Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1422 Arrogance

Chapter 1422 Arrogance
Gong Liangyan told Qin Zixuan with certainty that he did not miscalculate the wrong person, it was Feng Qingluan. As for why Feng Qingluan is so stupid, this is also easy to explain, it must be that he didn't teach those fools when he was young.

In fact, how can a high-ranking princess who does not eat the fireworks of the world, be intriguing? She must be raised by the people around her as Xiaobai, and then grow up to become Dabai.

Qin Zixuan felt that it made sense, so he didn't continue to entangle. Everyone got what they needed, and the return journey went smoothly, and there was no uneven distribution of spoils afterwards.

After they returned to Suzaku Imperial City, Dahai began to hold a meeting. The future direction of the Southern Continent was entirely in Dahai's hands, and how to manage the world in the future was also in Dahai's hands.

Qin Zixuan didn't care about those fluffy things, he just played with Ling'er wholeheartedly, Li Han and his daughters automatically abdicated after Ling'er appeared, and their positions had to be ranked after Ling'er.

Li Han, who was free, invited Gong Liangyan and the girls to start discussing the wedding. During this period, Li Han went to ask Feng Qingluan if she had any relatives. If she had any relatives, he would help her find them and then attend her wedding.

Feng Qingluan's eyes turned red when she thought of her own life experience, but now she has no hostility towards Li Han. Since she is going to marry Qin Zixuan, then Li Han is the mistress and her family.

Now it seems that Li Han is a good person, at least he didn't mean to embarrass her. After Li Han heard about Feng Qingluan's life experience, he could only sigh, this is also a poor person.

Feng Qingluan's mother died of bleeding when giving birth to her. Afterwards, Feng Litian was obsessed with cultivation and ignored Feng Qingluan. Feng Qingluan was brought up by a servant. The servant died of illness when he was five years old. Rumor has it that she is a disaster star.

So the children also played for her, and the elder told Feng Qingluan that you are the master of the young palace, you are born to be different, you just need to stay on top, you don't need friends.

Li Han's words sound like fart, how can a person have no friends, no matter if they are fox friends or dog friends, there must be two of them, so it can be seen that the elder has no good intentions.

Because there was no one to guide her properly, Feng Qingluan grew up in loneliness. If it weren't for this sudden change, Feng Qingluan would continue to hold her young palace master's posture aloof.

When Li Han heard that Feng Litian's two brothers had passed away unexpectedly, he instinctively told Li Han that this was a conspiracy, how could there be so many accidents, and all accidents happened while going out for training, nine out of ten were man-made.

This was a conspiracy against the Feng family, but unfortunately there was nothing left of the conspiracy in the end, but it was a good deal for the young man, Li Han couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he thought of this.

Because Feng Qingluan was ill, she could only rest in rest. Li Han told her not to worry, everything was with her, and she gained Feng Qingluan's favor. At this time, Feng Qingluan was fragile, and it was the best time to subdue her.

This white girl accepted her fate so easily, and the matter of revenge disappeared with the death of the Second Elder and his gang, but Feng Qingluan was still thinking about the Holy Fire Palace, until Li Han told her that there was no one in the dilapidated old palace It's only when you move it that you feel relieved.

Feng Qingluan has always known that their Feng family is the guardian, guarding the secret of the old highness, Feng Qingluan doesn't know what the secret is, only knows that it is very important.

As for how to open it, Feng Qingluan felt a piece of jade pendant around her neck, and then remembered that the necklace was given to Qin Zixuan.Li Han didn't ask more secrets, but let Feng Qingluan take a good rest, and took him back to Daqin when the Southern Continent settled down.

Feng Qingluan handed everything over to Li Han, and lay quietly on the bed to rest. Looking back on the past, she felt like a big dream. Sometimes Feng Qingluan would pat herself on the head and scold her for being a fool.

Probably because she felt unwilling to think that the majestic Holy Fire Palace was being emptied by others. Apart from scolding him for being stupid, Feng Qingluan was powerless to change.

Qin Zixuan was playing with Ling'er on a balance car when he saw Dahai approaching cheerfully. He didn't need to ask to know that something good had happened. Sure enough, Dahai brought good news, that is, the Huangshan group has landed and will come soon to the imperial city.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows after hearing this, while Ling'er felt that someone was going to be unlucky. Looking at the calculation in the elder brother's eyes, he knew that it was still bad luck. Linger said that she was afraid, she should go to play with the master.

Knowing that the three little guys from Huangshan were coming, Qin Zixuan was very happy. If his mother could come, the family would be reunited. Speaking of his mother, Qin Zixuan began to care about Da Qin's affairs again.

Daqin is still the same Daqin, and Daqin is not the same Daqin. The emperor of Daqin is drunk and dreams every day. The power of Daqin falls into the hands of Empress Ren. The empress Ren who holds the power is not doing well.

After Qin Ziming disappeared, Daqin fell into turmoil. People rebelled every day. The imperial court suppressed the rebellion.

What's more, the [-] imperial guards are very different from the [-] imperial guards led by Li Han. Li Han is famous for his strict command of the army, and his generals will kill everyone.

The Imperial Guards were able to maintain their combat effectiveness when they were in the hands of the Cheng family. After the fall of the Cheng family, the power of the Imperial Guards changed back and forth, and now it is in the hands of the Ren family. The real knife doesn't seem to work.

The ban was sent twice to suppress the chaos, and 5 people were sent back and forth, and then less than 5 of these [-] people came back. The soldiers died in battle, and the chaos was not put down. Spitfire.

There are many rebellions in various parts of the Great Qin, among which the power of Qi and Chu is the most important. It was the territory conquered by the Great Qin when it was strong, and now they are rebelling again, and the territory of the Great Qin has shrunk and become heavier.

Empress Ren had no choice but to admit the existence of Qi Chu, and she was notorious both inside and outside the court. Even so, Empress Ren never thought about ceding power, and she still held power tightly in her hands. This woman wanted to be emperor and was crazy.

After clenching the power, Empress Ren did not make any external moves, but she used a lot of internal tricks. She actually wanted to take down Cheng Wang's mansion to establish her prestige. Unexpectedly, the prestige was not established, but her subordinates were seriously injured. Angrily, Ren Empress launched [-] forbidden troops to besiege Cheng. palace.

The result is that the army surrounded for three days, and then broke into the door, and saw a sign standing in the middle of the gate of Prince Cheng's mansion. If you touch me, you will break ten fingers with a blade of grass, and if you touch me, you will die with a tree!

It was Ren Daxi who took the lead in rushing in. When he looked at the sign standing in the yard, his brow was sweating. He looked left and right and asked the soldiers to remove the sign.

All eyes were on Ren Daxi, and they wanted to see if Ren Daxi would dare to dismantle it. Ren Daxi walked up to the sign against the fiery gaze from all around him, grabbed the sign and was about to force it, and let out a scream .

(End of this chapter)

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