Chapter 1414

"Oh, it's a pity that another one died. That's a holy master."

Just as Feng Qingluan woke up, Qin Zixuan's voice came to her ears, her face turned pale in a hurry, and she struggled to sit up, Feng Qingluan didn't realize that her injury was much better than before.

With a sudden push, Feng Qingluan jumped onto the tree pole. Qin Zixuan looked back after hearing the movement, and saw Feng Qingluan jumping to his side with a pale face.

Standing still on the tree pole, Feng Qingluan looked up, only to see shadowy figures fighting together, it was really hard to tell who was the enemy and who was the friend, Qin Zixuan looked sideways at Feng Qingluan, this young lady Are you too concerned about the battlefield?

Dahai looked at Feng Qingluan's movements and curled his lips. He didn't know how the young master of the Holy Fire Palace would feel when he saw the chaotic battle. If he was his disciple, Dahai would definitely clean up the house.

"Use this to see, you can see clearly." Qin Zixuan handed over the binoculars and quietly looked at Feng Qingluan, feeling that this beauty has a lot to do with the Holy Fire Palace, Feng Qingluan took the binoculars and raised her eyes to look.

He didn't pay much attention to Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan's eyes swept towards Dahai, Dahai should know what's going on, but Dahai pretended not to know, so he wouldn't take the initiative to pick Mingfeng Qingluan's identity, if he really wanted to Minato is boring.

Feng Qingluan saw the battlefield clearly through the binoculars. When she saw one disciple after another of the Holy Fire Palace die in battle, Feng Qingluan's heart ached, she clenched her teeth tightly, and her lips were bleeding.

Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at Feng Qingluan's changes, and was still guessing Feng Qingluan's identity. At this moment, Feng Qingluan couldn't help but vomit blood and almost fell from the tree. Fortunately, Qin Zixuan and Li Han were on the left and one on the other. Pull her right.

Qin Zixuan looked at Li Han and silently asked what was going on, Li Han grinned and said God knows, they have been together all this time, this Feng Qingluan can't even say a word, so there is no way to find out.

Dahai looked at the battlefield with a telescope. There must have been some changes on the battlefield that made Feng Qingluan feel distressed. Looking at Dahai, he found that the old man who had been fighting with the second elder and the ancestor of the Hua family had fallen down.

Could it be that he made Feng Qingluan feel distressed?Dahai secretly guessed, and continued to look at the battlefield. With the fall of the fourth elder, the second elder and the ancestor of the Hua family showed their supernatural power. Anyone who resisted would be killed immediately, and they would drink and surrender from time to time.

Feng Qingluan held the binoculars tightly, and the veins in her hands were throbbing. Feng Qingluan also heard the cry of surrender and not to kill. Her heart was very complicated, she wanted them to fight to the death, but also hoped that they would live.

After a while, Feng Qingluan raised the binoculars, and what she saw was a one-sided massacre, Feng Qingluan couldn't bear it anymore, those who were killed were all disciples of the Holy Fire Palace, they must be rescued.

Suddenly, Feng Qingluan turned her head to stare at Qin Zixuan, gritted her teeth and said, "Grandfather, please save the disciples of the Holy Fire Palace."

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, pointed at Feng Qingluan and shouted: "Wow, so you are not dumb, then why didn't you talk to me before?"

Is that the point?Feng Qingluan gritted her teeth, "Grandfather, may I ask how you are willing to rescue the disciples of the Holy Fire Palace?"

Qin Zixuan blinked his eyes and rescued the disciples of the Holy Fire Palace. This Qin Zixuan really didn't want to. They would lose out in the fight, and he would bring a large team of troops down from the sky. After a cleansing, who would still be their opponent in the Southern Continent?
Qin Zixuan was still hesitating, but Li Han interrupted and said, "As long as you are willing to marry my husband, you will naturally be able to help save the disciples of the Holy Fire Palace."

What?Qin Zixuan and Feng Qingluan exclaimed at the same time, they stared at Li Han with wide eyes, Qin Zixuan couldn't believe his ears, what did the eldest daughter-in-law say, are you a villain who takes advantage of others?
Feng Qingluan couldn't believe her eyes, if she didn't mistake Li Han as Qin Zixuan's wife, why is his wife helping her husband find a wife, is she crazy?

No matter how surprised the two of them were, Li Han stared at Feng Qingluan and waited for her to reply. Feng Qingluan also stared at Li Han, wanting to see if there was a word of joke in Li Han's eyes. To be honest, this joke is not funny at all .

Gong Liangyan stood under the tree and looked up at the tree pole. Gong Liangyan didn't expect that it was Li Han who made this request. Shouldn't it be Qin Zixuan who made the request?

"Why?" Feng Qingluan was puzzled, why did she marry Qin Zixuan herself, is Li Han in front of her really so generous?
"No reason, to marry or not to marry?" Li Han's face was full of seriousness and domineering, Qin Zixuan listened to it in a bad way, he was not a villain enough to force others to marry him.

"Well, big daughter-in-law, the love between a man and a woman is about mutual affection, not forced buying and selling, which is not good." Qin Zixuan said, Feng Qingluan did not receive gratitude, but was glared at by Feng Qingluan instead, Qin Zixuan thought That is a grievance.

Dahai and the others were sitting nearby watching the play, but none of them came out to speak for Qin Zixuan. Ling'er even stood beside Liu Yi and whispered, "My father must be having fun."

Although it was a low voice, there were no weak people around here, they were all at the level of saint masters, some people couldn't help laughing, Qin Zixuan looked at Ling'er innocently, is this still his own?

Ling'er made funny faces at Qin Zixuan, she was not afraid of Qin Zixuan, this made Qin Zixuan have no choice but to take Ling'er, just such a daughter, no matter how angry Qin Zixuan was, he would not be able to teach her a lesson.

Feng Qingluan looked at Ling'er, then at Qin Zixuan, feeling an indescribable sadness in her heart. Although she is not too young, is it really good to marry someone whose child is taller than her own?

"Don't put on such a face, okay? I'm already in my 30s, and I really think I'm still eighteen." Hua Yan suddenly said, with a cold displeasure on her face. She had known Qin Zixuan for so long, and she still He didn't start talking about marriage, so why did Feng Qingluan take the lead.

"What, what?" Qin Zixuan looked in disbelief. What do you mean by over 30? This young lady is over 30, so is she still a young lady?Qin Zixuan stared at Huayan closely, hoping to get an answer.

"She's already 35, I'll think about it later." Hua Yan was upset, and naturally wanted to pull people into the water. It was impossible to pretend to be small in front of her, and Qu Zhi could figure it out.

ah!Qin Zixuan looked at Hua Yan.Looking at Feng Qingluan again, I saw that Feng Qingluan's face was filled with anger, and Li Han blinked. I didn't expect someone to take better care of her than her. She looked like this for only 35 years, but she was already [-]. .

Not to mention, at this age, he really fits well with the young man, and he is only two years younger than the young man. Such a calculation is not difficult, after all, they are both old and young, and it is time to find someone to marry him off. Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to marry.

Thinking of this, Li Han's sense of guilt disappeared, and he was almost deceived by her appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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