Chapter 1411
Hai Hai quietly followed the three elders with a leisurely pace. He wanted to see what caused the internal fighting in the Holy Fire Palace. In fact, the third and fourth elders also wanted to know the reason. They were fighting with the second elder and asked him for his betrayal. The reason for the Holy Fire Palace.

The second elder only took a few steps, and was confronted by the two of them again. The angry second elder screamed strangely. At this moment, the patriarch of the Hua family killed his opponent and came up to the fight. The three-person melee turned into a four-person melee.

Not far from the Holy Fire Palace, Donghuang Taiye's gang was holding up their binoculars to watch the movement here. Looking at the three factions fighting in a group, they couldn't help but sigh.

Feng Qingluan ran to the edge of the cliff with disheveled hair, and was shocked when she saw the cliff. Is this God going to destroy her Feng family?The elder elder's sinister voice reached Feng Qingluan's ears.

"You run, you run again."

Looking at the fierce elder, Feng Qingluan felt angry in her heart. His Feng family has no cowards, and death is not scary at all, but it is impossible for her to tell the secret. The Feng family will keep the secret for generations. people.

Since you can't survive, then drag this old thing to hell with you!Craziness flashed across Feng Qingluan's eyes, and suddenly with a trembling hand, a long whip hit the head of the Great Elder, and the Great Elder waved his hands to fight, only to see that the long whip wrapped around the Great Elder's arm like a spirit snake.

"With you on my back, I'll die!" Feng Qingluan yelled and jumped to the cliff with a long whip. Time to react.

Qin Zixuan walked barefoot in the stream, and was happily touching the fish with his hands open. Suddenly, his head went black, and he instinctively felt the danger. Qin Zixuan moved his hands to block it, and looked up.

I saw a red shadow hitting myself with the acceleration of gravity, my mother!Qin Zixuan screamed, turned around and ran away, Li Han reacted quickly, got up and kicked, and the red shadow was kicked out.

Hearing a muffled groan, the red shadow fell to the ground, several girls quickly surrounded her with their weapons in hand, Qin Zixuan retracted his arms and followed to watch, only one girl was lying on the ground.

This girl is as tall as a nine-day fairy, her appearance is still above Gongliangyan and Huayan, her eyebrows are beautiful, her nose is beautiful, and her red lips are alluring to commit crimes. Just look at Qin Zixuan's evil fire rising, let me go, there are really such stunning beauties in the world?

This beauty still fell from the sky, could it be that peach blossom?Qin Zixuan looked up at the sky, with a smirk on his lips, whether he should pick the flowers or not.

Before Qin Zixuan could figure it out, Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan had already figured it out. After a while, they looked at each other and said to Li Han, "It's her."

"Save people!" After being confirmed that Li Han didn't say anything about saving people, the imperial doctor immediately stepped forward to save people, while Qin Zixuan continued to stare at the little beauty, Li Han felt sour.

Gu Yueru stood behind Qin Zixuan, and kicked Qin Zixuan's ass to make him look out of shape, so why can't she look at herself!If Gu Yue was upset, she kicked Qin Zixuan like shit.

"Hey, why did you kick me?" Qin Zixuan rubbed his buttocks and screamed. The dinosaur was gnawing on a bone, and he couldn't help laughing until his bones spewed out. Fortunately, there was no one in front of him, otherwise he must have been hit badly, and the ground was covered with bones. Make a hole.

Yang Shulin was flipping the grilled skewers. Seeing this situation, he wiped his sweat in shock. He would not squat in front of the dinosaur even if he was killed. Yaya is too perverted. Even if he didn't mean to hurt someone, it would be even worse if he didn't mean to hurt someone.

"Brother, come here, let me tell you something." Dinosaur really can't see it. These women are thin-skinned, and his brother is stubborn. Dinosaur feels that he must help Qin Zixuan find out, otherwise he will have to chase him down. What year and what month to go.

Qin Zixuan glared at the smiling Gu Yueru before leaving, while Li Han was dragged by Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan to study Feng Qingluan. They studied Feng Qingluan from the beginning to the end, and wanted to see how grand this woman is. Luck can actually make Xianggong's luck better.

Dinosaur didn't speak in front of the girls, but walked with Qin Zixuan to a place where no one was around, and then Dinosaur said thugly: "Brother, you really didn't realize that Gu Yueru and the three of them are interested in you?"

What?Qin Zixuan's eyes widened, he pointed his finger at his nose and shook his head vigorously. This is impossible. Qin Zixuan knows himself well. Those who are either geniuses of cultivation or goddesses of the snow mountain, are he worthy?

"Brother, it's you!" Looking at Qin Zixuan's appearance, Dinosaur really wanted to slap Qin Zixuan. Others would jump up and down when they encountered such a thing, but this brother is so good, he actually has a hellish expression.

"Don't tease me, Yuemeizi and I are good friends, blue-faced bosom friends." Qin Zixuan waved his hand, and a look of disdain appeared on the dinosaur's face.

"Is there really pure friendship between a man and a woman? Brother, they are all men, don't be funny, if you don't think that you will be so nice to a woman? Of course, it is also possible that you dare not show this thought, are you afraid? Killed by the general?"

Dinosaur raised his eyebrows, looking like he was watching the excitement and not afraid of big things, Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose and started bragging, would he be afraid of the general?The general is very obedient, okay, as long as he is willing, he can carry back ten houses and eight houses.

But for the sake of the peace in the backyard, Qin Zixuan felt that the present is good, and one should not be too greedy. One must know that contentment is always happy, but being too greedy would be bad, and even spoil the current good life.

"Blow it, blow it, you can blow it vigorously, let me tell you, I have asked Da Hai, this time you really have to take a concubine, this is your destiny." , that is called envy in my heart.

People are more angry than people, talking about the current mood of dinosaurs, he wants to marry, but the problem is that he can't marry, let alone people, there is not even a beast.

"Do you believe it?" Qin Zixuan leaned on the dinosaur's head. This guy is very lazy. If he can sit instead of standing, the dinosaur has long been used to Qin Zixuan's appearance, so he is not surprised.

"This kind of thing is better to be believed than not to be believed. There are only a few women on the left and right, and they are all good-looking. Only your Yuemeizi is a little short, so she should just make up the number."

The dinosaur said here again: "If you don't believe me, how do you tell us how we got here? Can you explain clearly?"

"I really can't explain this question clearly," Qin Zixuan looked up at Qingtian, "What do you think God brought me here for? We don't have any ambitions, and that's what we have. Is this a reward or a punishment? Woolen cloth?"

Dinosaurs grind their teeth, do you need to ask?Qin Zixuan's reward is his punishment. Look at Qin Zixuan's little life, and then look at his own little life. If it wasn't for worrying about monsters in the afterlife, dinosaurs would want to take revenge on society.

(End of this chapter)

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