Chapter 1421

Feng Qingluan was carried by the disciples of the Holy Fire Palace, lying on the stretcher, Qin Zixuan's voice was in her head, and looking at the palace that was being demolished in front of her, she felt a sense of enlightenment.

Yes, she was born in the Holy Fire Palace since she was a child, and she thought she was superior to others since she was a child. Every time she went out to practice, she had to bring a gold cup and a silver cup, and looked at those people who thought they were ants and were not worthy to sit with her Ants.

But how is he different from them?Apart from being born in Feng's family, there seemed to be nothing special about her. She would be injured and die. What went wrong?
I remember it was recorded in the classics that their Feng family was just a guardian, guarding the secrets under the palace of the Holy Fire Palace. When did the guardian live so beautifully?

Feng Qingluan was lying there in a daze, while the disciple of the Holy Fire Palace who was carrying Feng Qingluan turned blue with anger, thinking that what Qin Zixuan said was nonsense, and that was something from their Holy Fire Palace.

"Young Palace Master, do you listen to what he said?" Chen Yu said, looking at Feng Qingluan's appearance, he hated iron and steel. If the Young Palace Master also had the strength of the Palace Master, who would dare to snatch their treasure.

"Hey, why are you here?" Chen Yu's voice interrupted Qin Zixuan's speech, Qin Zixuan was quite surprised to see Feng Qingluan coming.

"It's nothing, just take a look." Feng Qingluan said lightly, his eyes swept around, Feng Qingluan's heart was extremely complicated, originally he was persuaded by Chen Yu and his group to ask for personal favors, but now Feng Qingluan doesn't want to ask for this Humanity, perhaps it is the protection of the poor to stay here.

Looking at Feng Qingluan's calm face, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, it seems that this woman has figured it out, she doesn't want to die, and she can live. Not many people want to die, but seeing Chen Yu's angry face, Qin Zixuan felt that the holy fire I'm afraid it's not easy for disciples of the palace, this is the root of the disaster.

Should we get rid of these people? After thinking about it, Qin Zixuan felt that it was better to forget it and give them a chance. If they can seize the opportunity to be a good person and not cause trouble, then let them live.

"When will your health get better?" Qin Zixuan asked again.Feng Qingluan calculated silently in her heart for a while, her body thought it was hard, if it wasn't for Qin Zixuan and his gang who had good medicine, she would probably have to lie in bed for three years.

Now that there is a good medicine to treat her, she will have to lie down for three months. During these three months, she has no strength, and can only walk like an ordinary person, and can't even do heavy work.

Dahai looked at Feng Qingluan, and then at the direction of the back mountain. Where did the person who took Feng Qingluan go?Feng Qingluan fell off the cliff.

At that time, there was only one person with Feng Qingluan, that is to say, that person was most likely the murderer who caused Feng Qingluan to fall off the cliff, so is that person dead or alive now?

Dahai didn't ask any questions, because there were too many people here, it wasn't suitable, so Dahai led the people forward, Feng Qingluan motioned Chen Yu to follow, but Chen Yu was unwilling.

Feng Qingluan looked at Chen Yu's complexion, then looked at other people, and said suddenly: "The Holy Fire Palace has nothing now, if you don't want to continue to follow me, you can leave, I will plead with Lord Cheng and let him set you free. "

Qin Zixuan, who was advancing, was stuck there. Did this woman go too far? She begged to save people. Now she is the one who decides to let people go without saying hello to her. If she really begged, she should explain it to herself first and then pass it on. ?
Qin Zixuan turned his head to look at the twenty or so people, each of them was wounded and sad on his face, he actually thought seriously after hearing Feng Qingluan's words, I'll go, these people don't want to leave, right? They're not loyal to the Holy Fire Palace ?

"Young Palace Master, as you said, there is nothing left in the Holy Fire Palace. There is really no need for us to stay, but before I leave, I would like to ask the Great Elder where he went?"

Chen Yu stared at Feng Qingluan, and Feng Qingluan was also looking at Chen Yu. Feng Qingluan was not sure what Chen Yu meant by asking the elder?Is he loyal to the Holy Fire Palace or to the Great Elder?

The Second Elder can lead a group of people to rebel, and the First Elder is also possible, so whether these people are loyal to the Holy Fire Palace, Feng Qingluan is not sure now, after the great changes, Feng Qingluan has matured and thinks more.

After a long time, Feng Qingluan said calmly: "The Great Elder tried to kill me. In the end, both of us were hurt. I fell off the cliff with him at the same time. I don't know whether he is alive or dead."

Hey, there are so many stories, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows when he heard it, Dahai showed such a smile, Chen Yu's face changed drastically, but he recovered quickly, and found a very reasonable explanation.

Of course, Chen Yu made it clear that he didn't want to stay in the Holy Fire Palace anymore, because there was nothing he wanted to protect here. Feng Qingluan didn't force her, and her eyes fell on Qin Zixuan.

"You can leave as you want, I have no objection." Qin Zixuan spread his hands and did not block anyone, which made Chen Yu happy to hear that, he exchanged a glance with Chen Liang, and confessed to Feng Qingluan that they were about to leave.

What made Qin Zixuan speechless the most was that Chen Yu left and took away all the disciples of the Holy Fire Palace. Feng Qingluan didn't even have a stretcher to carry. I really don't know how to describe it.

Qin Hui still had three good scents, but this Feng Qingluan didn't have one, they all left!
"Hey, Feng Qingluan, how did you become the young palace master? You don't even have a loyal servant." Qin Zixuan couldn't help asking, Li Han and the others also looked at Feng Qingluan, quite curious.

Feng Qingluan's face flushed slightly, she really didn't know what to say about this, in fact, the members of their Feng family were still practicing besides cultivation, and the four elders were in charge of all matters in the palace, and she, the young palace master, basically had no Never mind anything.

Of course, there is also an advantage to doing this, that is, her cultivation speed is different from ordinary people. My father said that as long as the fist is big, no one will dare to be disobedient. Now it seems that what my father said is not completely correct.

Her father's fist was quite big, but he was attacked to death by the second elder, so a big fist does not necessarily mean a long life, but she survived like this before, is it her fault that there is no loyal servant now?

Seeing Feng Qingluan not knowing what Shuihe was talking about, Qin Zixuan seriously wondered if he had found the wrong person?Li Han called soldiers to carry Feng Qingluan. As for Chen Yu and the others letting them go, let's see what tricks they play.

Yinglao looked at the background of Chen Yu and others, his eyes flickered, and then he made a gesture. He was curious whether these people would go to the great elder, but Gong Liangshan and others did not continue to pay attention. They felt that this matter Dahai should be worried, anyway, it's Dahai's job to wipe Qin Zixuan's ass.

Qin Zixuan hooked Gong Liangyan's shoulder and asked mysteriously, "Are you sure it's her? She looks so stupid, such a big sect has been ruined."

(End of this chapter)

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