sicheng who opened it.

This made Lu Guogong confused, no matter how he explained, the Emperor Suzaku sent people to Lu Guozhi to search the house, and the news he got was that the children and grandchildren of Lu Guogong's family had disappeared, and only some women stayed in the mansion.

This news also indirectly proved Zhuang Yue's impeachment.Lu Guogong really had selfish intentions, and wanted to keep it with the Lu family, but he didn't know that what he did so covertly would still be found out.

"Zhuang Yue, you must die!" Lu Guogong pointed at Zhuang Yue and gritted his teeth in hatred. It was this bastard who made him not be loyal, and he didn't even keep his last name of loyalty.

Zhuang Yue sneered, so what if he died badly, he was never afraid of death, if there was no old general Xue, he would have died in the belly of a wolf long ago, general Xue treated him with kindness and reinvention, all his skills were passed down by the old general, of course he To avenge the Xue family.

Of course, the revenge is not over yet, and he will continue to report. He will not just let go of the biggest mastermind. Zhuang Yue stared coldly at Lu Guogong being dragged down, and glanced at the other generals, sweat slipped from their bodies .

They also have their own selfish motives, both public and private. The members of the direct line of the family donated a lot, worrying about being impeached by Zhuang Yue. Fortunately, Zhuang Yue didn't continue to make trouble for them, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhuang Yue is not a mad dog, he only bites the minister who framed Xue Zhenye, as for what other people do, he doesn't care, and he doesn't want to care, anyway, the Suzaku Empire is coming to an end, so it doesn't matter.

But Emperor Suzaku doesn't think so. His subjects fled too much yesterday, and three of the four generals guarding the city gate escaped. Guarding the city gate is an important job, and Emperor Suzaku dare not hand it over to others. He thinks Zhuang Yue is pleasing to the eye, so let him .

So Emperor Suzaku ordered Zhuang Yue to guard the south gate. Zhuang Yue was overjoyed when he received the order. He was still worrying about how to open the city gate to let the enemy in. Now he sees the opportunity.

Not much nonsense, Xie En knelt down on the spot to show his loyalty. He wanted to make Emperor Suzaku think that he was a loyal minister and worthy of entrustment, so Zhuang Yue changed from a speech officer to a general.

Fortunately, he was the number one scholar in both civil and military affairs, so no one would say anything even if he transformed into a military general. Besides, what else would he say at this time, guarding the city gate is a dangerous job, and the city gate is the enemy's key care.

Zhuang Yue took the order to leave. He was going to check the strength of the city gate guards. He had to get to know the guards and put his people in. Zhuang Yue narrowed his eyes and walked towards the city gate with a sinister smile on his face.

Da Da led people to meet Qin Zixuan. At this time, the strength of Qin Zixuan's camp was really frightening. All of them were saints, and none of them was weak.

The powerful members of the Shadow Clan also appeared here. Their mission was to sneak attack secretly, and at the same time monitor the situation in the Suzaku Mountains. Everyone welcomed the arrival of the sea, and only Qin Zixuan led Ling'er.

Dahai looked at Qin Zixuan who was walking towards the big tent and shook his head. His father is really difficult to deal with, he is too casual, and he only has Linger in his eyes, but it is really fun to have a little princess.

Dahai tilted his head to look at Wu Ying, and decided to get married when he returned to Daqin, and then gave birth to a little princess for fun. Dahai felt that he was not far from his daughter slave, but he felt so happy when he thought about it.

As they walked, they talked about the situation in the Suzaku Mountains during this period. Those who escaped were all driven into the Suzaku Mountains, which really put pressure on the Holy Fire Palace, and none of the people who broke into the territory of the Holy Fire Palace survived.

Instead, the people of the Shadow Clan found some clues, that is, the disciples of the Holy Fire Palace are strong and weak, not all of them are masters, and the strength of those patrolling disciples varies, there are warriors and masters, and the saints have not seen it yet. , It is estimated that the Holy Master has not yet made a move.

Qin Zixuan coaxed Linger to play, Li Han took over Qin Zixuan's banner and led the entire battle plan, Changjiang added from time to time, and after they entered, Qin Zixuan was showing off his good things to Linger.

Dahai thought it was funny, but Wu Ying secretly made up his mind to have more sons. If the son is good, he will not compete with her. Look at Linger, and then look at Li Han. Alas, when Linger is not around, Li Han is in the position. Han.

Gong Liangyan's daughters followed Li Han, but they didn't come to Qin Zixuan's side. Gong Liangyan looked at Ling'er and was wondering whether it was better to have a son or a daughter. The daughter was very caring, but she was too competitive. Qin Zixuan seemed like a natural slave to daughters. What to do.

Hua Yan scratched her fingers and calculated, she wanted to calculate whether she would give birth to a boy or a girl in the future, but Gu Yueru was the only one who dragged Wu Ying to chat carelessly.

(End of this chapter)

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