Chapter 1410 Why?
As the voice fell, Feng Litian was stunned. He lowered his head to look at the long sword passing through his heart, and slowly turned his head with a puzzled expression. He stared straight at the second elder and asked in a low voice: "Why?"

"Why? Haha, Feng Litian, because I want to break through, I want to pursue the Dao, I don't want to be trapped in this world, are you satisfied with this answer?"

The second elder's face was full of hatred, as if Feng Litian was his father-killing enemy, Feng Litian's eyes darkened after hearing this, if he could rush out, who would be willing to stay trapped in this world?who would!
This change was too fast, and the disciples who were approaching the Holy Fire Palace hadn't reacted yet. Their Palace Master was wiped out first. The Great Elder looked at the change in front of him, and suddenly grabbed Feng Qingluan, and shouted in a low voice: "Protect the young Palace Master! leave."

This battle can't be fought anymore. The Great Elder doesn't know how many people in the palace have been instigated. If they continue to fight, it will be bad for them, and it may even ruin the last bloodline of the Holy Fire Palace.

Feng Qingluan just woke up after being caught by the Great Elder, looked in the direction of Feng Litian and let out a miserable cry: "Father!"

"Let's go!" The Great Elder shouted, grabbed Feng Qingluan's wrist and fled towards the back of the mountain. Feng Qingluan was struggling hard, trying to jump on Feng Litian, but the Great Elder had no choice but to knock Feng Qing unconscious Luan forcibly took away.

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy, kill me!" The second elder shouted, and took the lead to rush to the first elder, who shouted to block him!Holding Feng Qingluan for a walk all the way.

The disciples of the Holy Fire Palace hated the Second Elder very much, because they saw the Second Elder kill the Palace Master with their own eyes, shouted to avenge the Palace Master, and resisted desperately, preventing the Second Elder from chasing the First Elder and Feng Qingluan.

At the same time, the patriarch of the Hua family also joined the battle with a team of holy masters. The three parties fought from dawn to dusk, and then from dark to dawn.

At the beginning, they knew who was loyal to the Holy Fire Palace, but later the killing became chaotic, and they only knew to kill when they saw the target. The unlucky one here is the Hua family team, because their clothes are easy to identify, and basically there will be no mistakes. kill.

But, the team of the Hua family is dead, the second elder's people will not kill by mistake, they will kill by mistake, so the team of the second elder will also behead the team of the Hua family, anyway, it is like a blood gourd Yes, everyone is an enemy.

Dahai sat on the branch and watched the fighting in the distance. He thought that the Hua family was an oriole, but he didn't expect that the Hua family was not. The second elder was the biggest oriole. Unfortunately, this oriole is not good enough.

Dahai felt that if he was allowed to handle this matter, it would definitely not be what it was in front of him. No matter what, he would have to kill most of the strength of both sides before revealing it. It is too early to expose it now.

"Sigh, I don't know what the Sacred Fire Palace is like now. A group of bullying masters are fighting in a melee. It's a pity that I missed it!"

Qin Zixuan yelled up to the sky, lying on the green grass looking hopeless, but when Li Han took out the wine, Qin Zixuan's eyes rolled and he fell in love again.

On the back mountain, the great elder who was running suddenly stopped, struggling in his eyes. The Holy Fire Palace has been guarding here to hide from the world. It is said that it is guarding a big secret, and that secret is to cultivate to become an immortal.

No one wants to die if he can live, and so does the Great Elder. He also wants to obtain the legendary secret technique of cultivating immortals, but this secret technique does not belong to Feng Litian, but to Feng Qingluan.

Not many people know about it. The Great Elder got it from his father. Unfortunately, his strength was too weak before, and he couldn’t find a chance if he wanted to do it. Now, hehe, Feng Qingluan, Feng Qingluan, I want to See what secrets you have.

The struggle in the eyes of the great elder disappeared, and he carried Feng Qingluan to a hidden place, tore open Feng Qingluan's front skirt, and was about to make a further step, Feng Qingluan woke up slowly, looking at the girl sitting on her body. The Great Elder screamed.

Feng Qingluan quickly realized that something was wrong, the First Elder and the Second Elder were both bad people, they were trying to harm themselves! Feng Qingluan was not a fool, so she struggled immediately.

The first elder looked back, the second elder was dragged, and no one caught up. This was his opportunity to get the secret. The first elder grabbed Feng Qingluan's neck and said sinisterly: "Feng Qingluan, don't want to To die is to obediently confess the secret of the Holy Fire Palace, or I will let you die without a place to bury you."

Cough, cough, cough, Feng Qingluan rolled her eyes from being pinched, and coughed continuously. Seeing that the strength in her hand was much lighter, Feng Qingluan took two breaths and said, "What secret?"

"The secret of cultivating immortality, Feng Qingluan, don't play tricks with me. I have long known that the Holy Fire Palace is not as simple as it seems. If you dare not tell the truth, hehe, I will let your Feng family die."

The strength in the Great Elder's hands became heavier, Feng Qingluan's face turned pale, unexpectedly that the secret was really known, how could this be possible?This is clearly a secret passed down from word to mouth by the Feng family.

Besides, the Feng family doesn't know if the secret technique is real, but there is such a legend, the key is just a legend, and no other key has appeared until now, everything is nonsense.

Feng Qingluan slapped the elder's wrist hard, and she would really die if she tried harder. Feng Qingluan has no time to be sad now, because what she needs to do now is to survive, and only living is king.

"Are you going to say it? If you don't say it, I'll strangle you to death!" Footsteps sounded from a distance, and the Great Elder knew that he didn't have much time left, and if he still couldn't come out through the interrogation, he would miss the opportunity.

"I said." Feng Qingluan spit out two words, she didn't dare to provoke the elder, that girl is a lunatic now, the elder smiled with satisfaction when he heard the answer he wanted to hear, and relaxed his mind a little.

Unable to relax this time, Feng Qingluan immediately seized the opportunity to push against the elder's second child. This one was called a strong one, right in the heart. How strong is the strength, but it has not been practiced there.

Feng Qingluan didn't dare to hesitate, she took advantage of the situation to break free from the grip of the elder, let go of her feet and ran away, Feng Qingluan is not a fool, she knows that the Holy Fire Palace is over, if she returns to the Holy Fire Palace, she may die, she can only stay away for the sake of her life.

"Stop!" The Great Elder squeezed out a few words between his teeth, bowed his body and chased after Feng Qingluan, how could Feng Qingluan dare to stop, it's okay if the Great Elder didn't yell, the more he told Feng Qingluan to run faster.

The screams above the Holy Fire Palace could be heard endlessly, and as one enemy after another fell, the battle became intensified, with one side attacking and the other defending, the fighting was fierce.

The Second Elder finally broke through the joint attack of the Third Elder and the Fourth Elder, and ran towards the back mountain. His target was also Feng Qingluan. He must get that secret because he didn't want to die.

(End of this chapter)

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