Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1408 Ending

Chapter 1408 Ending
Emperor Suzaku rushed out of the palace gate, formed a large square formation, and asked Qin Zixuan to come out by name and surname. The person Emperor Suzaku hated most was Qin Zixuan, but unfortunately he couldn't call Qin Zixuan even with a broken throat.

Huang He urged his horse to come to the front of the formation, and looked at the Emperor Suzaku with a sympathetic face, he was about to be wiped out without even seeing his enemy, is there anything more pitiful than this guy?
"Hualong, don't shout, because you are worthy of my father's hand? Cut!" Huang He looked disdainful, curling his fingers and shouted: "Hualong, I mean that today is the day of your death next year, so you are not happy!" Suffer quickly!"

The Emperor Suzaku did not expect this mode to appear, and a magic stick came, not to mention that the curved fingers look very pleasing to the eye. Of course, the Emperor Suzaku does not care who the Yellow River is, pointing at the Yellow River and swearing, he will not point at anyone , only order Qin Zixuan.

This was a bit embarrassing, because Qin Zixuan was really not here, seeing that the Emperor Suzaku dared to scold him, Huang He felt angry, raised his knife and urged him to fight the Emperor Suzaku immediately.

Jiang Yunji narrowed his eyes and looked at Emperor Suzaku with a sneer. He still wanted to see the prince at this time, but he was just dreaming. The prince should have already entered the mountain by now.

"Hey, old boy, stop yelling, you don't need Prince Cheng to kill you, your third master is enough." Huang He pointed at Suzaku Emperor and shouted.

"The boy is rampant, take your life!" Xiao Ke, the general guarding the Emperor Suzaku, saw that Huang He was so ignorant, and slapped his horse and jumped out of the team.

When Xiao Ke patted his horse and raised his knife to chop, Huang He flicked his wrist, and saw a flying knife flying out of Huang He's palm. After that, Xiao Ke's eyes widened, and the blood spurt from his neck disappeared.

Huang He didn't care about Xiao Ke's life and death, his eyes were still looking around, and he still didn't see the Saint Master appearing. Damn it, didn't they keep a single Saint Master?Huang He curled his lips at the thought of this possibility, the Suzaku royal family would really die.

Emperor Suzaku looked left and right, slapped his horse and rushed out of the team, and took the initiative to charge. He is the emperor on horseback, and the shame on him can only be washed away by death in battle.

As soon as the soldiers of the Suzaku Empire moved, Jiang Yunji also gave the order to charge. Huang He soon fought with the Emperor Suzaku. The Emperor Suzaku is a strong Saint Master. Unfortunately, he has not practiced well since he became a Saint Master. Who is Huang He's opponent? .

Just when the two were fighting fiercely, Emperor Suzaku's attack stopped, his body froze there, he looked down at the wound on his chest, Emperor Suzaku couldn't believe that he died in the hands of a soldier.

With one move, Xiao Qi drew his sword and retreated to Huang He's side, Huang He stretched out his thumb to Xiao Qi, Yaya was too good at fighting, the Suzaku Emperor didn't stay in a daze for a long time, swords and guns attacked one after another, and fell into his body in the body.

"Hua Long is dead, surrender and don't kill him!" Seeing the death of the Emperor Suzaku, Jiang Yunji immediately ordered someone to shout. The soldiers of Suzaku who were fighting fiercely were stunned that their emperor was actually dead!

"Sigh, the ending was a bit hasty. I thought it would end with a bang." Huang He looked at the remains of Emperor Suzaku, and the scene was different from what he had imagined.

"How do you want Xiangzhong to end?" Xiao Qiyi asked softly beside Huang He, not worried about the fight.

"Anyway, the other party is also the emperor of Suzaku. The emperor on horseback should lead an army to fight fiercely with our army for three days and three nights, and then kiss himself after being defeated." Huang He said naturally, the Suzaku Empire is like a mountain. The pressure on Da Qin's head.

As a citizen of Great Qin, Huang He thought of many ways to destroy Suzaku, but he didn't expect it to end so hastily.

"Don't be a good boy if you get cheap. If it wasn't for the Suzaku Mountains, it wouldn't be easy for us to win." Xiao Qi thumped Huang He, and Huang He dodged with a smile.

Suddenly, Huang He raised his head and looked in the direction of Suzaku Palace. There was a big fire there, and he didn't know who set it on fire. Xiao Qi was curious, so he encouraged Huang He to take a look, and the two quietly disappeared on the battlefield.

After Huang He and Xiao Qi arrived, they looked at the fire and the footsteps on the ground. Huang He thought of a possibility in the blink of an eye, daring to snatch things under his nose, it was really brave.

Huang He came to a secret passage along his footsteps, and the two men were bold enough to chase after them all the way. Halfway through the pursuit, they found the enemy's footprints.

Hehe, Huang He laughed and went up to kill, the treasures in those boxes were all his, seeing Huang He's appearance as a money fan, Xiao Qi felt that he was really lucky to find such a husband who could make money.

Just as the Yellow River was killing one side, the defense of the Suzaku Palace finally collapsed. Jiang Yunji sent people to clean up the battlefield and count the casualties. At this moment, someone brought Xueting and Zhao's mother to Jiang Yunji.

Xue Ting looked at Jiang Yunji, with scrutiny flashing in her eyes from time to time. She had heard of Jiang Yunji's name a long time ago. Everyone said that he was a superb soldier, and she thought he had three heads and six arms.

On the contrary, Zhao's mother saw Jiang Yunji and quickly knelt down and kowtowed, asking about Wu Ying's whereabouts. Jiang Yunji asked Zhao's mother to get up and ordered the soldiers to settle down for the two of them, and we can talk about things later.

Zhao's mother agreed immediately, and pulled Xueting away with the soldiers. Cleaning the battlefield is also hard work, and there is also a need to calm the people. There are not many days here that can't be finished.

Xueting thought as she walked, just now she couldn't see through Jiang Yunji's strength. Could it be that the man's strength is a saint, but aren't all saints superior?Why does he look so ordinary.

Jiang Yunji was wearing a Confucian shirt and was swinging a goose feather fan. He looked quite ordinary. This guy snatched Qin Zixuan's goose feather fan and used it very easily, and he has been using it until now.

It was just such an old man who looked ordinary, but the soldiers trembled when they faced him, for fear of being targeted by Jiang Yunji, and being targeted by Jiang Yunji really had no good fruit, that guy was too bad.

Xue Ting did not enter the military tent, but stood outside and watched the fire in Suzaku Palace. It used to be Suzaku's most honored place, but now it is nothing more than that.

Seeing the royal family being wiped out, the anger in Xueting's heart finally came out, but she was not happy, as if something was missing in her heart, what was missing?Xue Ting's eyes were confused.

Zhuang Yue carried a box of gems to the handsome tent, stopped there before he reached his feet, looked at Xue Ting with straight eyes, Zhuang Yue didn't expect that the Xue family had descendants, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Miss!" Zhuang Yue shouted loudly, the soldiers who were instructing Zhuang Yue to carry things looked very dissatisfied with Zhuang Yue, and kicked Zhuang Yue with his feet, but was stopped by his captain.

The captain is a smart man, who can stand freely in the tent, is he a bully?Not only did she not bully, but she also asked Zhuang Yue to talk to Xue Ting. Xue Ting stared at Zhuang Yue. She didn't expect to meet her old friend, and thought she was the only one left in Xue's family.

(End of this chapter)

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