Chapter 1412

"Are you going to marry or not?" Dinosaur stared at Qin Zixuan, affirming that this brother was acting like a good boy after taking advantage of it, he was furious after persuading him, he really wanted to hang and beat this brother up, can you stop being so embarrassing.

"Marry? Is that okay?" Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and smiled badly. Even if he married, he had to do Li Han's work well first, so as not to mess up the backyard.

Dinosaur doesn't want to persuade this guy anymore, this is a typical example of getting cheap and acting good, only that big fool Li Han can stand him.

Over there, Li Han has already studied Feng Qingluan who is in a coma all over, and she is very satisfied with both her appearance and figure.Li Han is very straightforward, as long as he likes it, he will carry it back.

Li Han looked up at the cliff, and said to Gong Liangyan: "I don't know how far it is from the Holy Fire Palace, let's go to join the sea early."

Gong Liangyan nodded. What they were waiting for here was the peach blossom. Now that someone found it, Qin Zixuan couldn't bear it, so it was better to leave early. Seeing the fainted Feng Qingluan, he decided to leave after eating.

Qin Zixuan and the dinosaur also came back, and the dinosaur returned to his old seat, where he lay comfortably on his stomach. Seeing the dinosaur coming back, Yang Shulin hurriedly delivered skewers, not daring to offend this master.

Li Han lay on Qin Zixuan's shoulder, feeling sour, he didn't want the young man to take a concubine, but this one followed them like brown sugar, if they were attacked by swords and guns, it would be easy to deal with, but they didn't.

Li Han is a soft-hearted guy, so he really can't do anything with these people, plus that mysterious old Taoist, Li Han can only pinch his nose to help the young man, but he feels very uncomfortable.

"Do you want to eat?" Qin Zixuan asked while holding up the skewers, Li Han shook his head, Qin Zixuan opened his mouth to eat, then picked up another skewer, and said: "This is bastard meat, do you want to eat it?"

Li Han shook his head again, Qin Zixuan continued to eat, the dinosaur squinted at Qin Zixuan and Li Han, and wanted to smoke Qin Zixuan, didn't you see that the general was upset?At this time, it is not possible to solve the problem by eating.

"By the way, we will leave here to meet the sea after we have dinner." Li Han said, remembering the business, and the sea doesn't know what's going on.

"Oh, that's a good thing. If we stay for a few more days, the beasts here will be extinct." Qin Zixuan replied, the dinosaur pretended not to listen, and wanted to say that he could eat, huh, huh, being able to eat is a blessing.

Li Han forced a smile, Qin Zixuan held Li Han in his arms, wondering what happened to this girl, she must not be sick, this guy is so healthy, he has never been sick.

Being held in Qin Zixuan's arms, Li Han's sour water disappeared instantly, and he simply lay still in Qin Zixuan's arms. Qin Zixuan began to serve Li Han for dinner like a little slave.

Wow, the sun is out in the west!The dinosaur was stunned. Since when did the general be so soft, he would actually enjoy Qin Zixuan's service. Oh, I'll go!

After the meal, before Feng Qingluan woke up, Qin Zixuan ordered someone to get a stretcher to carry it, and the brigade began to move to the Holy Fire Palace, and the battle in the Holy Fire Palace continued.

Dahai followed the second elder and the others, watching them fight from the mountain gate to the back mountain, and then spread out to look for Feng Qingluan, but found nothing. The third elder and fourth elder thought Feng Qingluan was rescued by the first elder , I feel refreshed.

The second elder and Hua Tianhu looked at each other, and felt that these two immortals were in the way, and they had to be dealt with, so they launched a counterattack. The third and fourth elders turned their eyes and fled forward, so they should look for reinforcements.

It's just that the four of them returned to the mountain gate, where the fight was a mess, they couldn't distinguish between the enemy and us, and it was useless to call to stop.

The Second Elder's eyes swept across the battlefield. Generally speaking, his side has the upper hand. If that's the case, then continue to fight. If he doesn't kill this group of diehards, his great cause will be hard to achieve.

Dahai followed behind in a circle and returned to the main force. Zhao Qingfeng and the others saw Dahai's return and asked when to make a move. Dahai looked at the battle in the distance. It's not too late to make a move.

Don't even think about completing the Saint Master's battle within three to five days, it's better to hide your body and watch the show.Hai Hai quickly gave an order, and they continued to hide, and it would not be too late to fight again when the time was right.

No one objected to Dahai's decision. Everyone knew that it was the best choice. If they went out now, maybe the three parties would join forces to fight against the enemy, and their advantages would turn into disadvantages in minutes.

It was already a day after Feng Qingluan woke up. At that time, the soldiers were carrying Feng Qingluan to move with the large army. Feng Qingluan was stunned for a long time after waking up, and then remembered what happened, and tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

Is it true that Feng's family will never end when it comes to her?What exactly is their Feng family guarding?Feng Qingluan couldn't figure out why the First Elder and the Second Elder would suddenly do something wrong.

They clearly stand aloof from the world, so why is there blood behind this non-contest?Feng Qingluan thought silently, letting tears flow.

The soldiers carrying Feng Qingluan quickly discovered Feng Qingluan's abnormality, and hurriedly notified Qin Zixuan and Li Han. The notification was good, and Qin Zixuan and his group gathered around Feng Qingluan, watching Feng Qingluan as if they were watching a monster.

"Miss sister, what's your name? Why did you fall off the cliff?" Qin Zixuan couldn't help but feel like throwing up, and that coquettish guy started flirting with girls again. The key is that you marry and go home after flirting.

"Miss, where do you live? Do you need us to take you home?" Li Han asked, his eyes sparkling, and he really wanted to find out Feng Qingluan's bottom line. The best way to find out is to go to her house.

Faced with the fiery eyes of Qin Zixuan and his group, Feng Qingluan chose to remain silent. She didn't know who these people were, nor what they were going to do. Why did they come to the Suzaku Mountains? Are they friends or foes?Before everything is clear, Feng Qingluan feels that she should remain silent.

"It's over, she's dumb." Qin Zixuan said seriously with his hands spread out. Li Han opened his eyes wide and asked for an explanation, asking how the dumb conclusion came from. Qin Zixuan has his own set of theories.

That is, the mute is beautiful and smart, so God took away his voice after giving him such a good condition. This reason is not convincing.

Gong Liangyan said quietly: "Why didn't God take away your voice?"

"Hehe, can I understand that you are praising me in a disguised form?" Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, and shot electric currents at Gong Liangyan. Gong Liangyan's face turned red, and he decided to ignore Qin Zixuan.

Li Han looked at Qin Zixuan very seriously, he looked better than Feng Qingluan, it would be unfair if Feng Qingluan was dumb.

Feng Qingluan was lying on the stretcher, letting everyone look at her and fight with her. She just lay quietly, and Qin Zixuan looked at her worryingly, why should she be afraid of a person who is not even afraid of death?

(End of this chapter)

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