Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1413 Wonderful

Chapter 1413 Wonderful
Feng Qingluan didn't know where Qin Zixuan and his group were carrying her, until she heard the sound of fighting, Feng Qingluan became curious, and slowly raised her head from the stretcher to see the direction of the battle.

The sea was leaning on the tree trunk to look at the battle in the distance, and he had to admit that the battle of the holy master was really wonderful. The rocks and trees were destroyed in a mess, and big stones rolled down from the mountain one by one, like an earthquake.

Hearing footsteps behind him, Dahai looked back and found that Qin Zixuan had arrived. He immediately jumped down from the tree and greeted him with a smile: "Father, are you here? Have you found anything?"

Dahai asked and looked towards the team, just in time to see Feng Qingluan looking up towards the direction of the battle, Dahai was stunned, I'll go, isn't it her father's luck to meet her!
Qin Zixuan slapped Dahai on the shoulder, obviously talking to him, where did he look, and asked in a low voice, "Son, what's going on now?"

Dahai looked at Qin Zixuan, then squinted at Feng Qingluan who was lying on the stretcher, after thinking about it, he could tell the truth, anyway, the betrayal of the Holy Fire Palace had something to do with him.

Li Han and his daughters also gathered around, wanting to know what's going on at the front line, they probably didn't miss the good show, these people also want to eat melons and watch the show.

Dahai pointed in the direction of the Holy Fire Palace, and whispered, "King Zhengxi's team has been wiped out. The current situation is that the Hua family's team is colluding with the ghosts in the Holy Fire Palace and is massacring the disciples loyal to the Holy Fire Palace."

"Wow, so exciting?" Qin Zixuan became excited when he heard it, and called it wonderful. He didn't expect so many people to want to be Orioles, but in the end there was only one team that was Orioles, and that was Qin Zixuan's team.

Feng Qingluan's head exploded after hearing this, and she struggled to get up from the stretcher. She wanted to see the situation of the Holy Fire Palace.

Bai Jing stood behind Li Han, turned her head to see Feng Qingluan's movements, because it was inconvenient for the soldiers to help Feng Qingluan stand up, Bai Jing walked over and asked, "Who is this person?"

"Mute." The soldier could reply cleanly, but Feng Qingluan stared at her after she finished her reply. She is not dumb, she just doesn't want to talk. Of course, Qin Zixuan should be the one who should stare at him most, but it's a pity that Qin Zixuan sent her away It's the back of the head.

"Mute, what do you want to do?" Bai Jing asked while supporting Feng Qingluan, curious in her heart, is the prince's peach blossom a mute?God really knows how to joke, can the prince be happy?Bai Jing felt a little overwhelmed.

Feng Qingluan was angry in her heart, knowing that this group of people were not good people, she wanted to push Bai Jing away, but unfortunately she didn't have the strength, and she had to rely on Bai Jing's support if she wanted to stand up.

The imperial doctor stood by and rubbed his hands anxiously. Several bones on Feng Qingluan's body were broken, so it was really not suitable for moving, but the imperial doctor was also afraid of Bai Jing, that woman was more terrifying than the prince, so he could only stare blankly.

Qin Zixuan had already jumped on the tree pole to watch the excitement, and saw that the second elder and the fourth elder had already fired a real fire, and a crater appeared in the rock with a slap, and the broken stones flew around, affecting the saints who were close to the two, and had to change the battlefield.

I saw Qin Zixuan shouting: "Wow, that old man with red beard is so powerful, he actually slapped the rock into pieces with one slap, wow, that guy with the gray beard is unlucky, ouch, that slap is so strong, tsk tsk, his little heart is broken into pieces!" scum"

Qin Zixuan went to the collective black line, and he was like a live broadcaster, watching and commenting, saying that this one was stupid and that one was stupid, this one was wrong, and that one was beaten well.

Don't watch it, just listen to Qin Zixuan's commentary, not to mention that even if you don't watch it, it sounds interesting, the key is that Qin Zixuan's commentary is nice and funny, like listening to a cross talk.

Everyone is having a good time, but one person is having a hard time. Following Qin Zixuan's explanation, Feng Qingluan knows a cruel truth, that is, the third elder is dead, the fourth elder is injured, and all the disciples of the Holy Fire Palace are dead or injured. Feng Qingluan's heart was stirred like a knife.

how so?why?Feng Qingluan couldn't figure it out, everything was fine when she got up in the morning, why it suddenly became like this, the second elder betrayed and killed her father, and the first elder almost forced herself to death.

Now that the third elder is dead and the fourth elder is injured, who else can she rely on?Feng Qingluan only felt that there was darkness in front of her eyes, and couldn't help but spurt out a stream of blood, and she fainted anxiously.

Bai Jing supported Feng Qingluan in a daze, where did this girl come from, she is so angry, who offended her?After thinking about it, Bai Jing didn't feel that she had done anything excessive.

Dahai jumped down from Qin Zixuan's side, and touched Feng Qingluan's veins with his hands. He was so angry that he couldn't die!So Dahai felt relieved, took out a pill and fed him one, and then asked Bai Jing to put him back on the stretcher.

Qin Zixuan also looked back, seeing that there was nothing serious to continue his explanation, Lingeryi clapped his hands on the tree and applauded, Qin Zixuan's vanity was greatly satisfied, Li Han rubbed his chin and didn't know what to think.

Dahai returned to the tree pole and continued to look at the battlefield. It's not yet time for them to make a move. It won't be too late when only the last wave will kill the three waves.

After the second elder and the patriarch of the Hua family killed the third elder with all their strength, their eyes fell on the fourth elder. The strength of the four elders in the Holy Fire Palace is not weak. If such a master is left behind, it will be a disaster, and he may secretly kill him one day .

Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.The Second Elder didn't want to have a pair of eyes behind him. He didn't have front and back eyes, and he couldn't guard against thieves for a thousand days. The best way was to kill him.

The Fourth Elder clutched his chest, and a strong desire to save his life burst out from his eyes. He is a disciple of the Holy Fire Palace, and he wants to fight for the Holy Fire Palace, but he can't let the Holy Fire Palace be destroyed in his hands. In order to continue his blood, he can only escape .

Thinking of this, the fourth elder turned around and wanted to escape, but it was too late at this time, the second elder didn't give him a chance at all, and attacked the fourth elder with the ancestor of the Hua family.

The fourth elder had no choice but to fight, and shouted while fighting: "Second brother, what happened to you, why did you betray the Holy Fire Palace?"

The second elder sneered, he had his own reasons for his betrayal, who made the Feng family be the master of the palace from generation to generation, who made the Feng family keep a secret and refused to disclose it, since the Feng family is not benevolent, why can't I be unrighteous?

Besides, why the Feng family has been the master of the palace for generations, the Holy Fire Palace belongs to his family!There are hundreds of thousands of unconvinced second elders in their hearts, and they have long wanted to rebel, but Feng's strength to leave is too strong, and the second elders can't find a chance.

However, the Feng family is now withered talents, and Feng Qingluan is the only one in Feng Qingluan's lineage. As long as Feng Qingluan is killed and Feng Qingluan is captured, the secret that the Feng family guards is their own!

Hehe, the second elder's face was full of smiles when he thought of the good thing, and the killing move in his hand became more ferocious, and the fourth elder passively supported him.

(End of this chapter)

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