Chapter 1407
Qin Zixuan and Li Han walked in the mountains and forests, vines and weeds grew all over the mountains and there was no place to step down. Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan exchanged fingers, and Yang Shulin led his soldiers to clear the way.

My goodness, where is this going?Qin Zixuan asked again and again in his heart, a little worried that his group of people would come in and out, God knows if there is a virgin forest deep in the Suzaku Mountains, and whether there will be wild beasts.

Speaking of beasts, Qin Zixuan glanced at the dinosaurs following everyone. The wildest beast should be that brother. I hope he won’t encounter strong opponents. If he encounters a few freaks like dinosaurs, he can’t beat him. .

Qin Zixuan's team is not many people, the biggest killer is not Li Han, nor Gu Yueru, but dinosaurs, this is Qin Zixuan's life-saving trump card sent by Dahai.

Just when King Zhengxi's team collided with the people from the Holy Fire Palace, the first round of probing attacks on the Suzaku Imperial City had already started. Zhuang Yue stood guard on the south gate wall, looking at the dense enemy soldiers, he didn't feel afraid, but rather excited.

With so many enemies under pressure, the Suzaku imperial family don't want to escape this time. Zhuang Yue is not afraid of death. He just wants revenge. He quietly touches the arrow in his hand. He must shoot this arrow. Only when the imperial city is broken can he enter the palace. Zhuang Yue didn't want Emperor Suzaku to live another day.

The shooting between the two sides was still going on, Zhuang Yue found an opportunity to shoot a sharp arrow in his hand, the sharp arrow pierced the sky and went straight to Jiang Yunji's direction, Jiang Yunji stood there and his eyes remained unchanged, even an arrow could not hurt him.

Standing next to Jiang Yunji, Huang He curled his fingers and shouted, "Lao Jiang, I'm counting on something good to come, should you pay for it?"

Jiang Yunji cast a sideways glance at Huang He, this kid Qu pointed out that he was worth [-] yuan, he was even more bandit than a bandit, his little pension money was really not enough for this guy Qu pointed out, Jiang Yunji suddenly understood Qin Zixuan a little bit.

If you don't hide from this kid, who can bear it for a while?Don't say that one hundred thousand is ten thousand, and it will only go bankrupt in a few days.

"Hey, Lao Jiang, don't you believe me, we have professional ethics, let me tell you this is really a good thing." Huang He became anxious when he saw Jiang Yunji ignoring him.

Jiang Yunji pretended not to hear, but the sharp-eyed soldiers saw something tied to the arrow, picked it up and handed it to Jiang Yunji, Jiang Yunji opened it, and there was a line of small characters written on it.

"In the middle of the night, the south gate is wide open! What does this mean?" Xiao Qi looked at the note and asked, Jiang Yunji stroked his beard with a confident smile on his face, it seemed that someone had surrendered.

"Is it credible?" Xiaoqi asked again, Jiang Yunji took a look at Huang He, and asked this kid if he was credible, and Jiang Yunji didn't know if he was credible.

"One hundred thousand." Huang He stretched out his hand and shouted, Jiang Yunji slapped him away, and left a sentence of no money, Huang He's appetite was too big, Jiang Yunji expressed his fear, he didn't have that much money to give Huang He.

"Cut, stingy. Are you still the Grandpa Jiang I know?" Huang He shouted dissatisfiedly. Jiang Yunji stopped and nodded seriously. Jiang Yunji felt that he was shameless enough, pretending that Huang He was even more shameless than him. .

Well, facing an old guy with a thicker skin than the city wall, Huang He had no choice but to let Jiang Yunji go, his eyes fell on Suzaku Imperial City, wondering who shot the arrow.

This attack was only tentative. The siege battle lasted for an hour and Jiang Yunji ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops. At midnight, the south gate was wide open!Jiang Yunji didn't know who sent the information, so he thought there was a story.

However, it is necessary to be on guard against pitfalls. Jiang Yunji called Xiao Qi and decided to send Shadow Clan's killers to touch them at that time.

In short, the city gate is quite tempting for them, the Suzaku Imperial City is not easy to attack, the city walls are all made of cement and stone, even if it is bombarded, it will take half a day.

In the imperial city, Zhuang Yue has been observing. When he saw his arrow being picked up by the soldiers, he let out a sigh of relief. The news was finally sent out. Whether the enemy believed it or not, he would open the city gate at night, because he didn't want to If he kept hiding, he wanted to see Hua Long die in despair.

Xue Ting was sitting in Wanhua Pavilion drinking tea, she didn't know whether she died first or the royal family died first, no matter which one she recognized, she just wanted to sit and wait for the royal family to perish, Xue Ting couldn't swallow that breath.

Mother Zhao came in from the outside and quickly told Xue Ting about the situation on the battlefield. Xue Ting's beautiful eyes flashed light from time to time, is King Ren just outside the city?

The Emperor Suzaku was sitting on the dragon chair, staring at the lower part with sinister eyes, someone actually persuaded him to surrender, hehe, the Emperor Suzaku sneered, how could he surrender, even if he died.

The minister who persuaded Emperor Suzaku was pulled down and beheaded by the guards, Emperor Suzaku's complexion did not improve because of this, he was very sad, his team of holy masters has not yet appeared.

If that team is in his hands, how can the enemy be so arrogant, just a few rounds of beheading, even if the enemy team is undefeated, it is impossible for the enemy team to be as powerful as a rainbow.

"Order the three armies to defend the imperial city to the death!" After the Emperor Suzaku finished speaking, he got up and retreated, and the officials sent him off respectfully. Some people secretly regretted that they didn't break out of the city gate at that time, and now they have no chance to escape, because the guard there is too strict.

Because the Emperor Suzaku ambushed most of his elite troops in the imperial city, it didn't appear that there were not enough troops at this time, and they hadn't reached the point of harassing the common people, but there was still panic among the common people. If the city gates were opened wide, they would surely will escape.

Time passed very quickly, in the middle of the night, the south gate opened as promised. Zhuang Yue stood in the dark, looking at the opened city gate with a sinister smile, the Shadow Clan killer sneaked in quickly, did not find the ambush, and immediately sent out a signal flare.

The army that had been waiting there for a long time rushed into the city, Huang He and Ying Xiaoqi ran at the front of the team, mainly because they were afraid that they would be able to escort the army back if something happened.

After rushing there, I found out that it was not a pit, but someone really opened the city gate. The enemy at the south gate quickly alerted the patrolling soldiers, and the alarm sounded. By this time, it was already too late.

When the army entered the city, there was a bloody battle wherever they went. Huang He led his men and horses to the front of the palace, and the cannons fired at the gate of the palace. The Emperor Suzaku, who was thinking about his thoughts, panicked. He didn't expect the enemy to come so quickly.

"Come here, prepare your clothes, I want to meet the enemy personally." The Emperor Suzaku is fierce, knowing that the big event is a foregone conclusion, he will die vigorously.

Huang He looked at the rushing team with a sneer on his face, is this the Emperor Suzaku?I have to say that this person's strength is really good, but it's a pity that he is a simple-minded guy.

If you are strong enough to be a great general, you can still hold on to the throne. It's a pity that the Suzaku Empire was crippled in the end, and it was cheaper for them.

Emperor Suzaku immediately slashed his sword and shouted loudly: "Qin Zixuan, come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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